Register a Visitor

Visitors are welcome to stay in your accommodation providing the following measures have been met:

  • Visitors must be registered before 4pm daily to be eligible to stay; weekend guests must be registered before 3pm on Fridays
  • An overnight visitor must be over the age of 18.
  • You may not have more than 1 visitor staying at the same time.
  • A visitor can only stay up to three nights in a row and must not return within a seven day period.
  • Visitors must sleep in your room and not in any communal areas.
  • All visitors must be signed in to comply with Health, Safety and Fire Regulations. For further information, visit the Living in Residences webpage.
  • You are responsible for your guest and they must not be left unsupervised. If they breach the Accommodation Occupation Contract in any way, you will be responsible for their actions.
  • Discuss with your housemates that you want to have a visitor staying prior to their arrival.

Failure to comply with the above could mean that your visitor request is denied.

If your visitor needs parking whilst they’re here, they will need to see Site Security who are based in the Main Campus Reception, Penglais Campus.

I agree to the above terms and conditions and all details provided above are true and accurate.

All personal data collected, recorded, used and shared by Campus Services is done in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations and Data Protection Act 2018.  For further information visit our Data Protection Information page. 


All personal data collected, recorded, used and shared by Campus Services is done in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations and Data Protection Act 2018. For further information visit our Data Protection Information page.