CYF: 66-2302-5433523 - Ystafell Ymarfer Yoga

Dy sylw: Hello, I think it would be great if the uni could create a calm space for yoga/meditation to be practiced. I often think of bringing my yoga mat to uni but think other than the prayer room, there isn’t anywhere peaceful to do any practice. I find doing yoga during exam season, or any other stressful time at uni to be really beneficial and I’m sure other students would too. Yes there are yoga classes at the sports hall but you have to pay for those (understandably), and if you’re stressed and a bit poor and just want somewhere to stretch and relax, there isn’t really anywhere on campus! Thanks.

Ein hymateb:

Gallwch archebu ‘Ystafell 5’ yn Undeb y Myfyrwyr am ddim. Mae hon yn ystafell ddawnsio fach, gyda drychau ar y waliau sy’n addas i grwpiau o hyd at 10. Caiff unigolion archebu’r ystafell ar gyfer yoga a myfyrdod personol, ac mae hynny’n digwydd yn aml. Cewch archebu drwy fynd i dderbynfa Undeb y Myfyrwyr neu drwy e-bostio