About Res. Life

Students sitting on grass with a laptop

BywydAberlife – has 4 core values that guide and define the work we do:

    • Providing a Safe Environment
    • Fostering a Community Spirit
    • Staff and Student Engagement
    • Staff and Student Wellbeing


Your Residence Assistants (RAs) are fellow students who are here to provide you with support and guidance, while aiming to create a positive living and learning environment and to foster a sense of community across the university. This may include guidance on resolving flat/house disputes, how to combat exam stress, information on events and activities around the area, or simply where to find the best cup of tea in Aber! If they can't help, they will signpost you to someone who can.

Your time in our Residences

We are dedicated to ensuring that you have the best possible time here and we will work with you and your fellow students to:

  • Provide a warm welcome and encourage a smooth transition to University Life
  • Build a community focused culture that will give you a sense of belonging
  • We aim to bring our students together through Res. Life activities that may develop your learning and skills, providing practical support for your student life as well as social and cultural activities
  • Promote positive living behaviours and address any inappropriate conduct
  • Provide peer to peer support and signposting to professional services
  • Build upon the connection of learning and living experiences
  • The Res. Life and RA team work in partnership with Student Support & Careers, Student Union, Accommodation Office, and the Residences Property Team.
  • The RA’s will assist students in all aspects of your on-campus living experience.

Together with our colleagues, the Res. Life Team will work to ensure your accommodation remains fit for purpose during your accommodation contract, working within all University policies and procedures related to student accommodation and living on campus so you have the best possible time.



Flatmate agreements

The RA team will be calling to meet with residents during the 1st term. These are pre-arranged meetings, with notification sent in advance to allow all students the opportunity to attend, discuss and agree how you would like to live and share the accommodation and communal spaces.
This is an opportunity to agree some rules and boundaries to help build a more conducive living environment for all students living together.

Your RA will provide a cleaning rota upon request to assist students in sharing the communal cleaning duties. 

Patch-Round Service

The RA team will be calling to meet with students in their term time accommodation on a prearranged 3-weekly cycle. These Patch Round meetings are informal and allow students the opportunity to share any current issues or ask for any relevant support/signposting such as reporting maintenance.
You are notified of these visits in advance to give you every opportunity to be able to attend should you wish to do so!

Drop-in Service

The RA team will be holding these sessions weekdays during term-time for students to call in person to meet a member of the team to discuss any issues relating to their accommodation or wider concerns.
The team will offer the appropriate support, signposting and guidance.
This service is offered between 18:00-20:00, at specific locations listed as follows:
Monday, at Y Sgubor, Fferm Penglais, Tuesday, at Rosser D Lounge, Wednesday, at Hugh Owen library Level D, Thursday, at Pantycelyn, Friday, at PJM Yellow Lounge and; 18:00-20:00.


RA Live Chat Service

As part of our Res Life Service we offer a 'live chat' facility between 18:00-20:00 on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evening. You can access this by clicking the purple 'live chat' button on the Accommodation Office webpage.

You can use this live chat to talk to a member of the RA team about any issues you are having in your accommodation. 

Social Media

@BywydAberLife on Facebook & Instagram


Res. Life Summer Service

Staying with us during Semester 3 over the summer months?  Res. Life will continue to provide you with the core elements of the service from Semesters 1 & 2.

During July and August we will be providing you with 3-weekly patch-rounds and twice weekly drop-in sessions (in Rosser D Lounge). 

In addition, we will also be delivering sober events free of charge to you.  Keep an eye on the web, your notice boards, and our socials for more details.

Wishing you a great summer and we hope to see you soon.