Mitch Rose
Deputy Head of the Graduate School
Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Daearyddiaeth Ddynol
Adran Daearyddiaeth a Gwyddorau Daear
Manylion Cyswllt
- Ebost:
- ORCID: 0000-0002-0695-3633
- Swyddfa: K4, Adeilad Llandinam
- Ffôn: +44 (0) 1970 622582
- Proffil Porth Ymchwil
Noder: Mae gwybodaeth ychwanegol neu manylach ar y fersiwn Saesneg o'r proffil hwn.
Module Coordinator
- GS14220 - Place and Identity
- PGM0720 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (0720)
- GS20410 - Concepts for Geographers
- PGM0210 - Principles of Research Design
- PGM0810 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (0810)
- GGM0320 - Theory in Society and Space
- PGM0310 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (0310)
- GS34040 - Geography Dissertation
- PGM4420 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1120)
- PGM0810 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (0810)
- PGM0720 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (0720)
- PGM4005 - Ethics, Plagiarism and Academic Practice for Research Students
- DA34040 - Traethawd Estynedig Daearyddiaeth
- PGM4210 - Principles of Research Design
- GS21520 - Human Geography Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
- GS14220 - Place and Identity
- PGM0810 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (0810)
- PGM0210 - Principles of Research Design
- PGM0720 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (0720)
- GS20410 - Concepts for Geographers
- GGM0320 - Theory in Society and Space
- PGM0310 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (0310)
- PGM2210 - Research Skills and Personal Development (Arts and Humanities) (2210)
- PGM2310 - Research Skills and Personal Development (Science) (2310)
- PGM0210 - Principles of Research Design
- GS20410 - Concepts for Geographers
- GS14220 - Place and Identity
- PGM0720 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (0720)
- PGM0810 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (0810)
Attendance Dept Admin
- PGM0720 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (0720)
- PGM3610 - Texts that made the Middle Ages: Latin for postgraduates
- PGM0810 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (0810)
- PGM2010 - Specialist Research Skills for scientists
- PGM1010 - Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis (for social scientists)
- PGM5410 - Research Seminar Skills in Physical Sciences
- PGM6310 - Subject Specific Research Skills
- PGM6410 - Writing your first Journal Article
- PGM8110 - How to Organise a Conference
- PGM0210 - Principles of Research Design
- PGM2810 - Skills in Bioinformatics for Biologists
- PGM0010 - Practice based research skills in Art and Design
- PGM0310 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (0310)
- PGM4310 - Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis
Blackboard Dept Admin
- PGM2810 - Skills in Bioinformatics for Biologists
- PGM6310 - Subject Specific Research Skills
- PGM1010 - Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis (for social scientists)
- PGM0810 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (0810)
- PGM0720 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (0720)
- PGM6410 - Writing your first Journal Article
- PGM2010 - Specialist Research Skills for scientists
- PGM8110 - How to Organise a Conference
- PGM5410 - Research Seminar Skills in Physical Sciences
- PGM0210 - Principles of Research Design
- PGM3610 - Texts that made the Middle Ages: Latin for postgraduates
- PGM0010 - Practice based research skills in Art and Design
- PGM0310 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (0310)
- PGM4310 - Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis
Dekeyser, T, Secor, A, Rose, M, Bissell, D, Zhang, V & Romanillos, JL 2022, 'Negativity: Space, politics, and affects', Cultural Geographies, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 5-21. 10.1177/14744740211058080
Rose, M & Olwig, K 2021, Landscape. in The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology . Wiley.
Rose, M, Bissell, D & Harrison, P 2021, Negative geographies: Exploring the politics of limits. Cultural Geographies & Rewriting the Earth, University of Nebraska Press.
Rose, M, Bissell, D & Harrison, P 2021, Negative Geographies. in Negative Geographies: Exploring the politics of limits. Cultural Geographies & Rewriting the Earth, Nebraska.
Rose, M 2021, 'The question of culture in cultural geography: Latent legacies and potential futures', Progress in Human Geography, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 951-971. 10.1177/0309132520950464
Mwy o gyhoeddiadau ar y Porth Ymchwil