CYF:66-2112-4084505 - Cyrsiau iechyd a diogelwch
Dy sylw: Thank you to all of you at then su so much for organising the health and safety courses over the past few days, I've attended two sessions and they've both been excellent, and again thanks to Paul at Red Turtle training for doing them so brilliantly, he's been an excellent instructor, it's been very helpful, and also it's great to have these available to students at a discount and on campus.
Ein hymateb:
Diolch am yr adborth cadarnhaol ar ein darpariaeth cwrs iechyd a diogelwch. Rydym ni bob amser yn edrych am gyfleoedd i gefnogi ein myfyrwyr i feithrin eu sgiliau a’u profiadau ac mae’n wych gwybod bod y rhain yn ddefnyddiol i chi!