TUN feedback - Accommodation
Click on the titles to view the feedback and response
Please note: comments and responses may have been edited. Information was correct at time of response but may have been superseded. We publish the comments in the language in which they have been submitted and the University's responses bilingually.
24/25 Semester 2
REF: 66-2501-5527828 - Accommodation for Returning Students
Your comment: More rooms for returning students
Our response:
Many thanks for your email.We are fortunate in Aberystwyth to have more owned or managed accommodation than the majority of other UK universities.The University guarantees accommodation to all Fresher students but does not guarantee accommodation to returner students. This is standard practice in the higher education sector and the majority of second and third year students prefer to live in town in the private sector.Each year we consider the availability of accommodation to returner students based on fresher forecasts and on average we open approximately a third of our accommodation to returners throughout our portfolio and students successfully log in and secure their accommodation. This is a very generous amount based on sector data. In addition, we offer students the option of placing their names on a waiting list should accommodation become available. In 2024 we successfully offered accommodation to all students who requested it, although we cannot guarantee that you will receive your first-choice accommodation.If you would like to go on our waiting list please email accommodation@aber.ac.uk
23/24 Semester 2
REF: 66-2404-6686017 - New Waste Streams
Your comment: The new bin setup in hall flat kitchens is unworkable. The new bins are all too small and will need to be emptied every few days instead of weekly. They're also too large for small bin bags but too small for the bin bags we were using before. The general waste bin is far too small for the amount of rubbish needing to be put in it and to be shared between usually a minimum of 3 flatmates. I understand the emphasis on recycling, and do so wherever possible, however, there is currently still more much non-recyclable packaging than recyclable being sold and the new bin is unrealistically small, almost as if to blame students and not companies for the lack of recyclable goods in the world.
Our response:
Many thanks for your Tell us Now submission in respect of the new waste streams within residential kitchens.The University has worked to implement changes in line with Welsh Government Legislation changes that came into force on the 6th April 2024 (further information can be found at https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/efr/facilities/waste/).The available space within each hall varies, as does the number of occupants, and so we have worked to try and find the most suitable bin setup, whilst appreciating that there is a balance to strike between bin capacity and available space, which may result in bins needing to be emptied more frequently.Your continued support in maximising recycling is appreciated and whilst each of the bins in use were trialled in various areas in advance of the implementation, we have fed your feedback regarding bin bags back to our Residences teams to consider the longer-term approach.Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch via facilities@aber.ac.uk
23/24 Semester 1
REF: 66-2312-4489831 - Laundry Racks in Accommodation
Your comment: Hi, I live in PJM and I noticed that it is quite a problem to dry clothes that shall not be tumble-dried. We are not supposed to air-dry in our rooms, but unfortunately there is no alternative. I believe it would be worth to think about putting up some roofed laundry racks or clotheslines around accommodation! :)
Our response:
Many thanks for raising this with us. You can air dry your clothes within the accommodation; however, we advise that when you are doing this, you keep the bedroom window open to ensure you have adequate ventilation. Without the ventilation this could cause issues with condensation and mould within the bedroom. Thank you for your suggestion of roofed clothes drying areas, this is a great suggestion and something that we will keep in mind for any future refurbishment projects at all our accommodation sites. -
REF: 66-2310-6924828 - More Seating around PJM
Your comment: More benches around PJM, particularly for people who struggle walking
Our response:
Many thanks for your Tell us Now submission in respect of seating around Pentre Jane Morgan.
Unfortunately seating on the PJM site is currently limited to the central communal block, however we will seek to explore options for enhancing the site in the future should this be feasible.
If you do have some specific suggestions on suitable locations on the site, please do contact us on accommodation@aber.ac.uk and we can feed this into future discussions.
22/23 Semester 2
REF: 66-2305-5866013 - Y Sgubor Treadmill
Your comment: It would be nice to have a proper treadmill in the Y Sgubour gym. Though I understand if it wasn’t feasible.
Our response:
Thank you for the query around providing a treadmill for the Sgubor gym.
Unfortunately with the limited space, we thought it was more practical to provide some strength equipment that covers all the major muscle groups and cardio machines that help with low impact, coordination and heart rate training. With that in mind we have chosen cardio-vascular exercise machines such as bikes, cross-trainers and rowers as not everyone has access to a boat or bike whereas the treadmill can be replicated outdoors by just walking and or running.
We have 12 treadmills on the main gym and a running track for recording distance and time.
Please get back to us if we can help in any other way.
REF: 66-2305-2057612 - Y Fflad Booking System
Your comment: I think you should be able to reserve the room in Y Ffald with the TV because you can't make any plans in advance with your friends because you don't know if someone else will already be using the TV and then you have to leave.
Our response:
Many thanks for comments. We currently do not have a booking or scheduling system for the TV in Y Ffald, however we are looking to install an informal booking form that will be placed by the side of the TV for people to fill in with their requests. We will monitor to see if this works.
Many Thanks,
REF: 66-2211-285228 - Rowing Machines in Sgubor Gym
Your comment: Please put a rowing machine into the sgubor gym.
Our response:
Thank you for the email, we are now in a position to order some new machines so two new rowers have been installed in Sgubor gym.
22/23 Semester 1
REF: 66-2211-8326104 - Laundry Prices
Your comment: Laundry is so expensive.
Our response:
Many thanks for your comments about the affordability of the laundry facilities on campus. We have frozen over laundry fees over the last 4 years and we have a very competitive price in relation to the laundrettes in the private sector.
The University is currently looking at ways we can support students through the cost of living crisis and I will take forward your concerns surrounding the current price of the laundry facilities.
21/22 Semester 2
REF:66-2205-3380625 - Litter bins at PJM
Your comment: There’s very few bins in the PJM area, we would definitely benefit from a greater number. It would reduce litter and encourage people to recycle, helping to be more environmentally friendly.
Our response:
Many thanks for your Tell us Now submission in respect of litter bins on the Pentre Jane Morgan Site.Currently, aside from the waste compounds, litter bins are placed at the following external locations:- Communal block- Footpath leading down to the link bridge- At the foot of the link bridge- Both breakthrough points between PJM and Fferm PenglaisFurthermore, the site landscapers, who are responsible for litter picking, are asked to feed back any areas of concern – for example parts of the site where litter is often present which may indicate a gap in the litter bin provision. We’d be very grateful for any feedback on areas of the site that you feel would benefit from additional bins due to litter issues.Note that we are also looking at the potential to implement external seating options around PJM, and if this project progresses, litter bin provision will need to be considered. Thanks again for your feedback -
REF:66-2204-3074428 - Lighting around accommodation
Your comment: The path from PJM to Fferm (by block 21) is particularly poorly lit to the point where I couldn’t even see the path without using my phone torch. There doesn’t seem to be any lights at all on parts of this path. Additionally the street lights outside of Fferm Block 21 were also not functioning. As we are aiming to be a “well lit” and “safe” campus I feel it’s important to address areas where lighting, and therefore safety, is a concern.
Our response:
Many thanks for bringing the below to our attention. We have organised for our security team to patrol the area out of hours and report any lighting concerns to our maintenance providers. The street light outside block 21 has been reported and has been scheduled to be replaced next week.
If you see any lights that are not working or you have any concerns regarding maintenance, please report this via our helpdesk during office hours 09:00-17:00 on 01970 622999, you can also use the Report a Fault form or you can contact security out of hours to report urgent maintenance.
If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us at the accommodation office.
REF:66-2203-1020724 - Plug sockets in Y Ffald
Your comment: Can we have more sockets in Y Ffald in Fferm please? It’s actually really hard to do stuff in there when there are so few sockets, all of which are in incredibly awkward locations and make charging tech/doing work when there are so few sockets. I think having charging towers around the room could be really useful for students
Our response:
Thank you for your feedback on the need for additional sockets in Y Ffald. We are currently working with our maintenance provider to install more sockets in Y Ffald.
REF:66-2203-9765920 - Blinds in kitchen
Your comment: In recent times it has become very apparent that there is a need for some form of blind or curtain in the kitchen. Not only would this provide privacy to those who live in fferm, especially for those on ground floor. Other than this it is required to due to the sun shining in and making it rather unbearable to sit in there without shades which seems rather ridiculous as this is not ideal in your own flat.
Our response:
Thank you for submitting a Tell Us Now form, your feedback is valuable in helping us to improve our students experience. Moving forward we will raise your suggestions into our discussions around site improvements, to see what the best form of action to take is. Thanks again for your feedback, and should you have any other suggestions, please do let us know
21/22 Semester 1
REF:66-2111-9657514 - No smoking rule
Your comment: The rule on people smoking having to do so at least 10m away from the block is not enforced at all, so I frequently find the disgusting stench coming in through my vent. Please may you ensure this is rectified and to help encourage this move benches to at least 10m away. It would also be nice if there could be designated outdoor study spaces where no smoking is allowed anywhere nearby, as this would allow people to feel able to go outside in nice weather to work without having to worry about putting their health at risk if people start smoking nearby.
Our response:
In regards to the smoking – we are currently in the process of sending out comms to all residents about the expectation to smoke 10m away from the building. The benches at the back of blocks in Fferm Penglais are not designated smoking areas, the bins are located in this area to ensure that people have bins to discard their cigarette buts and not to throw them on the floor. All outside Areas of residences can be used for studying, if the seating area is less than 10m away from a building, people should not be smoking at this table.
REF:66-2111-1172710 - Smoking near accommodation
Your comment: Although people aren't meant to smoke within 10m of the accommodation blocks, this isn't reinforced so people are standing right outside the door, meaning that if my vent is open then the smoke frequently blows into my room, which isn't pleasant. Is it possible to either have people checking and reinforcing this rule, or building a dedicated smokers area which is at least 10m away from any buildings and encouraging people to go there to smoke so this problem doesn't happen?
Our response:
Many thanks for raising this issue, we are sorry to read of the issues you are encountering with people smoking directly outside your room. Should you experience this issue again, please can you contact the University 24/7 Helpline on 01970 622900 as the Security team will be able to respond accordingly at the time and we can then follow up with the individual(s) in question. If you also have any information in terms of the names/room numbers of those who may be smoking too near to the building, please let us know by e-mailing accommodation@aber.ac.uk as we can look to investigate further. If you could also confirm which block you are living in, we can then ask Campus Security to increase foot patrols where possible.
REF:66-2111-4535602 - Streetlights
Your comment: Streetlights along the path from Penglais campus to PJM and Fferm Penglais (after the bridge, through the wooded area) are very dim at night and the streetlights along the path from PJM to the road do not switch on at night. Would it be possible to make these streetlights brighter?
Our response:
Thank you for your Tell us Now submission in respect of street lighting around the PJM bridge. A survey has now been completed by Campus Security and all defective lights reported to the University helpdesk. Should you identify any further issues of concerns from a lighting / maintenance / safety perspective, please contact Campus Security on the University 24/7 helpline (01970 622900) where the matter is urgent, and for non-urgent reports, use https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/accommodation/current-students/living-residences/fault/ Should you have any further queries, please contact us on accommodation@aber.ac.uk
REF:66-2111-7620501 - Fire safety checks
Your comment: We have just received a visit from a Resident Assistant in House 8 around 8:30 in which the RA proceeded to conduct a fire safety check in our rooms without prior warning. We were told we would only be receiving fire safety checks in our communal area. This was an extremely stressful experience for us as none of us were warned beforehand so we could clean our rooms and it felt like an invasion on our safe space. If they are going to come into our rooms then they must tell us beforehand as it creates extreme unnecessary stress.
Our response:
Thank you for raising your concerns with us regarding fire safety checks conducted by our RA Team. I must apologise as this was due to a communications error. The RA Team are indeed to conduct a visual fire safety inspection within your study bedroom of the detector head, the fire escape route and the window restrictor (as appropriate). Our notification communications have now been updated to more accurately reflect the service that we provide. Apologies for any unnecessary stress this may have caused you.
REF:66-2110-2718819 - Leaving doors open
Your comment: The bedroom doors in Cwrt Mawr are unable to be left ajar due to fire regulations. This is pretty isolating in the absence of a communal area, and may well have a negative effect on residents mental health.
Our response:
Many thanks for raising this issue. The door for your bedroom is a fire door, to ensure you comply with fire regulations this door should not be held open at any time. However, within Cwrt Mawr you have access to your communal kitchen and dining area to be able to socialise with your flatmates. We have also now opened up our study/social spaces across residences – you can access these using your Abercard. The following study/social spaces are open 24/7, Rosser lounge is located under D block Rosser, PJM amenity block is located in the middle of PJM, Y ffald is located under block 2 in Fferm Penglais and Y Sgubor cafe is open until 10pm every evening. Although you live in Cwrt Mawr, you have access into all of these spaces. If you would like to discuss this further please email us at accommodation@aber.ac.uk.
REF:66-2110-5967705 - Cost of playing pool
Your comment: The hub in Fferm Penglais have recently gone up from 50p to 80p per game. I find this increase unjustifiable. The pool tables are not well looked after as they are, with the tables broken on a regular basis, the balls are in a bad state as well as the cues. The tables don't actually fit in the room in the most functional way either since you cannot play pool when someone is playing on the football table. As well as other things obstructing game play as well. I would also like to enquire if and when the hub will be open 24 hours again, since last year this was suspended even though the sign on the front door clearly states that it is a 24hr accessible study space throughout this.
Our response:
Thank you for your comment about the price of pool tables in Sgubor lounge in Fferm Penglais. The pool tables are run by an outside company and their prices have been held at the same 50p level for the last 5 years. Regrettably they’ve had to go up this year to reflect increased costs and banking charges. The company initially proposed £1 but after negotiations agreed to restrict the rise to 80p.
Don’t forget we also offer free pool nights to members of the SU pool society. If you enjoy playing a lot of pool, please consider joining. It's also a great way to make new friends to play pool with.
REF:66-2110-706404 - Access to laundry facilities
Your comment: We need more washing and drying machines for rosser/treflyone as currently there is only 4 of each for 6 blocks and about 400 to 500 people. Last year, one or two machines were constantly not working and with that amount of people the machines that did work were almost always in use. It would be nice to get at least 6 of each machine total, but preferably maybe 8 of each. I feel like this would definitely benefit everyone living in rosser/trefloyne massively.
Our response:
Many thanks for raising your concerns with us regarding the laundry provision for students living in Trefloyne and Rosser. I have spoken with our contact at circuit laundry and have been informed that the Laundry room in Rosser/Trefloyne is under used based on the usage figures. I will provide the link to circuit view below, this allows you to see when a machine is available and also be able to check the most commonly used times of days so that you can plan when to do your washing. Please follow this link to get the information: https://www.circuit.co.uk/circuit-view/laundry-site/?site=6529
If you do find that when you want to do your laundry there are no machines available in Rosser/Trefloyne – you do also have access to the laundry room in Cwrt Mawr, and you can also check the availability of those machines on the above link. In regard to faults with the machines – we have completed an audit on site to see what machines are out of order and we have chased this with our contact a circuit laundry. If you do find any machines not working, please use the phone in the laundry room to report or fault – or let the accommodation office know via email and we will make sure this is reported to circuit and rectified in a timely manner. If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing accommodation@aber.ac.uk
REF:66-2109-1880407 - Moving out of postgraduate accommodation
Your comment: Hi, I think it is quite ridiculous that we were required to leave post graduate specific university accommodation one month before our dissertations were due. The reason I had elected to stay in post graduate specific accommodation during my masters was so that I didn’t have to worry about moving in and out dates and landlords as I assumed, obviously mistakenly, that accommodation would cover the duration of the whole course. I understand that the license period dates were given prior to my accepting of the lease but that was prior to knowing the hand in date of my dissertation.
Our response:
This has been an issue for a very small number of PG’s for about a year now. We have had a number of meetings with the PG School. The accommodation licence is very clear in the period that it covers, and we cannot offer accommodation for 52 weeks for a number of reasons. We do offer summer accommodation, which is advertised from April, to give plenty of warning about booking etc and we are very flexible about leaving belongings in the room etc. Other than that I am afraid there is nothing else we can do.
The period of moving out has to coincide with the academic year. Thank you
20/21 Semester 2
REF:66-2106-189903 - Mowing around accommodation
Your comment: Please stop mowing the lawns around Pentre Jane Morgan so much. Surely it is unnecessary to destroy all the flowers that support pollinators every few weeks. We are in a biodiversity crisis and should be doing everything we can to help wildlife not mowing away sources of nectar. Plus, lawns full of wildflowers look far nicer than short grass and less disruption from people on mowers driving underneath my window would be highly appreciated. I would suggest management that maintains a strip of shorter mown lawn at the edges of paths for neatness, with longer wildflowers and grass in the middle that can be mown at the end of summer once the wildflowers are finished. This would be far greater for biodiversity.
Our response:
Many thanks for your comments and feedback regarding cutting the grass in Pentre Jane Morgan.
Regarding the noise, we do reduce the frequency of mowing during the exam period and make sure that no edge strimming happens during the quiet period.
Your comments and suggestions regarding protecting the wildflowers are much appreciated. – You may be aware from living at PJM that we have already taken steps in this direction with the introduction of the ‘Grass Wildlife Barrier’ around the perimeter of the site. (Please see map attached). This was implemented in 2019 with input from the students and it has worked well.
Taking this further by only cutting one width around the main lawn edges whilst maintaining the wildflowers in the middle is well worth considering – especially in some of the larger areas. Other areas are often used by residents for recreational purposes so maintaining a shorter cut here would still be appropriate and more practical.
Thank you again for your comments and we will look to review the wildlife barriers we already have in place and see if we can extend these further around the site.
If you would like to further discuss this please do not hesitate to contact us via email at accommodation@aber.ac.uk
REF:66-2105-9819125 - Issues with the laundrette
Your comment: Hi, I'd like to mention that on the whole my experience with accommodation has been really good. However, the launderettes have consistently been awful. They are very often broken down, or simply don't work for unknown reasons. They are open 24/7, but their maintenance department isn't, which means if you encounter an issue doing laundry later in the day you're completely out of luck. I understand that the contracts Circuit has with universities are difficult, but the standard of service they provide is absolutely awful. Again, I'd like to stress that I am happy with the accommodation overall, but the Circuit launderette, and lack of reasonable alternatives has been far and away the most negative aspect of the accommodation for me.
Our response:
Many thanks for your comments and feedback regarding circuit laundry. We are sorry to hear you have had a bad experience with the service.
If you are experiencing issues with the laundry that you feel circuit are not responding to, please email us at accommodation@aber.ac.uk and we will raise these issues directly with circuit laundry and ensure that they rectify issues in a timely manner.
We will feedback your concerns to circuit and we will work with circuit to ensure that they provide the best service to our students.
If you would like to further discuss the issues you have raised please contact us via email at accommodation@aber.ac.uk
REF:66-2104-3581119 - Pantycelyn
Your comment: Dim ond cwpl o sylwadau o fyw ym mhantycelyn, Opsiwn fflat/ardal tawel pam yn ymgeisio am lety - dim pawb sydd eisiau parti, rhai fflatiau yn swnllyd tan oriau man y bore yn cadw myfyrwyr i fynu ac efallai yn amharu ar eu gwaith. Mae hyn yn bosib mewn prifysgolion eraill yn barod. Paneli sy'n asugno swn ar waliau'r ffreurur - modd ychwannegu lliw i wneud yn fwy cartrefol a hefyd ei wneud yn llai adleisiol (echo) fel bydd yn haws cael sgwrs amser bwyd pam mae'n brysyr. Efallai gwaith celf/photografiaeth ar wal y lolfa fawr hefyd i wneud o teimlo'n fwy cartrefol. Rhywun lleol efallai? Mwy o feinciau ar y blaen dim ond tua 3 sydd yno ar y fynud, bysa'n braf cael mwy ar gyfer yr haf
Our response:
Many thanks for your feedback regarding living in Pantycelyn. We are currently working towards bringing in a new accommodation system that will allow for students to choose the areas they want to live – this including quiet halls of residences. Thank you for your feedback and suggestions regarding the need for more decoration in the large communal areas, we will bear in mind your comments when making decisions on how we can make Pantycelyn a more homely environment.
REF:66-2104-4745216 - Renewing contract
Your comment: Need for automatic renewal for summer time. My current accommodation contract ends in June, but my course ends on September 30, 2020.
Our response:
Unfortunately it is not possible to automatically renew accommodation out of term time. The licence agreement is for the academic year and due to our commitment to ensure that the accommodation we provide is to a high standard there are maintenance works and legislative compliance checks that have to be carried out every summer. We do however, open up our summer accommodation offer in April which allows students to plan their summer accommodation in advance. We are continuously looking at ways to improve our offer and will bear your comments in mind, if the situation should ever change.
REF:66-2102-2125322 - Rubbish bins
Your comment: I think there should be more waste bins in Pentre Jane Morgan, especially due to the high amount of smokers and the fact that many smoke right outside their house. Perhaps there could be designated smoking areas to incentivise smokers to be 10m away from buildings and not cause littering.
Our response:
Many thanks for your feedback. We will look into this for future refurbishments of the site
20/21 Semester 1
REF:66-2011-3194216 - Laundry facilities
Your comment: The dryers take more than 2 cycles to actually dry clothes. It is also incredibly expensive to wash and dry clothes, even when it works in one cycle - which it never has for me.
Our response:
The machines installed across Aberystwyth campus are designed to redistribute the load if it becomes uneven. When a machine is overloaded or under loaded this becomes harder to achieve, so make sure to follow the load guide stickers on each washing machine. Also, some programme cycles spin faster than others. Choosing the correct cycle on both the washing machines and tumble dryers is therefore crucial to achieving an effective dry. 60 minute drying cycles may not be quite enough time to dry items such as jeans and towels however did you know that you can open your dryer mid cycle to check whether your clothes are dry? If you want to extend your drying cycle, hold your card ot the app up to the machines QR code to extend the cycle in 10 minute increments instead of paying for another full cycle. Additional top tips can be found on our laundry website - Laundry.
If you still experience issues, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mailing accommodation@aber.ac.uk.
REF:66-2011-6835305 - Bin at PJM Laundry
Your comment: Please move the bin next to entrance to PJM launderette, it is very difficult to see when dark as nothing illuminates it - and it is in the middle of the path. I have walked into it multiple times and would guess others too.
Our response:
Many thanks for your Tell us Now submission in respect of the bin next to the PJM laundry. A member of the team will review its location this week and assess any Health & Safety implications. We can then arrange for the bin to be relocated if deemed necessary, or alternatively review the lighting in the area.
REF:66-2010-1930721 - Laundry and Covid
Your comment: With Covid becoming an ever increasing issue within Aberystwyth, the university should be pressed to deal with the issue even more. Scientists have provided evidence, which has then been shared via media outlets, that Covid is able to stay on surfaces and clothing for an extended period of time. Whilst anti-bacterial wipes are able to deal with the surfaces, what about clothes? with the prices of Circuit Laundry being roughly £3.80 for a full wash, it would make sense to reduce this price to a more economically viable price so that students who are incredibly worried or are isolating can wash their clothes more often, reducing the chances of Covid continuing to exist on their clothing. I ask for the Accommodation department to reduce prices or request a reduction in prices by Circuit, so that students are able to do their part, together, in reducing Covid clinging onto clothing.
Our response:
Thank you for your comments about washing and drying machines. As you will be aware, the prices for a wash and dry is £2.50 per wash and £1.30 for the dryer. The washing and drying machines are not owned by the university but a private company called Circuit. We have negotiated with Circuit over the past three years and have managed to keep the prices the same, whereas all other Uni’s have increased the prices. We have also managed to negotiated to increase the dry time from 50 minutes to one hour, without increasing the price. We will continue to work with Circuit to keep our prices as low as possible.
REF:66-2010-9839406 - Hand sanitiser dispensers
Your comment: When we were told we could come back to uni, we were told that there would be handsanitiser in the entrance and exit of every block. However, some of the dispensers are broken, like the one in block 17 in Fferm, others are empty and have not been filled in two weeks. I filled out a report a fault form about the dispenser in block 17 over a week ago but it has not been fixed. I understand that this is a difficult and large task to handle but is there anyway improvements could be made? Thank you
Our response:
Many thanks for your Tell us Now submission in respect of the hand sanitiser dispenser in Block 17 Fferm Penglais. Our apologies for any delays that may have occurred in rectifying this fault. Unfortunately we have experiences some issues with one of the sanitiser dispensers purchased for Fferm Penglais, and are working to replace any that are known to have failied. We have checked the block this afternoon and can see that the unit is functioning correctly Should you experience any further issues please could you report via https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/accommodation/current-students/living-residences/fault or for urgent concerns call our 24/7 helpline on 01970 622900
REF:66-2009-7816930 - Love my room!
Your comment: I have been at the university for a week and I’m absolutely loving my spacious and clean room. I really do like how all the facilities are well maintained and are up to date with modern furnishings. I LOVE my room!
Our response:
Many thanks for sending in this lovely feedback which I've shared with our Residences & Facilities teams. I'm really pleased to read that you love your room so much. Please remember if there is anything you need from us at any point during your time living with us, don't hesitate to contact us by e-mailing accommodation@aber.ac.uk or calling the University 24/7 Helpline on 01970 622900.
19/20 Semester 2
REF:66-2006-7945711 - Post at Fferm Penglais
Your comment: i think fferm penglais should have doorbell or intercom system for the flats as parcels are just left downstairs where anyone could take them and you don't know when people are at the door waiting for you. would be a small thing but think it would would make a difference.
Our response:
Many thanks for your Tell us Now in respect of parcel delivery at Fferm Penglais. Apologies that it has taken a long time to respond, in which time the delivery of mail has changed slightly, resulting in Royal Mail, and the majority of Couriers now delivering directly to the block entrances Should you have any further queries please do not hesitate to get in touch
REF:66-2002-3833304 - Matching flatmates
Your comment: To make the living experience at Uni even better, why not match flatmates based on their living habits and interests? I was excited about living in a flat with people I can get to know but realised that we are such different personalities who do not necessarily combine well. In the future, you could try and make a questionnaire about living situation, habits and interests to try and match the students better and based on what they are like. The questions could be about sleeping times, tidiness, going out versus staying at home, etc. There could also be a section about hobbies and interests so that students can be paired with like-minded people.
Our response:
Many thanks for your feedback via Tell Us Now. The Accommodation Office are looking to see if we can extend the number of options we can give students applying for residences in future years. To do that we need to make changes to, or replace, out current accommodation allocation system software. We will certainly consider your feedback as part of our current workstream to enhance the options available currently.
19/20 Semester 1
REF:66-1911-2648026 - Doors in PJM Study Lounge
Your comment: The doors within the PJM study lounge are not soft closure. It is very annoying and distracting having doors slamming when people walk into and out of the two study rooms.
Our response:
Many thanks for your Tell Us Now submission relating to the doors in PJM Communal Block and for bringing this to our attention. Our on-site maintenance team have replaced these doors. We hope this resolves the issues and that you are able to enjoy the facilities.