STEM for Britain 2018

18 April 2018
Aberystwyth mathematician takes his research to Parliament
Dr Paolo Musolino, of the Department of Mathematics at Aberystwyth University, was shortlisted from hundreds of applicants to appear in Parliament to present his mathematics research to a range of politicians as part of the STEM for BRITAINcompetition last month.
The event was run by the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee in collaboration with a range of premier scientific and research institutions.It is an important date in the parliamentary calendar because it gives MPs an opportunity to speak to a wide range of the country’s best young researchers.
Paolo, originally from Padova, Italy, is pursuing his research in Aberystwyth University with the aid of a prestigious Sêr Cymru Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Fellowship under the supervision of Prof. Gennady Mishuris.
Paolo’s poster was on his research into novel mathematical methods for the analysis of perforated materials. Paolo said: “I believe it is fundamental to raise awareness of the importance of mathematics in society and of the concrete impact of what looks like a mysterious formula in our everyday lives.STEM for BRITAIN is a unique opportunity to illustrate this to MPs, and it will be a wonderful occasion to share the results of our studies with other early-career researchers”.
Professor Simon Cox, Head of the Department of Mathematics said: "STEM for Britain is a prestigious event that allows researchers to explain the importance of mathematics directly to politicians and policy makers. Paolo's mathematical models of the, often devastating, effect of small holes in the materials that we use to build everyday objects are an excellent example of how mathematics makes a difference to our lives."