NSS 2017
09 August 2017
Students at Aberystwyth University’s Department of Mathematics have given teaching on their course a satisfaction rating of 94% in the 2017 National Student Survey (NSS).
Published Wednesday 9 August 2017, the results of the latest NSS also show overall student satisfaction with learning resources at 94% and academic support at 93%.
Maths at Aber adds up to student satisfaction
Students at Aberystwyth University’s Department of Mathematics have given teaching on their course a satisfaction rating of 94% in the 2017 National Student Survey (NSS).
Published Wednesday 9 August 2017, the results of the latest NSS also show overall student satisfaction with learning resources at 94% and academic support at 93%.
For the subject of Mathematics and Statistics, the Department is rated first in the UK for satisfaction with learning resources; second in the UK for learning opportunities, and third in the UK for satisfaction with teaching on the course and assessment and feedback.
The Department’s score is part of a wider success story at Aberystwyth University, which is rated the best in Wales and one of the top five higher education institutions in the UK for overall student satisfaction, according to the NSS.
The results show that overall satisfaction amongst students at Aberystwyth University stands at 91% - seven percentage points higher than the UK figure of 84%.
Professor Simon Cox, Head of Mathematics at Aberystwyth University, said: “"We listen to our students and we provide a rich learning environment - that’s the clear message about Mathematics and Statistics at Aberystwyth from this year's National Student Survey. Mathematics staff are excellent at explaining the subject (1st in the UK) and the course provides depth (1st in the UK) while linking together different ideas in all areas of maths and stats. We work hard to provide prompt and useful feedback on our students’ work: the department has retained its position as one of the best for Learning Resources (1st in the UK), Academic Support (2nd in the UK) and Assessment and Feedback (3rd in the UK)."
If you’re interested in studying at Aberystwyth University’s Department of Mathematics and finding out why our students are so satisfied with their courses, it’s not too late. We still have some clearing places left for the 2017-18 academic year or you can come along and visit during one of our Open Days.
The NSS figures follow closely on the heels of the latest employability figures for UK universities which showed that 95% of graduates were in work or further study six months after leaving Aberystwyth University in 2016.
The National Student Survey is carried out annually by IPSOS Mori on behalf of the UK’s higher education funding councils and interviews more than 300,000 final year students in Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
It asks students to score their university across a wide range of questions including quality of teaching, assessment and feedback, academic support, organisation and management, learning resources, learning community, the student voice and overall satisfaction.
Aberystwyth University’s rankings are based on the overall satisfaction question and use the list of higher education institutes from The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2018.
Constructive methods of factorization
24 February 2020
Gennady Mishuris, Professor of Mathematical Modelling in the department, has recently returned from a group project on research in “Constructive methods of factorization” held at New York University's Abu Dhabi campus.
Degree accreditation
10 January 2020
Our degrees in mathematics have had their accreditation by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications renewed.
Aberystwyth University celebrates teaching excellence
26 June 2019
The latest cohort of postgraduate and academic staff to attain professional higher education teaching qualifications have been recognized by Aberystwyth University.
Tributes paid to former Head of Department Professor Noel Lloyd
10 June 2019
Tributes have been paid to Professor Noel Lloyd, a former Vice-Chancellor and Head of the Department of Mathematics at Aberystwyth University, who has died aged 72.
Staff and Student Awards for Mathematics
08 April 2019
The Aberystwyth Students’ Union Staff and Student Awards 2019 proved to be a successful event for the Department of Mathematics.
Mathematics wins Department of the Year
01 May 2018
The Department of Mathematics has been awarded the coveted title of Department of the Year at the Aberystwyth Students’ Union Staff and Student Awards 2018.
STEM for Britain 2018
18 April 2018
Dr Paolo Musolino, of the Department of Mathematics, was shortlisted from hundreds of applicants to appear in Parliament to present his mathematics research to a range of politicians as part of the STEM for BRITAIN competition last month.
Aberystwyth mathematics lecturer commended for language work
15 March 2018
An Aberystwyth University lecturer has been honoured for his work in promoting mathematics through the medium of Welsh.
Two Cofund Fellows
13 December 2017
The Department hosts two Sêr Cymru II Cofund Research Fellows: Dr Paolo Musolino and Dr Daniel McNulty.
Maths at Aber adds up to student satisfaction
09 August 2017
Students at Aberystwyth University’s Department of Mathematics have given teaching on their course a satisfaction rating of 94% in the 2017 National Student Survey (NSS).
Published Wednesday 9 August 2017, the results of the latest NSS also show overall student satisfaction with learning resources at 94% and academic support at 93%.
Visit by maths alumnus, now distinguished Jordanian scholar
03 August 2017
Prof Shaher Momani, who completed his PhD in rheology in 1991, returned to Aberystwyth recently to discuss joint working with the University of Jordan.
Maths Challenge 2017
20 June 2017
The results of this year's schools Mathematics Challenge were announced this week, and eighty winners were presented with their prizes at an awards ceremony on the Penglais Campus.
Match-a-mathics app released
12 June 2017
match-a-mathics, an exciting new mathematics memory game, is released this month for Android and iPhone.
First annual Walters Prize awarded
26 May 2017
A new academic prize has been introduced by leading publisher Elsevier to honour a leading scientist from Aberystwyth University.
Emily Price
22 May 2017
It is with great sadness that we note the untimely death of Emily Price, a final year student studying Mathematics and Physics.
Statisticians rewarded at teaching awards
08 May 2017
Statisticians Kim Kenobi and Jukka Kiukas were recognised at the 2017 Student Led Teaching Awards, held last Friday.
Royal Society award for Aberystwyth Mathematics Professor
16 December 2016
Professor Gennady Mishuris, Professor of Mathematical Modelling in the Department, has been awarded a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. The award provides five years’ funding for Gennady's analysis of the dynamic fracture of metamaterials.
MathsSoc go to Warwick
08 November 2016
Aber Maths Society members travelled to the university of Warwick for the IMA’s Autumn Early Career Mathematicians conference
Top 10 for Teaching Quality
14 October 2016
The department's teaching is ranked in the top 10 of the Times and Sunday Times league table for mathematics.
92% for overall satisfaction in the NSS
10 August 2016
Aberystwyth University’s Department of Mathematics has scored an excellent rating of 92% for overall satisfaction in the 2016 National Student Survey (NSS).
Students rated the programme highly for the quality of teaching, assessment and feedback and learning resources, all scoring over 90%.
Welcome to Dr Jukka Kiukas
01 July 2016
Today, 1st July, the Department of Mathematics welcomes Dr Jukka Kiukas as a new Lecturer in Statistics.
Princeton post for Christian Arenz
13 May 2016
Christian Arenz, who recently completed his PhD in the Department of Mathematics at Aberystwyth University, has been offered a prestigious position as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Princeton University.
Student Led Teaching Awards
25 April 2016
Four members of staff were commended for their teaching at the Student Led Teaching Awards.
A new mechanism for building quantum computers
10 October 2014
Frequent observation of a basic building block of a quantum system, the qubit, could lead to the creation of far more powerful computers according to the department's Dr Daniel Burgarth.
Tomorrow’s Mathematicians Today
01 February 2016
Tom O'Neill, a fourth year mathematics student, has been shortlisted for the GCHQ Prize at the conference Tomorrow’s Mathematicians Today 2016.
Dr Daniel Burgarth promoted to Reader
02 December 2015
The Department congratulates Dr Daniel Burgarth on his promotion to Reader in the 2015 Academic Promotions round.
Undergraduate Prizes
25 September 2014
Prizes for outstanding achievement in Mathematics last year were awarded during this week's induction sessions.
Happy Birthday LMS
11 September 2015
The department celebrated the 150th birthday of the London Mathematical Society this week.
Euromech prize
27 July 2015
PhD student Monika Perkowska has been awarded a Young Researcher Award for the best presentation by a student at the 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference in Madrid this month.
Mathematics with Foundation Year
28 May 2015
From 2015, the Department will offer a foundation year in Mathematics.
95.1% of Aber maths grads in work
02 July 2015
Statistics released today, Thursday 2 July, by the Higher Education Statistics Agency show that over 95% of Aberystwyth mathematics graduates were in work or further study.
Contact Mechanics of Articular Cartilage Layers
03 July 2015
Professors Gennady Mishuris and Ivan Argatov have published their book "Contact Mechanics of Articular Cartilage Layers".
Mathematics Newsletter Spring 2015
12 June 2015
The latest edition of the Mathematics Newsletter is now available online
The viscoelastic properties of migrating cells
15 June 2015
Prof. Gennady Mishuris has been awarded Horizon2020 funding to work on wound-healing, cancer cell invasion, and tissue development.
Highly-commended mathematics lecturers
28 April 2015
Dr Tudur Davies and Dr Adam Vellender were both highly commended for their teaching in the Student Led Teaching Awards
SET for Britain
20 January 2015
Monika Perkowska has been selected to present her research in Parliament
Russian Academy of Sciences Medal
13 March 2015
Phd student and Marie Curie Fellow Nikolai Gorbushin was awarded a prize by the Russian Academy of Sciences
Control characterisation of noisy quantum devices
12 January 2015
Dr Daniel Burgarth is awarded an EPSRC grant to study quantum control.
Degree accreditation
12 January 2015
Our degrees in mathematics have now had their accreditation by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications renewed.
Research Assessment success for Mathematics
19 December 2014
The results of the Research Excellence Framework (REF2014) show that the Department of Mathematics has internationally competitive research.
Exemplary Course Award for Dr Vellender
19 December 2014
Congratulations to Dr Adam Vellender on being awarded "Highly Commended" in the University's 2014 Exemplary Course Awards.
Italians visit to collaborate on fracture
24 September 2014
The Department of Mathematics recently hosted visiting academics from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
Prizes for outstanding student achievement in Mathematics
30 September 2022
We have awarded prizes to returning students for outstanding performance in their Mathematics modules during the last academic year.
Mathematics Graduations 2020-2022
14 July 2022
Congratulations to Mathematics students who graduated this week.
Prizes for outstanding achievement in Mathematics
19 July 2021
Every year the department awards prizes, thanks to donations and bequests from previous staff and students, to students who have excelled in their Mathematics studies over the previous year.
Staff and Student Awards for Mathematics
08 April 2019
Two Mathematics students won their category at the Aberystwyth Students’ Union Staff and Student Awards 2020.