Dr Saffron Passam

Lecturer in Psychology (Responsibility for Placement and Study Abroad)
Manylion Cyswllt
- Ebost: sap49@aber.ac.uk
- Swyddfa: 1.36, Adeilad Penbryn 5
- Ffôn: +44 (0) 1970 622106
- Proffil Porth Ymchwil
Noder: Mae gwybodaeth ychwanegol neu manylach ar y fersiwn Saesneg o'r proffil hwn.
Module Coordinator
- PS35120 - Psychological Wellbeing in the Workplace
- PS11710 - Personal Development and Organisational Behaviour
- PSS0260 - Work Placement
- PSS0360 - Work Placement
- SC33240 - Prosiect Ymchwil Cwnsella
- PS11520 - Applications of Psychology
- PS33140 - Psychology Research Project for Single Honours
- PS33240 - Counselling Research Project
- PS34120 - Psychology Research Project for Joint Honours
- PS32120 - Behavioural Neuroscience
- PS11710 - Personal Development and Organisational Behaviour
- PS11820 - Conceptual and Historical Issues in Psychology
- SC33140 - Prosiect ymchwil Seicoleg ar gyfer anrhydedd sengl
- SC34120 - Prosiect ymchwil Seicoleg ar gyfer cyd-anrhydedd
- PS34320 - Developmental Psychology
- PS35120 - Psychological Wellbeing in the Workplace
- PS11710 - Personal Development and Organisational Behaviour
- PSS0260 - Work Placement
- PSS0360 - Work Placement
- PS34120 - Psychology Research Project for Joint Honours
- PS33140 - Psychology Research Project for Single Honours
- PS11710 - Personal Development and Organisational Behaviour
- PSM0320 - The Psychology of Behaviour Change
Course Viewer
Oriau Swydda (Amseroedd Cyswllt Myfyrwyr)
- Dydd Llun 11.00-13:00
- Dydd Iau 13:00-14:00
Möller, C, Passam, S, Riley, S & Robson, M 2023, 'All inside our heads? A critical discursive review of unconscious bias training in the sciences', Gender, Work, and Organization. 10.1111/gwao.13028
Passam, S 2022, Careers Outside of Professional Psychology. in GCL Davey (ed.), The Psychology Student's Guide to Study and Employability. SAGE Publishing, London, pp. 203-232.
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