Cyrsiau Hanes, Hel Achau ac Archaeoleg
Mae gennym ddewis eang o gyrsiau Hanes, Hel Achau ac Archaeoleg ar gael i'w hastudio ac mae llawer ohonynt wedi'u rhestru isod.
Nid yw pob un o'n cyrsiau ar gael bob blwyddyn ond rydym yn sicrhau amrywiaeth eang bob tymor gan gynnwys o leiaf un modiwl craidd o'r Dystysgrif Addysg Uwch mewn Astudiaethau Hel Achau.
Gweld y cyrsiau Hanes, Hel Achau ac Archaeoleg sydd ar gael i'w hastudio ar hyn o bryd.
A History of Welsh Piracy: Seaborne Marauding from the Romans to the Present
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An Introduction to Research at the National Library of Wales
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Architectural History: The Archaeology of Our Built Environment
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A Research Project in Women’s History
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Beyond Statues: Memorials in Modern Wales
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Branching Out: How to use Estate Records for Family History
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Branching Out: How to use Maps for Family History
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Branching Out: How to Use Pre-1858 Wills for Family History
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Deciphering Old Handwriting: Palaeography for Beginners
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Early Medieval Wales: From Romans to Normans
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Focus on Philosophy: Free Will or Free Won't?
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Focus on Philosophy: Metaphors, Allegories and Thought Experiments
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From Acorn to Oak: Building a Family Tree (Part 1)
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From Acorn to Oak: Building a Family Tree (Part 2)
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From Acorn to Oak: Building a Family Tree (Part 3)
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Gods and Chieftains: Wales in the Iron Age
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Life, Death and Religion: Themes in the Archaeology of Britain
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Medieval Women
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Researching and Writing Women's History
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Richard III: Life and Legacy
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Stripping Museums of Their Greatest Treasures
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The Dark Ages? The Archaeology of Early Medieval Wales and England
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The Weaker Vessel? The role of Women in 17th Century Britain
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The Women of the Wars of the Roses
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Twentieth Century Family History
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Wales and the Wars of the Roses
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Welsh History 1: Early Modern Wales (c. 1485-1815)
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Welsh Landed Estates: Architecture, Landscapes and their People
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