CYF:66-2111-2963323 - Mwynhau modiwl PH15720

Dy sylw: PH15720 - This Module has been very informative on the general practice of laboratory techniques and understanding how lab work will be taught throughout my time here in Aberystwyth, the lab book has proven very useful and the Statistics and Data Handling book has allowed me to understand the fundamentals which go into lab work, plus the help from experienced people who can give guidance as to what I am looking for has been extremely helpful and has definitely in more than one occasion helped guide me in the right direction, overall it has been fantastic and safe to say one of my favourite modules so far!

Ein hymateb:

Diolch am eich e-bost canmoliaethus, mae'n galonogol a braf iawn gwybod bod myfyrwyr yn hapus â’r ddarpariaeth a’u bod yn cael digon o gefnogaeth.