Additional Items

For various reasons you may decide that you would like to bring additional furniture / equipment / electrical items into your accommodation. Any additional item(s) must not impede safe access or egress in to your accommodation and should comply fully with relevant safety legislations - please visit our Fire Safety webpage for further information. We do not permit un-certified upholstered furniture on the premises and any additional electrical items must either be new or PAT tested if older than a year.
Before bringing any additional items in to your accommodation you must complete and submit an Additional Items Request Form which can be obtained from, and should be returned to, the Accommodation Office.
Once the form has been submitted to the Accommodation Office, it will be reviewed by the Residences team who will decide whether the request is approved or declined.
Before making their decision, the Residences team may require further information from you and would contact you directly should this be the case, or they may need to visit your accommodation. By submitting the Additional Items Request Form to the Accommodation Office, you are agreeing to allow the Residences team access to your accommodation for this purpose.
You should not buy/bring any additional items to University until you have received confirmation of approval.
Top Tip: Before making a request to bring an additional item in to your accommodation, check out the prohibited items list to ensure the item you wish to bring is not listed on there!
When requesting to bring additional items in to your accommodation, you will be required to agree to the following -
- To pay for any maintenance and/or replacement costs which may be required during the period and to not expect the University to incur any costs whatsoever in relation to the item(s).
- Understand that the University reserve the right to request that this item be removed from site at your own cost should it get into a state of disrepair which is not considered to be acceptable to the University.
- Understand that when moving the item(s) in/out of your accommodation, if any damage is caused to University property, you would be re-charged for any repair costs.
- At the end of the accommodation licence period, you would be responsible for removing the item(s) from site at your own cost. Failure to remove the item(s) will result in the University re-charging you for all costs incurred when disposing of the item(s).
- Understand that all AU property must remain in the accommodation at all times and therefore you cannot remove any University property from the accommodation to make room for the additional item(s).
- Understand that any electrical items over 1 years old must have been PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) tested.
- Understand that any soft furnishings must have a fire resistance display label.