CYF:66-2011-2032304 - Trafferthion Wi-Fi

Dy sylw: I would love to see the wifi upgraded. Especially now that we are doing a lot more blended learning, I think it would be well worth investing in a more reliable, faster, stronger, and more secure internet for the students across campus. I personally cannot count on the wifi for video calls (something I should be able to rely on for both courses and contacting family overseas), or for even being accessible when I wake up in the morning. There is very little range on the wifi, and I can hardly pick up a signal in most places.

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Diolch yn fawr am eich adborth ynghylch mynediad i Eduroam ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth. Mae ein tîm TG a Rhwydwaith wedi cadarnhau bod y gwasanaeth di-wifr a'r rhwydwaith ledled y campws a'r llety myfyrwyr yn cael eu huwchraddio'n barhaus. Os ydych wedi canfod lleoliad penodol lle mae'r gwasanaeth di-wifr yn gyson wael, neu unrhyw broblem arall y mae angen i'r tîm ymchwilio iddi, anfonwch y manylion at