Parents and Teachers Corner

Welcome to the British Science Week here from Aberystwyth University!

At Aberystwyth University, alongside hosting events such as Science Week, we also offer a wide range of free workshops and resources for schools.


We'd greatly appreciate any feedback you might have to help us improve this event in the future. 

Here's the link to complete a short feedback form. 

Should you find an issue with one our webpages or stands, please contact - 


British Science Week Quiz

As with every year, we've provided a quiz for your children/pupils to complete as they visit each virtual stand.

We recommend that you keep the quiz open in another tab on your browser, so that you can easily go back and forth between the stands and the quiz. 

You can access the quiz here.


Online Resource Hub

The University also has an Online Resources Hub which contains a wealth of information for Teachers, Parents and Students of all ages. 

You can access the Online Resource Hub here.


Outreach Activities

If you'd like your children/pupils to learn more about science, then you might be interested in booking an outreach activity. Learn more about the outreach activities that we have available in the sections below. 

Business and Physical Sciences

Natalie Roberts is the Outreach Officer for the Faculty of Business and Physical Sciences at Aberystwyth University.

You may already know that, before Covid-19, we offered free in-school and public workshops for all age groups, in the subjects of Maths, Physics and Computer Science. Now, we offer a wider range of workshops, with the inclusion of Business and Information Studies, virtually. The full menu can be viewed below:

Business and Physical Science - Outreach Activities

We understand how stressful and difficult the last year has been for teachers, parents, and students alike. Therefore, we have started to make workshops and resources available direct to learners on our Faculty’s Outreach Hub. Additionally, some of this material has been adapted and made freely available to teachers through TES (The Times Educational Supplement):

Click Here - Link to Business and Physical Sience Outreach Hub

Click Here - Link to TES Resources

We are constantly developing new material and workshops. If you have a suggestion, query, or are looking for support on a specific subject/area, then please do not hesitate to contact Natalie (


Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences

We are keen to establish and maintain links with schools, colleges and young farmers groups across Wales and the UK.

We can offer visits to your institution from members of our academic staff (When safe to do so), who can deliver talks on the university, IBERS and what degree schemes we offer at undergraduate and postgraduate level. We are also able to talk about the research IBERS undertakes and what it can be like for students to study in higher education.

If you have a suggestion, query, or are looking for support on a specific subject/area, then please do not hesitate to contact Dr Russ Morphew (

For further information on our outreach take a look here:

Click Here - Link to Departmental Outreach Page 

Geography and Earth Sciences

We're dedicated to providing outreach and public engagement events to schools and colleges across the UK.

We have a comprehensive school and college liaison programme designed to enrich the GCSE and A-level curriculums, providing a range of resources to students of Geography, Geology, Environmental Studies and Sociology.

If you have a suggestion, query, or are looking for support on a specific subject/area, then please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Mark Whitehead (

For further information on our outreach take a look here:

Click Here - Link to Departmental Outreach Page 


Psychology at Aberystwyth has a very long tradition of engaging with schools all over the world. 

We have expertise in a great number of areas related to Psychology and a good number are directly relevant to issues covered in the IB, A-levels and GCSE. Staff here all know that talking to students (and parents and teachers) is an opportunity to help us develop psychology across the United Kingdom and help students make up their minds about what they would like to study when leave school. We all have good working relationships with teachers and advisors both in the UK and further afield, so please do get in touch if you think we can a useful part of your school and department's strategy. If nothing else, we can help inject a little surprise and fun when students might be beginning to lose focus, and remind them that their hard work in school is really worth it!

If you have a suggestion, query, or are looking for support on a specific subject/area, then please do not hesitate to contact our team (

For further information on our outreach take a look here:

Click Here - Link to Departmental Outreach Page