CYF: 66-2404-412525 - Gwella ardal Boditrax

Dy sylw: The Boditrax machine in the sports centre requires you to be barefoot and there is no place you can lean on or sit down on to help you take your socks and shoes off and then put them back on without stepping on the carpet which is very dirty. Could you possibly move any chair close by and have the area hoovered as well?

Ein hymateb:

Diolch am eich adborth ynglŷn â’r peiriant Boditrax yn y Ganolfan Chwaraeon – gosodwyd cadair wrth ei ymyl er mwyn hwyluso newid esgidiau/sanau a gofynnwyd i'r tîm glanhau roi sylw arbennig i'r ardal hon wrth symud ymlaen.
Gobeithio bydd hyn yn gwella eich profiad