CYF:66-2001-2127128 - Prosiect y Blwch Coch

Dy sylw: There are signs advertising the “red box project” regarding period poverty in the Hugh Owen bathrooms, claiming that they have red boxes in every bathroom with free period products. However there are no red boxes, at least in the ground floor (gender neutral & disabled access toilet). Surely if you advertise this there should actually be boxes provided?

Ein hymateb:

Os oes poster Prosiect y Blwch Coch yno, mae hynny'n golygu y dylai fod blwch wedi'i lenwi â chynnyrch yno. Diolch ichi am roi gwybod bod y blwch yn wag - byddaf i'n rhoi gwybod i'r tîm Cyfleusterau a gofyn iddyn nhw wneud rhywbeth amdani.