CYF: 66-2411-5848715 - Hygyrchedd Dogfennau
Dy sylw: It is imperative that all lecture materials are prepared using fonts that can be saved using OneDrive. This requirement ensures our documents remain accessible and properly formatted for all users. Failure to adhere to this guideline could lead to significant disruptions in our ability to share and collaborate on essential educational resources. Please take this matter seriously to maintain the integrity of our presentations and documentation.
Ein hymateb:
Diolch am eich sylw. Atgoffwyd y staff o bwysigrwydd creu deunyddiau dysgu hygyrch ac maent wedi derbyn canllaw a deunyddiau hyfforddi gan y pwyllgor Datblygu Dysgu ac Addysgu. Mae Blackboard Ally hefyd ar gael i fyfyrwyr ei ddefnyddio i helpu i gael mynediad at ffeiliau mewn fformatau amgen: Cymorth System Rheoli Dysgu gan Ally i fyfyrwyr.
Siaradwch â chydlynwyr y modiwl dan sylw a gofynnwch iddynt newid unrhyw ddeunyddiau darlith anhygyrch.