Akrivi Roumpou

Lecturer in Criminology and Legal & Criminal Psychology
Manylion Cyswllt
- Ebost: akr4@aber.ac.uk
- Swyddfa: B40, Adeilad Hugh Owen
- Ffôn: +44 (0) 1970 622857
- Gwefan Personol: www.linkedin.com/in/akrivi-roumpou-70a6a722a
- Proffil Porth Ymchwil
- Rhagenwau personol: hi/ei
Module Coordinator
- LC12220 - Introduction to Criminology
- CRM1420 - Understanding and Investigating Serious Crime
- LC26120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- LC13120 - Essential Skills for Criminologists
- LC37120 - Critical and Radical Criminology
- LC38120 - Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
- LC28120 - Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
- LC14120 - Criminology in Action
- LC10320 - Crime Control and Prevention
- LC39220 - Psychopathology
- LC29220 - Psychopathology
- CRM1120 - Critical Youth Justice
- LC36120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- LC32220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LC22220 - Introduction to Criminology
- CRM1320 - Miscarriages of Justice
- LAM6260 - Dissertation
Course Viewer
- Dydd Llun 14:00-15:00
- Dydd Mercher 11:00-13:00