Mrs Sarah Whitehead

Faculty Registrar
Manylion Cyswllt
- Ebost:
- Swyddfa: D31, Adeilad Hugh Owen
- Ffôn: +44 (0) 1970 622625
Noder: Mae gwybodaeth ychwanegol neu manylach ar y fersiwn Saesneg o'r proffil hwn.
Blackboard Dept Admin
- WR30040 - The Writing Project
- WR32720 - Big Ideas: Writing Popular Science
- WRM6140 - Writer as Practitioner 1
- WHM1220 - Class and Community in Wales 1850 - 1939
- WEM1120 - Welsh Language 1
- TP36040 - Independent Research Project
- TP10220 - Body, Voice, Expression.
- TP11420 - Site-Specific Performance Project
- TFM0320 - Narrative and Affect
- TFM3120 - Film Dramaturgy
- TFM6420 - Introduction to Media Production Skills
- TC31320 - Cynhyrchiad Annibynnol
- SP20215 - Spanish Language
- SP26120 - Spanish American Cinema
- PGM4210 - Principles of Research Design
- PGM2910 - Research Writing Programme
- PGM0410 - Ways of Reading
- LC36620 - Employability Skills for Professionals
- LC36720 - Medicine Ethics and the Law
- LC26720 - Medicine Ethics and the Law
- LC20420 - Legal Skills and Research
- LC20620 - Public Law
- LC21220 - Business Law
- LC13220 - Law in Action
- LA13410 - Legal System
- IRM0120 - Old Irish for Beginners
- IRM0220 - Medieval Saga Literature of Ireland
- IT11020 - Beginners Italian 2
- IRM0020 - Introduction to Scottish Gaelic Language and Literature
- IP29220 - International Politics and Global Development
- IP10320 - War, Strategy and Intelligence
- IP12520 - Globalization and Global Development
- HQ39620 - The Invisible Empires: The First Ku Klux Klan and American Society, 1865-1915
- HAM0160 - Traethawd Hir
- HCM0160 - Traethawd Hir: Hanes Cymru
- GW12620 - Y Tu ôl i'r Penawdau
- GW12920 - Gwleidyddiaeth yn yr Unfed Ganrif ar Hugain
- GWM0060 - Traethawd Hir
- GE32210 - German Language
- GEM2020 - German Language (Advanced)
- GE19930 - German Language Advanced
- FR30310 - The Language of Business and Current Affairs
- FR27820 - History, Film and Memory: Representing World Wars in French cinema
- FM21520 - Film Stardom and Celebrity
- FM21620 - Writing for Film and Television
- FM24420 - Art Cinema
- ENM3120 - Reading Ulysses
- EN22920 - Literature since the '60s
- EN30320 - Victorian Childhoods
- EDM2420 - Exploring Pedagogies
- EDM2820 - Curriculum Design and Realisation
- EDM3020 - Leading Organisational Change
- ED30420 - Special Educational Needs
- ED30620 - Children's Rights
- ED39020 - Offender Learning
- ED13520 - An Introduction to Global Education
- ED20120 - Psychology of Learning and Thinking
- ED20320 - Research Methods
- CYM6420 - Cyfieithu ar y Pryd : Arfer ac Ymarfer
- CYM7020 - Cyfieithu a Byd Busnes
- CYM5820 - Cyfieithu Creadigol Rhyngwladol
- CY30420 - Portffolio Ysgrifennu Creadigol Annibynnol
- CY13120 - Sgiliau Astudio Iaith a Llên
- CT36620 - Sgiliau Cyflogadwyedd ar gyfer Gweithwyr Proffesiynol
- CT20420 - Sgiliau ac Ymchwil Cyfreithiol
- CT20720 - Cyfraith Ewrop
- CT11120 - Cyfraith Camwedd
- CT13820 - Cyfraith Cytundebau
- AR35320 - Interdisciplinary Practice 5
- AR35420 - Interdisciplinary Practice 6
- AR31840 - Painting 6 Paint Directed Practice
- AR11320 - Drawing: Extended Practice
- AR20120 - Painting 1
- AR20230 - Painting 2
- AHM0260 - Research Project
- AH11320 - Pleasure, Power, and Profit: Art in the Long Eighteenth Century
- AH20620 - Postmodernism and Contemporary Art
- AD34720 - Cyfathrebu
- ADM2120 - Ymarfer wedi'i Lywio gan Dystiolaeth
- AD20220 - Llythrennedd Mewn Plant Ifanc
- WRM6620 - Writer as Professional
- WR11120 - Beginning Creative Writing Part 2
- WR32420 - Writing Crime Fiction
- WL11420 - Literature And The Sea
- WE11220 - Beginning Modern Welsh 1
- TP35940 - Advanced Scenographic Project
- TP23820 - New Media Performance
- TP24740 - Scenography Production Project
- TP25920 - Acting for Camera
- TP30320 - Performance and Disability
- TP11120 - Studio Theatre Project
- TP21220 - Acting: Process and Performance
- TP21620 - Devised Performance Project
- TP21820 - Directors' Theatre
- TFM6520 - Advanced Media Production Skills
- TC10620 - Gweithio yn y Diwydiannau Creadigol
- TC21120 - Ymarfer Cynhyrchu 1: Cyfryngau
- SP20130 - Spanish Language
- SP20310 - Language of Business and Current Affairs 1
- SP30215 - Spanish Language
- PGM1610 - Public Engagement and Impact
- LC39020 - Law and Criminology Dissertation
- LC36220 - Commercial Law
- LC37120 - Critical and Radical Criminology
- LC26420 - Family and Child Law
- LC31520 - Dispute Resolution in Contract and Tort
- LC20120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- LC21120 - Tort
- LAM0420 - Aspects of Commercial Contracting
- LAM1220 - International Trade Law
- LAM6260 - Dissertation
- IT22020 - Italian Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- IT30215 - Italian Language
- IT32210 - Italian Language
- LA11510 - Law in Action
- IR12220 - Introduction to Modern Irish Language II
- IPS1260 - Work Placement
- IPM1920 - International Politics
- IP12920 - Politics in the 21st Century
- HYM2820 - Gerald of Wales
- HYM9920 - Working with History
- HC11120 - Concwest, Uno a Hunaniaeth yng Nghymru 1200-1800
- GC23120 - Gaeleg yr Alban: cyflwyniad i'r iaith
- GE11020 - Beginners German 2
- GE11120 - Beginners German 1
- GE20130 - German Language
- FR20410 - French Language
- FR21530 - French Language Beginners
- FM30020 - Contemporary Film and the Break-Up of Britain
- FM30820 - Sound Design
- FM36040 - Independent Research Project
- FM22820 - Film Craft 1
- FM11120 - Movements in Film History
- ENM1620 - Women, Fiction and Female Community, 1660-1792
- EN30040 - Undergraduate Dissertation
- ENM0020 - Late Modernist Poetry
- ENM0560 - Master's Dissertation
- EDM2320 - Emotional Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing
- ED34820 - Emotional and Social Development
- ED39420 - Effective Teaching for Effective Learning 2 (Level 6)
- ED39620 - Specialist Subject Learning and Development Level 6
- EDM0230 - Action Research and Reflective Practice in HE (Sept start)
- ED20820 - Making Sense of the Curriculum
- ED29620 - Specialist Subject Learning and Development Level 5
- ED13620 - Key Skills for University
- CY35940 - Prosiect Hir
- CY25620 - Y Gymraeg yn y Gweithle
- CT30720 - Cyfraith Ewrop
- CT10120 - System Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol
- CT10320 - Rheoli ac Atal Troseddu
- CT10420 - Sgiliau ac Ymchwil Cyfreithiol
- CRM1320 - Miscarriages of Justice
- CL20320 - Classical Drama and Myth
- AR30130 - Exhibition 1: Graduation Show
- AR32330 - Book Illustration 3
- AR23210 - Professional Practice for Students of Art
- AR20720 - Photography 1
- AH32720 - Curating an Exhibition: Researching, Interpreting and Displaying
- AHM0460 - Dissertation
- AD24320 - Diogelu ac Ymarfer Proffesiynol
- WEM0520 - Early Medieval Welsh Poetry
- WHM1060 - Dissertation: Welsh History
- TP22320 - Principles of Scenography
- TC20320 - Sylfeini Hunan-Gyflwyno
- TC21020 - Ymarfer Cynhyrchu 1: Perfformio
- TC30620 - Theatr a Ffilm Gyfoes: Cymru a'r Byd
- TC10520 - Creu Ffilm
- TC10820 - Cydweithio Ensemble
- SP10820 - Beginners Spanish 1
- SP19930 - Spanish Language Advanced
- SP25020 - Seeing Spain Through Cinema
- SP30130 - Spanish Language
- PGM6210 - Philosophy and Contemporary Culture
- PGM4710 - Research Skills and Personal Development (Arts and Humanities) (2210)
- PGM4820 - Orientation in Professional Research
- PGM3510 - Sources for Postgraduate Research in the Modern Humanities and Social Sciences
- LC34920 - Equity and Trusts
- LC36120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- LC36420 - Family and Child Law
- LC38120 - Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
- LC30620 - Public Law
- LC31320 - Legal Practice and Public Law
- LC31820 - Property Law and Practice
- LC32520 - Criminal Justice Placement
- LC26920 - International Law
- LAM0820 - International Environmental Law
- LAM2420 - Law and Gender
- LAM4220 - International Humanitarian Law
- LC10420 - Legal Skills and Research
- IT31120 - Italian Cities
- IT10820 - Beginners Italian 1
- IT20215 - Italian Language
- IT21210 - Modern Italy
- IT22210 - Italian Language
- IR10120 - Modern Irish: Introduction
- IR11720 - Introduction to the Literature of Gaelic Ireland
- IR22220 - Modern Irish (Language and Literature)
- IR22320 - Modern Irish (Language and Literature)
- IQ25120 - Strategy, Intelligence and Security in International Politics
- IP12420 - Exploring the International 1: Central Concepts and Core Skills
- HYM0120 - Research Methods and Professional Skills in History
- HYM0520 - Key Themes in Modern History
- HYM5120 - Concepts and Sources in Heritage Studies
- HY24620 - Victorian Visions: Exploring Nineteenth-Century Exhibitions
- HY20120 - Making History
- GW12420 - Cyflwyniad i Wleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol 1: Cysyniadau Canolog a Sgiliau Craidd
- GE21530 - German Language-Beginners (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- GE22020 - German Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- GE27110 - Short Prose in German
- FR32020 - French Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- FM36720 - Media Law and Regulation
- FM38420 - Videogame Theories
- FM21920 - Advertising
- FM22320 - Youth Cultures
- FM10820 - Introduction to Post-Production and Editing
- ENM1520 - Romantic Radical Cultures
- EN19920 - Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change
- EN20120 - Literary Theory: Debates and Dialogues
- EN20920 - Literary Modernisms
- EN21020 - Literary Geographies
- EN22120 - Place and Self
- EN23120 - In the Olde Dayes: Medieval Texts and Their World
- EL20720 - Brazilian / Portuguese Language II
- EN10220 - Ancestral Voices
- ED39120 - Learning Numeracy
- ED39320 - Effective Teaching for Effective Learning 1 (Level 6)
- CYM5720 - Meistroli Mynegiant yn y Gweithle Proffesiynol
- CY11720 - Ysgrifennu Cymraeg Graenus
- CY21420 - Cymraeg Llyfr a Chymraeg Llafar
- CT39020 - Traethawd Estynedig y Gyfraith a Throseddeg
- CY11020 - Ymwneud â'ch pwnc yn Gymraeg: sgiliau dwyieithog ar gyfer y brifysgol a'r gweithle
- CY11420 - Cymraeg Llyfr a Chymraeg Llafar
- CT30520 - Cyfraith Troseddol
- CT34820 - Cyfraith Tir
- CT34920 - Ecwiti a Chyfraith Ymddiriedolaethau
- CL10120 - Greek and Roman Epic and Drama
- AR32540 - Exhibition 2: Graduation Show
- ARM0120 - Vocational Practice
- ARM0460 - Exhibition 1: Consolidation
- AR25420 - Interdisciplinary Practice 4
- AR20830 - Photography 2
- AR21620 - Photography 3
- AR22110 - Life Studies 1
- AR11620 - Photographic Practice II: Identity/Face
- AH11520 - Looking into Landscape: Reading, Researching, Responding
- ADM2020 - Addysgeg ac Ymarfer
- ADM2720 - Tegwch ac Amrywiaeth
- WL35320 - Literatures of Surveillance
- WR20220 - Beginning the Novel
- WR31220 - Poetry for today
- WE11420 - Introduction to Welsh Literature
- TP11020 - Theatre in Context 1
- TFM3960 - Film Production Research Project
- TC36820 - Ffilmiau Hollywood
- TC20220 - Prosiect Ymchwil Ymarferol
- SP10610 - Hispanic Civilization
- SP11020 - Beginners Spanish 2
- SP30040 - Dissertation (Single Honours Spanish and Latin American Studies)
- LC30520 - Criminal Law
- LC31420 - Business Law and Practice and Solicitors Accounts
- LC31620 - Criminal Law and Practice
- LC31720 - Wills, Trusts and Estates Law and Practice
- LC22220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LC23820 - Contract Law
- LC24820 - Land Law
- LC26220 - Commercial Law
- LC26820 - Employment Law
- LAM2220 - Negotiated Study Module
- LC11120 - Tort
- LC14120 - Criminology in Action
- IRM0320 - Comparative Celtic Philology
- IPM0620 - Indigenous Politics
- IPM8220 - Warfare in the 21st Century
- IP25320 - Warfare after Waterloo: Military History 1815-1918
- IP20120 - International Relations: Perspectives and Debates
- HYM6220 - Science, Place and Victorian Culture
- HYM6320 - Representations of the Holocaust 1945-2020
- HC11820 - Cymdeithas, Pobl a Gwleidyddiaeth: Cymru, 1800-1999
- HQ39720 - The Invisible Empires: The Second Ku Klux Klan and American Society, 1915-1944
- HA11420 - Ewrop a'r Byd, 1000-2000
- GE30130 - German Language
- GE22210 - German Language
- GE30040 - Dissertation (Single Hons Modern German Studies)
- FR39110 - "...ISMES" Cultural and Artistic Movements in 20th c. France
- FR20130 - French Language
- FR30040 - Dissertation (Single Honours French)
- FM38220 - Cult Cinema: Texts, Histories and Audiences
- FM22920 - Film Craft 2
- FM26520 - Creative Documentary
- FM30920 - Visual Effects
- FM10720 - Studying Communication
- EN30820 - Haunting Texts
- ENM0220 - Queer and Now: 100 years of Queer Writing
- ENM1220 - Postwar American Fiction
- EN11220 - American Literature 1819-1925
- EN21120 - Contemporary Writing and Climate Crisis
- EDM9130 - Mentoring in Education, Principles and Practice
- EL10820 - Language, Culture, and Identity in Europe
- EL30510 - Extended Essay Module
- EDM2120 - Evidence-informed Practice
- EDM2720 - Equity and Diversity
- ED14420 - Partnerships in Principle and Practice
- CYM5620 - Prosiect Arbenigol
- CYM6310 - Hanfodion Isdeitlo
- CY20120 - Gloywi Iaith
- CT36120 - Trosedd & Chyfiawnder Ieuenctid
- CY10920 - Trafod y Byd Cyfoes twy'r Gymraeg
- CT20520 - Cyfraith Troseddol
- CT23820 - Cyfraith Cytundebau
- CT12220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- CT13120 - Sgiliau Hanfodol ar Gyfer Troseddegwyr
- CRM1020 - Criminological Theory and Perspectives
- CRM1420 - Understanding and Investigating Serious Crime
- CRM2020 - International Criminology and Criminal Justice
- CRM9920 - Heritage, Arts and Antiques Crime Around the World
- AR24320 - Photographic Practice III: Constructed Images
- AR31730 - Painting 5 - Paint Directed Practice
- AR11420 - Painting: Extended Practice
- ADM3260 - Traethawd Hir
- AH11720 - Representing the Body
- ADM2420 - Archwilio Addysgeg
- AD14320 - Datblygiad Iaith yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar
- AD14520 - Datblygiad a Dysgu Plant
- AD20320 - Dulliau Ymchwil
- AD20620 - Gweithio Gyda Phlant
- AD30120 - Asesu ac Addysg
- WR31920 - Writing Horror
- WRM6320 - Writer as Scholar
- WRM6420 - Modes in Contemporary Poetry
- WL20320 - Short stories: Grit and Candour
- WL20720 - A Century in Crisis: 1790s to 1890s
- WL30620 - Remix: Chaucer In The Then and Now
- WR20620 - Writing Selves
- WEM0320 - Reading Early Modern Gaelic Prose Texts
- TP39020 - Musical Theatre Dramaturgies
- TPS0360 - Professional Practice Year
- TP23220 - Shakespeare in Performance
- TP11320 - Theatre in Context 2
- TP19820 - Theatre Technologies
- TP10120 - Body, Voice, Perception
- TFM0120 - Gender and Media Production
- TFM0720 - 16mm Filmmaking
- TFM0840 - Documentary Practices
- TFM0920 - Ecocriticism and Ecocinema
- TC20620 - Theatr a Ffilm Gyfoes: Cymru a'r Byd
- SP21530 - Spanish Language-Beginners (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- SP22020 - Spanish Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- SP30410 - Spanish Language
- SP32020 - Spanish Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- SP35020 - Seeing Spain Through Cinema
- SP39910 - Traducción al español
- PGM4120 - Research Skills and Personal Development (0120)
- PGM4420 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1120)
- PGM2710 - Theoretical Foundations of Research in Law and Criminology
- LC30720 - European Law
- LC32220 - Introduction to Criminology
- IT20130 - Italian Language
- IT30310 - The Language of Current Affairs
- IR21820 - Old Irish (Language + Literature) 1+2
- IPM4620 - Global Politics of Middle Powers
- IQ23920 - People and Power: Understanding Comparative Politics Today
- IP22320 - The Governance of Climate Change: Simulation Module
- HYM2120 - Latin for Postgraduate Study
- HY11820 - The Modern World, 1789 to the present
- GE32820 - Children's Literature in German
- GE37220 - German-speaking Refugees from National Socialism in the UK
- GC10120 - Gwyddeleg Modern: Cyflwyniad
- GE27220 - German-speaking Refugees from National Socialism in the UK
- FR30410 - French Language
- FR11020 - Beginners French 2
- FR11120 - Introduction to French Studies
- FR12910 - Images of France: The French Family
- FR20215 - French Language
- FR20310 - Language of Business 1
- FM33740 - Documentary Production
- FM34240 - Fiction Film Production
- FM37020 - Scriptwriting 1
- FM37520 - Advanced Cinematography and Production Design
- FM22620 - Media, Politics and Power
- FM23820 - Work in the Film & Television Industries
- FM27120 - Writing Audio Drama
- FM10220 - Studying Television
- EN10520 - Contemporary Writing
- EN11320 - Critical Practice
- EL10310 - Introduction to European Film
- ED39820 - Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Learning
- EDM2520 - Inclusive Classroom Practice
- ED35860 - Year 3 Early Years Practitioner Placement
- ED13720 - Play Matters: Understanding and Supporting Learning and Play
- ED14320 - Language Development in the Early Years
- ED20420 - Education, Diversity and Equality
- ED20620 - Working with Children
- CYM5110 - Datblygu Sgiliau Cyfieithu
- CY30320 - Gweithdai Ysgrifennu Creadigol
- CY12720 - Cyflwyniad i Gymraeg Proffesiynol
- CT32220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- CT10520 - Cyfraith Droseddol
- CT22220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- ARM0260 - Exhibition 2: Resolution
- AR30620 - Research and Process in Practice
- AR32040 - Printmaking 6 - Print Directed Practice
- AR21820 - Book Illustration 1
- AR22210 - Life Studies 2
- AR22430 - Printmaking 2: Etching and Relief Printing
- AR25320 - Interdisciplinary Practice 3
- AR15320 - Interdisciplinary Practice 1
- AR21030 - Painting 4
- AR11220 - Painting: Looking, Seeing, Thinking
- AH11820 - Photography Begins
- ADM2320 - Iechyd Emosiynol, Iechyd Meddwl a Lles
- ADM2920 - Arwain a Rheoli ADY
- AD25860 - Lleoliad Ymarferydd Blynyddoedd Cynnar Blwyddyn 2
- AD34820 - Datblygiad Emosiynol a Chymdeithasol
- WR22120 - Adventures with Poetry
- WR31820 - Crisis Writing
- WEM4220 - Women's Poetry in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1400 - 1800
- WL10120 - Re-imagining Nineteenth-Century Literature
- WL10420 - Introduction to Poetry
- WEM0120 - Comparative Celtic Literature
- TP35520 - Ensemble Performance Project
- TP38140 - Independent Production Project
- TP22520 - Scenographic Composition
- TP24940 - Theatre Production Project
- TFM1060 - Practice Research Project
- TC21220 - Ymarfer Cynhyrchu: Gorffen
- TC21820 - Ffilm a Chyfryngau Cymru
- TC31220 - Ymarfer Cynhyrchu 2: Gorffen
- SP22220 - Research Project
- PGM3610 - Texts that made the Middle Ages: Latin for postgraduates
- MOR0120 - Sgiliau Ymchwil a Datblygiad Personol
- LDM6260 - Dissertation
- LC22520 - Criminal Justice Placement
- LC24920 - Equity and Trusts
- LC25720 - Quantitative Research Skills
- LC28120 - Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
- LC12220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LC13620 - Foundations of Psychology
- LC20520 - Criminal Law
- LC20720 - European Law
- LA31210 - Corporate Governance
- LAM0620 - International Criminal Law
- LAM0720 - International Commercial Law
- LA13520 - The Law of Obligations
- LA30720 - Business Law
- IRM0620 - Introduction to Modern Irish Language I
- IRM2220 - Introduction to Modern Irish Language II
- IT21120 - Italian Cities
- IR11820 - The Celts: A Contested Legacy
- IPM0420 - Intelligence, Security and International Relations in the 20th Century
- IP20720 - Climate Change and International Politics in the Anthropocene
- IP30040 - Dissertation
- IP12620 - Behind the Headlines
- HYM1160 - Dissertation
- HYM1220 - Sources for Postgraduate Research in the Modern Humanities and Social Sciences
- HY24320 - Interdisciplinary and decolonial history
- HY25020 - Recounting Racism: Oral History and Modern American Race Relations.
- HY30340 - Dissertation
- HQ35020 - The English Reformation, 1520-58: Revolution and Counter Revolution
- HQ35620 - The English Reformation, 1558-1648: Consolidation and Conflict
- HY11420 - Medieval and Early Modern Britain and Europe, 1000-1800
- HA12120 - Cyflwyno Hanes
- HA30340 - Traethawd Estynedig
- GW12520 - Globaleiddio a Datblygiad Byd-eang
- GC21820 - Cyflwyniad i Hen Wyddeleg
- GE10810 - Exploring German Cultural Identity
- FR27020 - Self-Writing, 18th-21st Centuries
- FR29110 - "...ISMES" Cultural and Artistic Movements in 20th c. France
- FR30130 - French Language
- FM25420 - Creative Studio
- FM30320 - Contemporary TV
- FM10120 - Studying Film
- FM11240 - Making Short Films 2
- FM11520 - Making Short Films 1
- EN30120 - Reading Theory / Reading Text
- EN30520 - Romantic Eroticism
- EN21220 - Literature and Climate in the Nineteenth Century
- EDM9030 - Advanced Mentoring in Education
- EL30120 - Dissertation
- EDM3260 - Dissertation
- ED39520 - Learning Literacies Level 6
- ED22420 - Discourses Language and Education
- ED24320 - Safeguarding and Professional Practice
- ED29520 - Learning Literacies Level 5
- ED14520 - Children's Development and Learning
- ED14620 - Health and Wellbeing in the Early Years
- CYM5310 - Portffolio Cyfieithu 1 (Cyffredinol)
- CYM6110 - Cyflwyniad i Gyfieithu ar y Pryd
- CY31120 - Gloywi Iaith yr Ail Iaith
- CYM5210 - Cyfarpar Cyfieithu
- CY20520 - Cymraeg y Gweithle Proffesiynol
- CY11520 - Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg: cyfoes a hanesyddol
- CT24920 - Ecwiti a Chyfraith Ymddiriedolaethau
- CT37120 - Troseddeg Feirniadol a Radical
- CT21120 - Cyfraith Camwedd
- CT22520 - Lleoliad Gwaith Cyfiawnder Troseddol
- AR32440 - Book Illustration 4
- AR24420 - Photographic Practice IV: Documentary Storytelling
- AR32240 - Photography 6 - Photo Directed Practice
- AR21730 - Photography 4
- AR22320 - Printmaking 1: Etching and Relief Printing
- AR22630 - Printmaking 4: Screenprinting, lithography & hybrid printing
- AHM1020 - Artworld: Contemporary Practice in Context (for Students of Fine Art)
- AR11520 - Photographic Practice I: Presence/Place
- AH11220 - Exploring the School of Art Collections: Research and Museums
- AD20120 - Seicoleg Dysgu a Meddwl
- AD30620 - Hawliau Plant
- WR21120 - Telling True Stories: ways of Writing Creative Non-Fiction
- WR32120 - Writing and Place
- WR32620 - Writing Music
- WR32820 - Humour and Conflict in Contemporary Writing
- WH11720 - People, Power and Identity: Wales 1200-1999
- WEM0020 - The Mabinogion: Legendary and Arthurian Literature in Middle Welsh
- WEM0220 - Welsh Language 2
- WEM0460 - Dissertation: Welsh and Celtic Studies
- TP22620 - Design Project
- TP33340 - Playwriting
- TP33420 - Performance and Architecture
- TFM4520 - Case Studies in Film History
- TC31920 - Ffilm a Chyfryngau Cymru
- TC36140 - Prosiect Ymchwil Creadigol
- TFM0220 - Digital Culture
- TC11220 - Sylfeini Perfformio: Corff, Cymeriad a Thestun
- TC11320 - Creu Cynyrchiadau Amlgyfrwng
- TC21420 - Ymchwil Creadigol Ymarferol
- SP35120 - Reading Late 19th Century Literature
- TC10720 - Gweithio ar Gamera
- SP11120 - Study and Research Skills in Spanish and Latin American Studies
- SP20010 - The Spanish Avant-Garde
- SP20410 - Spanish Language
- PGM0210 - Principles of Research Design
- LC36820 - Employment Law
- LC30140 - Empirically Based Criminology Dissertation
- LC31220 - Business Law
- LC13820 - Contract Law
- LA36820 - Labour Law
- LAM0120 - Legal Studies
- LAM1620 - International Human Rights Law
- LC10320 - Crime Control and Prevention
- IT30130 - Italian Language
- IT32020 - Italian Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- IR11220 - Modern Irish Language and Literature for Non-Beginners
- IRM1020 - Modern Irish: Introduction
- IPM0060 - Dissertation
- IPM2120 - Research in Politics and International Studies
- HYM4820 - Research Concepts and Skills
- HYM0020 - Medieval London c. 1200 - 1500
- HYM2020 - England in Context in the Long Thirteenth Century
- HY12120 - Introduction to History
- HY12420 - Europe and the World, 1000-2000
- GE31110 - Contemporary German Politics
- GC20120 - Gwyddeleg Modern: Cyflwyniad
- GC33520 - Gwyddeleg Modern (iaith a llen) 3 + 4
- GE20215 - German Language
- FRM1920 - French Language (Beginners)
- GC11820 - Cymru a'r Celtiaid
- FR22020 - French Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- FM34120 - Media Semiotics
- FM34520 - Experimental Cinema
- FM22440 - Directing and Producing
- FM25520 - Digital Culture
- FM10620 - Studying Media
- FM17320 - Writing Continuing TV Drama
- FM20120 - LGBT Film & Television
- EN28720 - Writing Women for the Public Stage, 1670-1780
- ENM1720 - Sensational Sales: Victorian Popular Literature 1848-1894
- EL30720 - Brazilian / Portuguese Language III
- EL10520 - Introduction to European Film
- EL20510 - Extended Essay Module
- EDM2020 - Pedagogy and Practice
- EDM2920 - Leadership and Management of ALN
- EDM3720 - Leading Within and Across Education Systems
- ED34720 - Communication
- ED25860 - Year 2 Early Years Practitioner Placement
- ED30320 - Mathematical Development in the Early Years
- ED10620 - Early Years Provision: Principles and Practice
- ED10220 - Child Development
- CYM6210 - Uwch Sgilau Golygu
- CY36040 - Traethawd Estynedig
- CYM5520 - Cyfieithu ar Waith
- CY13020 - Cymraeg Llafar
- CY20420 - Gweithdai Ysgrifennu Creadigol
- CT26120 - Troseddau & Chyfiawnder Ieuenctid
- CT20120 - Systemau Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol
- CT20620 - Cyfraith Gyhoeddus
- CRM1120 - Critical Youth Justice
- ARM0520 - Portfolio: Development
- AR21930 - Book Illustration 2
- AR11120 - Drawing: Looking, Seeing, Thinking
- AR15420 - Interdisciplinary Practice 2
- AH32020 - Dissertation
- ADM3720 - Arwain o Fewn ac Ar Draws Systemau Addysg
- ADM3020 - Arwain Newid Sefydliadol
- AD33640 - Traethawd Hir
- AD13620 - Sgiliau Allweddol i Brifysgol
- WR11020 - Beginning Creative Writing Part 1
- WR21720 - Shaping Plots
- WRM6060 - Writer as Practitioner 2
- WE11320 - Beginning Welsh ii
- WEM0720 - Language revitalisation in a global context
- TPS0260 - Professional Practice Year
- TP30020 - Contemporary Drama
- TP31240 - Advanced Studio Practice (scenography)
- TP32820 - Place, Space and Landscape
- TFM4820 - Research Concepts and Skills
- TP10020 - Design in Context
- TC31020 - Ymarfer Cynhyrchu 2: Perfformio
- TC31120 - Ymarfer Cynhyrchu 2: Cyfryngau
- TFM0420 - Space, Place and Visual Culture
- TC27020 - 'Arwyr': Dogfennu Gyrfaoedd yn y Diwydiannau Creadigol
- PGM4510 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1710)
- MOR0510 - Dulliau Darllen
- LC38620 - Intellectual Property Law
- LC34820 - Land Law
- LC36920 - International Law
- LC23220 - Law in Action
- LC26120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- LC28620 - Intellectual Property Law
- LC10520 - Criminal Law
- LC13120 - Essential Skills for Criminologists
- LA33820 - Law of Contract
- LAM4420 - Migration and Asylum Law
- LC10120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- IT21530 - Italian Language-Beginners (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- IR10620 - Introduction to Modern Irish Language I
- IPS1160 - Work Placement
- IPM3720 - Knowledge and Expertise in International Politics
- IP12820 - The Making of the Modern World: War Peace and Revolution since 1789
- HYM2220 - Texts that made the Middle Ages: advanced Latin reading for postgraduate students
- HY10420 - 'Hands on' History: Sources and their Historians
- GW20120 - Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol: Safbwyntiau a Thrafodaethau
- HA10420 - Cydio mewn Hanes: Ffynonellau a'u Haneswyr
- HA20120 - Llunio Hanes
- GQ23920 - Pobl a Grym: Deall Gwleidyddiaeth Gymharol Heddiw
- GEM1920 - German Language (Beginners)
- GE22820 - Children's Literature in German
- GE30215 - German Language
- GE32020 - German Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- FR37020 - Self-writing, 18th-21st Centuries
- FR37820 - History, Film and Memory: Representing World Wars in French cinema
- FRM2020 - French Language (Advanced)
- FR10920 - Beginners French 1
- FR19930 - French Language Advanced
- FR30215 - French Language
- FM33540 - Experimental Media Production
- FM37120 - Scriptwriting 2
- FM38320 - Gender and the Media
- FM20920 - Creative Fiction: Horror
- FM11420 - Making Short Films 1
- FM17620 - Introduction to Film Production
- ENM3020 - Research and Project Planning
- EN30420 - Writing in the Margins: Twentieth-Century Welsh Poetry in English
- EN31320 - The Mark of the Beast: Animals in Literature from the 1780s to the 1920s
- EN33620 - Ali Smith and 21st Century fiction(s)
- EDM6130 - Professionalizing your Teaching in HE (Jan start)
- EDM6230 - Action Research and Reflective Practice in HE (Jan start)
- EL10720 - Brazilian Portuguese (Basic)
- ED39720 - Bilingual Learning
- ED39920 - Learning Digital Competencies
- ED29320 - Effective Teaching for Effective Learning 1 Level 5
- ED30120 - Assessment and Education
- ED33640 - Major dissertation
- ED20220 - Literacy in Young Children
- CYM6510 - Ymarfer Cyfieithu a Golygu
- CY35620 - Y Gymraeg yn y Gweithle
- CYM5410 - Portffolio Cyfieithu 2 (Arbenigol)
- CYM5960 - Prosiect Estynedig
- CYM6010 - Datblygu Sgiliau Cyfieithu (yn y Gweithle)
- CY11220 - Beirdd a Llenorion o 1900 hyd heddiw
- CT32520 - Lleoliad Gwaith Cyfiawnder Troseddol
- CY11120 - Themau a Ffigurau Llen c.550-1900
- CT24820 - Cyfraith Tir
- CT30140 - Traethawd Estynedig Empeiraidd Troseddeg
- CT30620 - Cyfraith Gyhoeddus
- CRM1220 - International Comparative Youth Justice
- AR31930 - Printmaking 5 - Print Directed Practice
- AR32130 - Photography 5 - Photo Directed Practice
- AR22520 - Printmaking 3: Screenprinting, lithography & hybrid printing
- AR31610 - Life Studies 3
- AR20920 - Painting 3
- AHM0940 - Artworld: Contemporary Practice in Context (for Students of Art History)
- AH11420 - Revolutions & Modernities: Art in the Nineteenth Century
- AH20520 - Modernisms: Art in the Early Twentieth Century
- AH21020 - Dissertation Preparation and Professional Practice for Students of Art History
- AD35860 - Lleoliad Ymarferydd Blynyddoedd Cynnar Blwyddyn 3
- ADM2520 - Ymarfer Cynhwysol yn yr Ystafell Ddosbarth
- ADM2820 - Cynllunio a Gwireddu Cwricwlwm
- AD30320 - Datblygiad Mathemategol yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar
- IQ23420 - Total War, Total Peace
- IQ33420 - Total War, Total Peace
- GW30040 - Dulliau Ymchwil + Traethawd Estynedig
- WL20420 - Reading the Classroom: from the Nursery to the University
- ED30730 - Professional Practice
- ED30830 - Learning and teaching
- CRM1810 - Designing Criminological Research
- EDM3460 - Subject/Phase Specialism
- AH20320 - Methods and Materials for Art Historians
- AH30020 - The Pre-Raphaelites
- AD14420 - Partneriaethau - Egwyddorion ac Ymarfer
- FM31020 - Screening the Brave New World: television in 20th-century Britain
- EL10410 - Language, Culture and Identity in Europe
- FM20420 - The Story of Television
- FM31920 - Advertising
- AH20020 - The Pre-Raphaelites
- WL11920 - Peering into Possibility: Speculative Fiction and the Now
- HY39920 - Southeast Asia at the crossroads (c. 1400 to the present)
- HY29920 - Southeast Asia at the crossroads (c.1400 to the present)
- AR29820 - Introduction to Design and Illustration 1
- AR29930 - Introduction to Design and Illustration 2
- TP20820 - Theatre and Contemporary Society
- HQ33320 - Cathedrals in Medieval England and Wales Part 1
- HY30920 - The Tudors: A European Dynasty?
- WH33420 - Crime, Riot and Morality in Wales 1750-1850
- HQ33420 - Cathedrals in Medieval England and Wales Part 2
- HC23420 - Trosedd, Terfysg a Moesoldeb yng Nghymru 1750-1850
- HC33420 - Trosedd, Terfysg a Moesoldeb yng Nghymru 1750-1850
- HY20920 - The Tudors: A European Dynasty?
- WH23420 - Crime, Riot and Morality in Wales 1750-1850
- HQ39220 - From Burma to Myanmar (Part I): colonial Burma under British rule (1824-1941)
- HQ39320 - From Burma to Myanmar (Part II): Challenges for a young nation state since 1942
- FR21020 - Gender in Modern and Contemporary French Culture
- FR31020 - Gender in Modern and Contemporary French Culture
- FR26120 - Humour and Literature
- FR36120 - Humour and Literature
- AH30120 - Enlightenment and Empire: Museums, Knowledge, and Meaning
- AH20120 - Enlightenment and Empire: Museums, Knowledge, and Meaning
- ADM3460 - Arbenigedd Pwnc/Cyfnod
- AD30730 - Ymarfer Proffesiynol
- AD30830 - Dysgu ac Addysgu
- HY25720 - The Making of Europe: Christendom and beyond, c. 1000-1300
- HY35720 - The Making of Europe: Christendom and beyond, c. 1000-1300
- HY38820 - African-American History, 1808 to the Present
- AH24020 - Documentary Photography
- AH34020 - Documentary Photography
- HC30120 - Cymru a Brenhinoedd Prydain: Gwrthdaro, Grym a Hunaniaeth yn Ynysoedd Prydain, 1039-1417
- AH21620 - The Image Multiplied: European Printmaking since 1400
- CY24520 - Y Gynghanedd: Cwrs Trochi
- HA38120 - Stori yr Unol Daleithiau ar Ffilm a Theledu, 1865-2008
- HP33220 - Gwrthryfel Glyndŵr 2: Cwestiynau Allweddol
- HY28320 - African-American History, 1808 to the Present
- HY29720 - The Atlantic World, 1492-1825
- HY35920 - Magic in the Middle Ages: From Antiquity to the Eve of the Witch Craze
- HY37520 - Media and Society in Twentieth Century Britain
- HY38620 - Science, Religion and Magic
- AH30620 - The Image Multiplied: European Printmaking since 1400
- HA26820 - Rhyfel Cartref America
- HA28120 - Stori yr Unol Daleithiau ar Ffilm a Theledu, 1865-2008
- HY28620 - Science, Religion and Magic
- HY39620 - Germany since 1945
- HY39720 - The Atlantic World, 1492-1825
- CY23620 - Rhyddiaith y Dadeni
- CY24220 - Traddodiad benywaidd? Merched a Barddoniaeth yng Nghymru 1400-1800
- HY24120 - Memory, Myth and History: Investigating Medieval Chronicles, c. 1000-1250
- HY25920 - Magic in the Middle Ages: From Antiquity to the Eve of the Witch Craze
- HY27520 - Media and Society in Twentieth Century Britain
- AH30320 - Methods and Materials for Art Historians
- CY22320 - Cymraeg Ddoe a Heddiw: cyflwyniad i ieithyddiaeth
- CY23420 - Y Chwedl Arthuraidd cyn 1200
- HA24720 - Gwrando ar Hanes: Y mudiad Hawliau Sifil yn America
- HA36820 - Rhyfel Cartref America
- HC20120 - Cymru a Brenhinoedd Prydain: Gwrthdaro, Grym a Hunaniaeth yn Ynysoedd Prydain, 1039-1417
- HP33120 - Gwrthryfel Glyndŵr 1: Hynt a Helynt y Gwrthryfel
- HY29620 - Germany since 1945
- LC38220 - Drugs and Crime
- LL11120 - Llydaweg: Cyflwyniad
- TPM0860 - Practice Research Project
- WE24220 - Women's Poetry in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1400-1800
- GQ30920 - Y Meddwl Cymreig Mewn Syniadaeth Ryngwladol
- LC22420 - Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Law
- LC30320 - Community Justice
- LC32420 - Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Law
- LC35220 - Human Rights
- LC39220 - Psychopathology
- PGM3710 - Designing Criminological Research
- WE34220 - Women's Poetry in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1400-1800
- CY25720 - Astudiaethau Trosi ac Addasu
- GE26020 - Die Wende: Representations of Division and Unification in German Film
- LC21020 - Police, Policing and Society
- LC24220 - Contemporary Issues in Criminology
- LC28220 - Drugs and Crime
- CT21020 - Yr Heddlu, Plismona a'r Gymdeithas
- CY36120 - Y Golygydd a Diwydiant Cyhoeddi Cymru
- LL31120 - Llydaweg: cyflwyniad
- SP27020 - Cuban Cinema of the Revolution: Crisis, National Identity and the Critique of Contemporary Society
- GE36120 - Die Wende: Representations of Division and Unification in German Film
- SP37020 - Cuban Cinema of the Revolution: Crisis, National Identity and the Critique of Contemporary Society
- TPM1020 - Space, Time, Material and Form
- IP30820 - Militaries and Crisis: Where Strategy Meets Society
- LC20320 - Community Justice
- LC37220 - Company Law
- LC37720 - Climate Change and Environmental Law
- CY33420 - Y Chwedl Arthuraidd cyn 1200
- CY34520 - Y Gynghanedd: Cwrs Trochi
- CY35720 - Astudiaethau Trosi ac Addasu
- IP20820 - Militaries and Crisis: Where Strategy Meets Society
- LC34220 - Contemporary Issues in Criminology
- IP32220 - Political Theory
- IP33020 - Science, Technology, and International Relations
- CY34220 - Traddodiad Benywaidd? Merched a Barddoniaeth 1400-1800
- CY32320 - Cymraeg Ddoe a Heddiw: Cyflwyniad i ieithyddiaeth
- CY35320 - Rhyddiaith Tri Chwarter Canrif, 1900-79
- GQ33720 - Gwleidyddiaeth mewn Cymdeithasau Amrywiaethol
- LL21120 - Llydaweg: Cyflwyniad
- TPM1540 - Creative Practice Project
- LC25220 - Human Rights
- LC27220 - Company Law
- CT20220 - Trosedd yn y Gymru Gyfoes
- CT30220 - Trosedd yn y Gymru Gyfoes
- CT31020 - Yr Heddlu, Plismona a'r Gymdeithas
- LC27720 - Climate Change and Environmental Law
- LC29220 - Psychopathology
- LC31020 - Police, Policing and Society
- CY25320 - Rhyddiaith Tri Chwarter Canrif (1900-1979)
- CY26120 - Y Golygydd a Diwydiant Cyhoeddi Cymru
- GQ20920 - Y Meddwl Cymreig mewn Syniadaeth Ryngwladol
- IP22220 - Political Theory
- CY33620 - Rhyddiaith y Dadeni
- IP26820 - Questions of International Politics
- IP23820 - The European Union: Politics, Policies, Problems
- IP24520 - Terrorism & Counter Terrorism in the Modern World: Policing, Intelligence & War
- IP28720 - Contemporary Latin America
- IQ25720 - War Crimes
- IQ22820 - Capitalism and International Politics
- IP26420 - The Second World War in Europe
- IQ24920 - Russian intelligence from Lenin to Putin
- IQ32820 - Capitalism and International Politics
- GQ23720 - Gwleidyddiaeth mewn Cymdeithasau Amrywiaethol
- IQ20220 - Intervention and Humanitarianism
- IQ30320 - The BRICS in World Politics
- IP28320 - A War on the Mind: Propaganda and Secret Intelligence from the Great War to the 21st Century
- IP34520 - Terrorism & Counter Terrorism in the Modern World: Policing, Intelligence & War
- IP36420 - The Second World War in Europe
- IP38320 - A War on the Mind: Propaganda and Secret Intelligence from the Great War to the 21st Century
- IQ20320 - The BRICS in World Politics
- IQ35720 - War Crimes
- GW25020 - Datganoli a Chymru
- IP38720 - Contemporary Latin America
- IQ23720 - Politics in Diverse Societies
- IP25020 - Devolution and Wales
- IP33820 - The European Union: Politics, Policies, Problems
- IP35020 - Devolution and Wales
- IQ33720 - Politics in Diverse Societies
- IQ30220 - Intervention and Humanitarianism
- IQ31620 - Trade Wars and the Liberal Order
- IP23020 - Science, Technology, and International Relations
- GW35020 - Datganoli a Chymru
- IQ21620 - Trade Wars and the Liberal Order
- IQ34920 - Russian intelligence from Lenin to Putin
- IR33220 - Comparative Celtic Philology
- IR32520 - Modern Irish (Language and Literature) 3+4
- WE30220 - Language revitalisation in a global context
- WE20120 - Language revitalisation in a global context
- IP21420 - Climate Change Politics
- TP11720 - Scenography Site Project
- TP19920 - Theatre Technologies 2
- TC37020 - 'Arwyr': Dogfennu Gyrfaoedd yn y Diwydiannau Creadigol
- CT30320 - Dioddefoleg
- CT20320 - Dioddefoleg
- IP36820 - Questions of International Politics
- LC30820 - Victimology
- IP31420 - Climate Change Politics
- LC20820 - Victimology
- GC33120 - Gaeleg yr Alban: cyflwyniad i'r iaith
- IPM2220 - Fear, Cooperation and Trust in World Politics
- IPM6820 - Security Policy in the European Union
- IPM0720 - Thoughts of War: Strategic Theory and Thinkers
- IPM1720 - Futures for International Relations Theory
- IPM1120 - Critical Security Studies: Contemporary Theories
- IPM1520 - War and Peace in the Middle East
- HYM5920 - Borders and borderlands in modern Asia
- HYM0420 - Collective resistance of peasant communities in twentieth-century Latin America and the Caribbean
- AH23120 - Adaptation: Versions, Revisions and Cultural Renewal
- AH33120 - Adaptation: Versions, Revisions and Cultural Renewal
- IR11920 - Introduction to Old Irish
Attendance Dept Admin
- WRM6140 - Writer as Practitioner 1
- WRM6420 - Modes in Contemporary Poetry
- WL35320 - Literatures of Surveillance
- WEM0460 - Dissertation: Welsh and Celtic Studies
- WEM0520 - Early Medieval Welsh Poetry
- TPS0260 - Professional Practice Year
- TFM1060 - Practice Research Project
- TC27020 - 'Arwyr': Dogfennu Gyrfaoedd yn y Diwydiannau Creadigol
- TC30620 - Theatr a Ffilm Gyfoes: Cymru a'r Byd
- TFM0320 - Narrative and Affect
- TC10720 - Gweithio ar Gamera
- TC20620 - Theatr a Ffilm Gyfoes: Cymru a'r Byd
- TC21020 - Ymarfer Cynhyrchu 1: Perfformio
- TC21420 - Ymchwil Creadigol Ymarferol
- SP35120 - Reading Late 19th Century Literature
- SP22020 - Spanish Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- SP10610 - Hispanic Civilization
- PGM4120 - Research Skills and Personal Development (0120)
- PGM1610 - Public Engagement and Impact
- LC38120 - Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
- LC39020 - Law and Criminology Dissertation
- LC36120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- LC36420 - Family and Child Law
- LC36820 - Employment Law
- LC31220 - Business Law
- LC31320 - Legal Practice and Public Law
- LC31620 - Criminal Law and Practice
- LAM1620 - International Human Rights Law
- LC10420 - Legal Skills and Research
- LC13820 - Contract Law
- LA11510 - Law in Action
- IRM0620 - Introduction to Modern Irish Language I
- IT10820 - Beginners Italian 1
- IT21530 - Italian Language-Beginners (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- IR10120 - Modern Irish: Introduction
- IR11720 - Introduction to the Literature of Gaelic Ireland
- IR12220 - Introduction to Modern Irish Language II
- IPS1160 - Work Placement
- IPS1260 - Work Placement
- IPM1920 - International Politics
- IPM4620 - Global Politics of Middle Powers
- HYM2220 - Texts that made the Middle Ages: advanced Latin reading for postgraduate students
- HYM6320 - Representations of the Holocaust 1945-2020
- HQ39620 - The Invisible Empires: The First Ku Klux Klan and American Society, 1865-1915
- HQ39720 - The Invisible Empires: The Second Ku Klux Klan and American Society, 1915-1944
- HY20120 - Making History
- HY24320 - Interdisciplinary and decolonial history
- GWM0060 - Traethawd Hir
- GE30215 - German Language
- GE31110 - Contemporary German Politics
- GE32020 - German Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- GEM1920 - German Language (Beginners)
- GC23120 - Gaeleg yr Alban: cyflwyniad i'r iaith
- GE21530 - German Language-Beginners (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- FM37520 - Advanced Cinematography and Production Design
- FR12910 - Images of France: The French Family
- FR20310 - Language of Business 1
- FM22440 - Directing and Producing
- FM22820 - Film Craft 1
- FM25520 - Digital Culture
- FM10120 - Studying Film
- FM11420 - Making Short Films 1
- ENM1520 - Romantic Radical Cultures
- EL30720 - Brazilian / Portuguese Language III
- EL10720 - Brazilian Portuguese (Basic)
- EL10820 - Language, Culture, and Identity in Europe
- EDM2420 - Exploring Pedagogies
- EDM2820 - Curriculum Design and Realisation
- EDM0230 - Action Research and Reflective Practice in HE (Sept start)
- ED25860 - Year 2 Early Years Practitioner Placement
- ED30420 - Special Educational Needs
- ED33640 - Major dissertation
- ED14420 - Partnerships in Principle and Practice
- CYM5110 - Datblygu Sgiliau Cyfieithu
- CYM5310 - Portffolio Cyfieithu 1 (Cyffredinol)
- CYM5720 - Meistroli Mynegiant yn y Gweithle Proffesiynol
- CYM6010 - Datblygu Sgiliau Cyfieithu (yn y Gweithle)
- CY25620 - Y Gymraeg yn y Gweithle
- CY20120 - Gloywi Iaith
- CT22220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- CT22520 - Lleoliad Gwaith Cyfiawnder Troseddol
- CT32220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- CT10520 - Cyfraith Droseddol
- CT11120 - Cyfraith Camwedd
- CL20320 - Classical Drama and Myth
- CRM1320 - Miscarriages of Justice
- AR30130 - Exhibition 1: Graduation Show
- AR32240 - Photography 6 - Photo Directed Practice
- AR21620 - Photography 3
- AR22320 - Printmaking 1: Etching and Relief Printing
- AR23210 - Professional Practice for Students of Art
- AR20720 - Photography 1
- AH32020 - Dissertation
- ADM3260 - Traethawd Hir
- AD30620 - Hawliau Plant
- WRM6060 - Writer as Practitioner 2
- WR22120 - Adventures with Poetry
- WR30040 - The Writing Project
- WR32620 - Writing Music
- WL10120 - Re-imagining Nineteenth-Century Literature
- WL20720 - A Century in Crisis: 1790s to 1890s
- TP24740 - Scenography Production Project
- TP30020 - Contemporary Drama
- TP11420 - Site-Specific Performance Project
- TP21220 - Acting: Process and Performance
- TP21620 - Devised Performance Project
- TFM4820 - Research Concepts and Skills
- TFM6420 - Introduction to Media Production Skills
- TC31120 - Ymarfer Cynhyrchu 2: Cyfryngau
- TFM0420 - Space, Place and Visual Culture
- TC10820 - Cydweithio Ensemble
- TC21120 - Ymarfer Cynhyrchu 1: Cyfryngau
- TC21220 - Ymarfer Cynhyrchu: Gorffen
- TC21820 - Ffilm a Chyfryngau Cymru
- SP25020 - Seeing Spain Through Cinema
- PGM2710 - Theoretical Foundations of Research in Law and Criminology
- LC38620 - Intellectual Property Law
- LC26420 - Family and Child Law
- LC28120 - Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
- LC31420 - Business Law and Practice and Solicitors Accounts
- LC13620 - Foundations of Psychology
- LC20620 - Public Law
- LC21220 - Business Law
- LC23220 - Law in Action
- LAM0820 - International Environmental Law
- LAM2220 - Negotiated Study Module
- IT21120 - Italian Cities
- IT21210 - Modern Italy
- IR11220 - Modern Irish Language and Literature for Non-Beginners
- IPM0420 - Intelligence, Security and International Relations in the 20th Century
- IPM2120 - Research in Politics and International Studies
- IP12520 - Globalization and Global Development
- IP12620 - Behind the Headlines
- IP12820 - The Making of the Modern World: War Peace and Revolution since 1789
- HYM0520 - Key Themes in Modern History
- HYM5120 - Concepts and Sources in Heritage Studies
- HY25020 - Recounting Racism: Oral History and Modern American Race Relations.
- HC11820 - Cymdeithas, Pobl a Gwleidyddiaeth: Cymru, 1800-1999
- HY11420 - Medieval and Early Modern Britain and Europe, 1000-1800
- HY12120 - Introduction to History
- GW12420 - Cyflwyniad i Wleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol 1: Cysyniadau Canolog a Sgiliau Craidd
- GW12920 - Gwleidyddiaeth yn yr Unfed Ganrif ar Hugain
- GEM2020 - German Language (Advanced)
- GE20215 - German Language
- FR30410 - French Language
- FR20410 - French Language
- FR29110 - "...ISMES" Cultural and Artistic Movements in 20th c. France
- FM25420 - Creative Studio
- FM27120 - Writing Audio Drama
- EN30040 - Undergraduate Dissertation
- EN30120 - Reading Theory / Reading Text
- EN30320 - Victorian Childhoods
- EDM3720 - Leading Within and Across Education Systems
- EDM2320 - Emotional Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing
- ED34820 - Emotional and Social Development
- ED39720 - Bilingual Learning
- ED39920 - Learning Digital Competencies
- ED22420 - Discourses Language and Education
- ED20120 - Psychology of Learning and Thinking
- CYM5960 - Prosiect Estynedig
- CYM5520 - Cyfieithu ar Waith
- CY30320 - Gweithdai Ysgrifennu Creadigol
- CY11120 - Themau a Ffigurau Llen c.550-1900
- CY12720 - Cyflwyniad i Gymraeg Proffesiynol
- CT30720 - Cyfraith Ewrop
- CT32520 - Lleoliad Gwaith Cyfiawnder Troseddol
- CT39020 - Traethawd Estynedig y Gyfraith a Throseddeg
- CT20420 - Sgiliau ac Ymchwil Cyfreithiol
- CT20620 - Cyfraith Gyhoeddus
- CT10320 - Rheoli ac Atal Troseddu
- CRM2020 - International Criminology and Criminal Justice
- CRM9920 - Heritage, Arts and Antiques Crime Around the World
- AR35420 - Interdisciplinary Practice 6
- ARM0460 - Exhibition 1: Consolidation
- AR30620 - Research and Process in Practice
- AR31610 - Life Studies 3
- AR31930 - Printmaking 5 - Print Directed Practice
- AR21030 - Painting 4
- AR21930 - Book Illustration 2
- AR22430 - Printmaking 2: Etching and Relief Printing
- AR11420 - Painting: Extended Practice
- AR11520 - Photographic Practice I: Presence/Place
- AR20120 - Painting 1
- AR20230 - Painting 2
- AH20620 - Postmodernism and Contemporary Art
- AH32720 - Curating an Exhibition: Researching, Interpreting and Displaying
- ADM3720 - Arwain o Fewn ac Ar Draws Systemau Addysg
- ADM2420 - Archwilio Addysgeg
- AD30120 - Asesu ac Addysg
- WR32420 - Writing Crime Fiction
- WR31220 - Poetry for today
- WE11420 - Introduction to Welsh Literature
- WEM4220 - Women's Poetry in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1400 - 1800
- WE11220 - Beginning Modern Welsh 1
- TP36040 - Independent Research Project
- TP38140 - Independent Production Project
- TP30320 - Performance and Disability
- TP33420 - Performance and Architecture
- TP22320 - Principles of Scenography
- TP22520 - Scenographic Composition
- TFM4520 - Case Studies in Film History
- TC31320 - Cynhyrchiad Annibynnol
- TC10520 - Creu Ffilm
- SP11120 - Study and Research Skills in Spanish and Latin American Studies
- SP20215 - Spanish Language
- PGM2910 - Research Writing Programme
- MOR0510 - Dulliau Darllen
- LC30520 - Criminal Law
- LC32220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LC34820 - Land Law
- LC22520 - Criminal Justice Placement
- LC26720 - Medicine Ethics and the Law
- LAM0720 - International Commercial Law
- LC13220 - Law in Action
- LC20520 - Criminal Law
- IT30310 - The Language of Current Affairs
- IT32210 - Italian Language
- IRM2220 - Introduction to Modern Irish Language II
- IR22320 - Modern Irish (Language and Literature)
- IQ23920 - People and Power: Understanding Comparative Politics Today
- IPM0620 - Indigenous Politics
- IP29220 - International Politics and Global Development
- HYM1220 - Sources for Postgraduate Research in the Modern Humanities and Social Sciences
- HQ35620 - The English Reformation, 1558-1648: Consolidation and Conflict
- HA11420 - Ewrop a'r Byd, 1000-2000
- HCM0160 - Traethawd Hir: Hanes Cymru
- GW12620 - Y Tu ôl i'r Penawdau
- GW20120 - Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol: Safbwyntiau a Thrafodaethau
- GE20130 - German Language
- GE22020 - German Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- GE27110 - Short Prose in German
- FR37020 - Self-writing, 18th-21st Centuries
- FR39110 - "...ISMES" Cultural and Artistic Movements in 20th c. France
- GC11820 - Cymru a'r Celtiaid
- FR20215 - French Language
- FR22020 - French Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- FM37120 - Scriptwriting 2
- FM38220 - Cult Cinema: Texts, Histories and Audiences
- FM11120 - Movements in Film History
- FM17620 - Introduction to Film Production
- FM21620 - Writing for Film and Television
- EN31320 - The Mark of the Beast: Animals in Literature from the 1780s to the 1920s
- EN20120 - Literary Theory: Debates and Dialogues
- EN20920 - Literary Modernisms
- EN21020 - Literary Geographies
- EN22920 - Literature since the '60s
- EN28720 - Writing Women for the Public Stage, 1670-1780
- EL20510 - Extended Essay Module
- EL30120 - Dissertation
- EL30510 - Extended Essay Module
- EN10220 - Ancestral Voices
- EDM6130 - Professionalizing your Teaching in HE (Jan start)
- EDM2520 - Inclusive Classroom Practice
- ED39620 - Specialist Subject Learning and Development Level 6
- ED30320 - Mathematical Development in the Early Years
- ED13520 - An Introduction to Global Education
- CYM5820 - Cyfieithu Creadigol Rhyngwladol
- CYM6420 - Cyfieithu ar y Pryd : Arfer ac Ymarfer
- CYM7020 - Cyfieithu a Byd Busnes
- CY11520 - Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg: cyfoes a hanesyddol
- CY11720 - Ysgrifennu Cymraeg Graenus
- CT36620 - Sgiliau Cyflogadwyedd ar gyfer Gweithwyr Proffesiynol
- CT20720 - Cyfraith Ewrop
- CT24920 - Ecwiti a Chyfraith Ymddiriedolaethau
- CT34920 - Ecwiti a Chyfraith Ymddiriedolaethau
- CT10420 - Sgiliau ac Ymchwil Cyfreithiol
- CRM1120 - Critical Youth Justice
- AR32330 - Book Illustration 3
- AR32540 - Exhibition 2: Graduation Show
- AR35320 - Interdisciplinary Practice 5
- AR25420 - Interdisciplinary Practice 4
- AR31840 - Painting 6 Paint Directed Practice
- AR11620 - Photographic Practice II: Identity/Face
- AH11220 - Exploring the School of Art Collections: Research and Museums
- AH20520 - Modernisms: Art in the Early Twentieth Century
- ADM2520 - Ymarfer Cynhwysol yn yr Ystafell Ddosbarth
- AD20120 - Seicoleg Dysgu a Meddwl
- AD35860 - Lleoliad Ymarferydd Blynyddoedd Cynnar Blwyddyn 3
- WR21720 - Shaping Plots
- TP33340 - Playwriting
- TP22620 - Design Project
- TP24940 - Theatre Production Project
- TP10120 - Body, Voice, Perception
- TP11020 - Theatre in Context 1
- TP11320 - Theatre in Context 2
- TFM3120 - Film Dramaturgy
- TFM0720 - 16mm Filmmaking
- TFM0920 - Ecocriticism and Ecocinema
- TC11220 - Sylfeini Perfformio: Corff, Cymeriad a Thestun
- TC11320 - Creu Cynyrchiadau Amlgyfrwng
- SP10820 - Beginners Spanish 1
- SP19930 - Spanish Language Advanced
- SP20410 - Spanish Language
- SP21530 - Spanish Language-Beginners (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- SP30040 - Dissertation (Single Honours Spanish and Latin American Studies)
- SP30130 - Spanish Language
- PGM4420 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1120)
- PGM4210 - Principles of Research Design
- MOR0120 - Sgiliau Ymchwil a Datblygiad Personol
- LC36920 - International Law
- LC23820 - Contract Law
- LC26220 - Commercial Law
- LC13120 - Essential Skills for Criminologists
- LA13410 - Legal System
- IRM1020 - Modern Irish: Introduction
- IT30130 - Italian Language
- IT32020 - Italian Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- IRM0220 - Medieval Saga Literature of Ireland
- IQ25120 - Strategy, Intelligence and Security in International Politics
- IPM8220 - Warfare in the 21st Century
- IP12920 - Politics in the 21st Century
- IP20120 - International Relations: Perspectives and Debates
- IP22320 - The Governance of Climate Change: Simulation Module
- HC11120 - Concwest, Uno a Hunaniaeth yng Nghymru 1200-1800
- HA10420 - Cydio mewn Hanes: Ffynonellau a'u Haneswyr
- GC20120 - Gwyddeleg Modern: Cyflwyniad
- GE11120 - Beginners German 1
- FR30310 - The Language of Business and Current Affairs
- FR32020 - French Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- FR37820 - History, Film and Memory: Representing World Wars in French cinema
- FRM2020 - French Language (Advanced)
- FR30130 - French Language
- FM34240 - Fiction Film Production
- FM36720 - Media Law and Regulation
- FM37020 - Scriptwriting 1
- FM38320 - Gender and the Media
- FM22320 - Youth Cultures
- FM22620 - Media, Politics and Power
- FM22920 - Film Craft 2
- FM10720 - Studying Communication
- FM11240 - Making Short Films 2
- FM20120 - LGBT Film & Television
- ENM0560 - Master's Dissertation
- EDM6230 - Action Research and Reflective Practice in HE (Jan start)
- EL10520 - Introduction to European Film
- EDM2020 - Pedagogy and Practice
- ED39020 - Offender Learning
- ED39320 - Effective Teaching for Effective Learning 1 (Level 6)
- ED30120 - Assessment and Education
- ED34720 - Communication
- ED35860 - Year 3 Early Years Practitioner Placement
- ED14520 - Children's Development and Learning
- ED13720 - Play Matters: Understanding and Supporting Learning and Play
- CYM6210 - Uwch Sgilau Golygu
- CYM6310 - Hanfodion Isdeitlo
- CT23820 - Cyfraith Cytundebau
- CT26120 - Troseddau & Chyfiawnder Ieuenctid
- CL10120 - Greek and Roman Epic and Drama
- CRM1220 - International Comparative Youth Justice
- CRM1420 - Understanding and Investigating Serious Crime
- AR32040 - Printmaking 6 - Print Directed Practice
- AR31730 - Painting 5 - Paint Directed Practice
- AR20830 - Photography 2
- AHM0460 - Dissertation
- AR11320 - Drawing: Extended Practice
- AH11820 - Photography Begins
- ADM3020 - Arwain Newid Sefydliadol
- ADM2120 - Ymarfer wedi'i Lywio gan Dystiolaeth
- WR32720 - Big Ideas: Writing Popular Science
- WR32820 - Humour and Conflict in Contemporary Writing
- WRM6320 - Writer as Scholar
- WEM1120 - Welsh Language 1
- WHM1060 - Dissertation: Welsh History
- TPS0360 - Professional Practice Year
- TP23220 - Shakespeare in Performance
- TP31240 - Advanced Studio Practice (scenography)
- TP21820 - Directors' Theatre
- TC31920 - Ffilm a Chyfryngau Cymru
- TFM0220 - Digital Culture
- TC31220 - Ymarfer Cynhyrchu 2: Gorffen
- TC10620 - Gweithio yn y Diwydiannau Creadigol
- SP11020 - Beginners Spanish 2
- SP20130 - Spanish Language
- PGM4820 - Orientation in Professional Research
- PGM6210 - Philosophy and Contemporary Culture
- PGM4710 - Research Skills and Personal Development (Arts and Humanities) (2210)
- PGM3510 - Sources for Postgraduate Research in the Modern Humanities and Social Sciences
- LDM6260 - Dissertation
- LC30620 - Public Law
- LC32520 - Criminal Justice Placement
- LC22220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LC24820 - Land Law
- LC25720 - Quantitative Research Skills
- LC26120 - Youth Crime and Justice
- LAM4220 - International Humanitarian Law
- LAM6260 - Dissertation
- LC21120 - Tort
- LA31210 - Corporate Governance
- LAM0120 - Legal Studies
- IR10620 - Introduction to Modern Irish Language I
- IRM0120 - Old Irish for Beginners
- IP10320 - War, Strategy and Intelligence
- HYM2820 - Gerald of Wales
- HYM4820 - Research Concepts and Skills
- HY30340 - Dissertation
- HYM0120 - Research Methods and Professional Skills in History
- HYM2020 - England in Context in the Long Thirteenth Century
- HY11820 - The Modern World, 1789 to the present
- HY12420 - Europe and the World, 1000-2000
- HY24620 - Victorian Visions: Exploring Nineteenth-Century Exhibitions
- HQ35020 - The English Reformation, 1520-58: Revolution and Counter Revolution
- GE32210 - German Language
- GC10120 - Gwyddeleg Modern: Cyflwyniad
- FR30215 - French Language
- FRM1920 - French Language (Beginners)
- FR11120 - Introduction to French Studies
- FR27020 - Self-Writing, 18th-21st Centuries
- FR27820 - History, Film and Memory: Representing World Wars in French cinema
- FM30920 - Visual Effects
- FM36040 - Independent Research Project
- FM38420 - Videogame Theories
- FM26520 - Creative Documentary
- FM30820 - Sound Design
- FM10820 - Introduction to Post-Production and Editing
- ENM3120 - Reading Ulysses
- ENM1720 - Sensational Sales: Victorian Popular Literature 1848-1894
- EN11320 - Critical Practice
- EDM3260 - Dissertation
- ED39520 - Learning Literacies Level 6
- ED29520 - Learning Literacies Level 5
- ED39120 - Learning Numeracy
- ED14320 - Language Development in the Early Years
- ED20420 - Education, Diversity and Equality
- ED10620 - Early Years Provision: Principles and Practice
- CYM6110 - Cyflwyniad i Gyfieithu ar y Pryd
- CY35940 - Prosiect Hir
- CYM5210 - Cyfarpar Cyfieithu
- CYM5620 - Prosiect Arbenigol
- CY20520 - Cymraeg y Gweithle Proffesiynol
- CY11020 - Ymwneud â'ch pwnc yn Gymraeg: sgiliau dwyieithog ar gyfer y brifysgol a'r gweithle
- CY13020 - Cymraeg Llafar
- CY13120 - Sgiliau Astudio Iaith a Llên
- CT30140 - Traethawd Estynedig Empeiraidd Troseddeg
- CT37120 - Troseddeg Feirniadol a Radical
- CRM1020 - Criminological Theory and Perspectives
- AR24320 - Photographic Practice III: Constructed Images
- AR24420 - Photographic Practice IV: Documentary Storytelling
- AHM0940 - Artworld: Contemporary Practice in Context (for Students of Art History)
- AHM1020 - Artworld: Contemporary Practice in Context (for Students of Fine Art)
- AR11220 - Painting: Looking, Seeing, Thinking
- AH11720 - Representing the Body
- ADM2820 - Cynllunio a Gwireddu Cwricwlwm
- ADM2020 - Addysgeg ac Ymarfer
- WRM6620 - Writer as Professional
- WL30620 - Remix: Chaucer In The Then and Now
- WR11020 - Beginning Creative Writing Part 1
- WR31920 - Writing Horror
- WR32120 - Writing and Place
- WEM0720 - Language revitalisation in a global context
- WH11720 - People, Power and Identity: Wales 1200-1999
- WL20320 - Short stories: Grit and Candour
- WEM0220 - Welsh Language 2
- TP39020 - Musical Theatre Dramaturgies
- TP19820 - Theatre Technologies
- TFM6520 - Advanced Media Production Skills
- TFM0840 - Documentary Practices
- TC31020 - Ymarfer Cynhyrchu 2: Perfformio
- SP20010 - The Spanish Avant-Garde
- SP20310 - Language of Business and Current Affairs 1
- SP22220 - Research Project
- SP30410 - Spanish Language
- LC36220 - Commercial Law
- LC36720 - Medicine Ethics and the Law
- LC31720 - Wills, Trusts and Estates Law and Practice
- LC10320 - Crime Control and Prevention
- LC11120 - Tort
- LC20120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- LC20720 - European Law
- LAM0420 - Aspects of Commercial Contracting
- LAM1220 - International Trade Law
- LAM2420 - Law and Gender
- IT22210 - Italian Language
- IT31120 - Italian Cities
- IT20130 - Italian Language
- IPM0060 - Dissertation
- HYM0020 - Medieval London c. 1200 - 1500
- GW12520 - Globaleiddio a Datblygiad Byd-eang
- GQ23920 - Pobl a Grym: Deall Gwleidyddiaeth Gymharol Heddiw
- GE37220 - German-speaking Refugees from National Socialism in the UK
- GE19930 - German Language Advanced
- GE22210 - German Language
- GE30040 - Dissertation (Single Hons Modern German Studies)
- GE30130 - German Language
- FR19930 - French Language Advanced
- FR21530 - French Language Beginners
- FM34120 - Media Semiotics
- FM34520 - Experimental Cinema
- FM21920 - Advertising
- FM23820 - Work in the Film & Television Industries
- FM24420 - Art Cinema
- FM30320 - Contemporary TV
- FM17320 - Writing Continuing TV Drama
- ENM3020 - Research and Project Planning
- EN30420 - Writing in the Margins: Twentieth-Century Welsh Poetry in English
- ENM1220 - Postwar American Fiction
- EN19920 - Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change
- EL10310 - Introduction to European Film
- EL20720 - Brazilian / Portuguese Language II
- EDM2120 - Evidence-informed Practice
- ED24320 - Safeguarding and Professional Practice
- ED29620 - Specialist Subject Learning and Development Level 5
- ED30620 - Children's Rights
- ED10220 - Child Development
- ED20320 - Research Methods
- CY21420 - Cymraeg Llyfr a Chymraeg Llafar
- CY10920 - Trafod y Byd Cyfoes twy'r Gymraeg
- CT30520 - Cyfraith Troseddol
- CT13120 - Sgiliau Hanfodol ar Gyfer Troseddegwyr
- CT21120 - Cyfraith Camwedd
- ARM0120 - Vocational Practice
- AR21730 - Photography 4
- AR11120 - Drawing: Looking, Seeing, Thinking
- AR15320 - Interdisciplinary Practice 1
- AR15420 - Interdisciplinary Practice 2
- AH11520 - Looking into Landscape: Reading, Researching, Responding
- AD33640 - Traethawd Hir
- ADM2320 - Iechyd Emosiynol, Iechyd Meddwl a Lles
- WR20620 - Writing Selves
- WR21120 - Telling True Stories: ways of Writing Creative Non-Fiction
- WHM1220 - Class and Community in Wales 1850 - 1939
- WE11320 - Beginning Welsh ii
- WEM0320 - Reading Early Modern Gaelic Prose Texts
- TP25920 - Acting for Camera
- TP35940 - Advanced Scenographic Project
- TP10220 - Body, Voice, Expression.
- TFM3960 - Film Production Research Project
- TFM0120 - Gender and Media Production
- TC20220 - Prosiect Ymchwil Ymarferol
- TC20320 - Sylfeini Hunan-Gyflwyno
- SP39910 - Traducción al español
- SP32020 - Spanish Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- SP35020 - Seeing Spain Through Cinema
- PGM4510 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1710)
- LC37120 - Critical and Radical Criminology
- LC31520 - Dispute Resolution in Contract and Tort
- LC34920 - Equity and Trusts
- LC24920 - Equity and Trusts
- LC26820 - Employment Law
- LC26920 - International Law
- LC28620 - Intellectual Property Law
- LC30140 - Empirically Based Criminology Dissertation
- LC14120 - Criminology in Action
- LA33820 - Law of Contract
- LA36820 - Labour Law
- LAM0620 - International Criminal Law
- LAM4420 - Migration and Asylum Law
- IT11020 - Beginners Italian 2
- IT22020 - Italian Language (Single Hons European Languages: Minor Language)
- IT30215 - Italian Language
- IR11820 - The Celts: A Contested Legacy
- IRM0320 - Comparative Celtic Philology
- IPM3720 - Knowledge and Expertise in International Politics
- IP12420 - Exploring the International 1: Central Concepts and Core Skills
- HYM1160 - Dissertation
- HYM2120 - Latin for Postgraduate Study
- HAM0160 - Traethawd Hir
- HY10420 - 'Hands on' History: Sources and their Historians
- HA12120 - Cyflwyno Hanes
- GE32820 - Children's Literature in German
- GC21820 - Cyflwyniad i Hen Wyddeleg
- GC33520 - Gwyddeleg Modern (iaith a llen) 3 + 4
- GE10810 - Exploring German Cultural Identity
- GE11020 - Beginners German 2
- GE22820 - Children's Literature in German
- GE27220 - German-speaking Refugees from National Socialism in the UK
- FR10920 - Beginners French 1
- FM30020 - Contemporary Film and the Break-Up of Britain
- FM20920 - Creative Fiction: Horror
- FM10220 - Studying Television
- EN23120 - In the Olde Dayes: Medieval Texts and Their World
- EN30520 - Romantic Eroticism
- EN30820 - Haunting Texts
- EN33620 - Ali Smith and 21st Century fiction(s)
- ENM0020 - Late Modernist Poetry
- ENM1620 - Women, Fiction and Female Community, 1660-1792
- EN21120 - Contemporary Writing and Climate Crisis
- EN22120 - Place and Self
- EDM9030 - Advanced Mentoring in Education
- EDM9130 - Mentoring in Education, Principles and Practice
- ED39820 - Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Learning
- CYM5410 - Portffolio Cyfieithu 2 (Arbenigol)
- CY30420 - Portffolio Ysgrifennu Creadigol Annibynnol
- CY31120 - Gloywi Iaith yr Ail Iaith
- CY11220 - Beirdd a Llenorion o 1900 hyd heddiw
- CT13820 - Cyfraith Cytundebau
- CT20120 - Systemau Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol
- ARM0260 - Exhibition 2: Resolution
- ARM0520 - Portfolio: Development
- AR32130 - Photography 5 - Photo Directed Practice
- AR32440 - Book Illustration 4
- AR21820 - Book Illustration 1
- AR22110 - Life Studies 1
- AR22210 - Life Studies 2
- AR22630 - Printmaking 4: Screenprinting, lithography & hybrid printing
- AR20920 - Painting 3
- AHM0260 - Research Project
- AH11320 - Pleasure, Power, and Profit: Art in the Long Eighteenth Century
- AD20620 - Gweithio Gyda Phlant
- AD30320 - Datblygiad Mathemategol yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar
- AD14520 - Datblygiad a Dysgu Plant
- WR11120 - Beginning Creative Writing Part 2
- WR20220 - Beginning the Novel
- WR31820 - Crisis Writing
- WL10420 - Introduction to Poetry
- WL11420 - Literature And The Sea
- WEM0020 - The Mabinogion: Legendary and Arthurian Literature in Middle Welsh
- WEM0120 - Comparative Celtic Literature
- TP35520 - Ensemble Performance Project
- TP23820 - New Media Performance
- TP32820 - Place, Space and Landscape
- TP11120 - Studio Theatre Project
- TP10020 - Design in Context
- TC36140 - Prosiect Ymchwil Creadigol
- TC36820 - Ffilmiau Hollywood
- SP26120 - Spanish American Cinema
- SP30215 - Spanish Language
- PGM3610 - Texts that made the Middle Ages: Latin for postgraduates
- PGM0210 - Principles of Research Design
- PGM0410 - Ways of Reading
- LC30720 - European Law
- LC31820 - Property Law and Practice
- LC36620 - Employability Skills for Professionals
- LC10520 - Criminal Law
- LC12220 - Introduction to Criminology
- LC20420 - Legal Skills and Research
- LA13520 - The Law of Obligations
- LA30720 - Business Law
- LC10120 - Legal and Criminal Justice Systems
- IT20215 - Italian Language
- IR21820 - Old Irish (Language + Literature) 1+2
- IR22220 - Modern Irish (Language and Literature)
- IRM0020 - Introduction to Scottish Gaelic Language and Literature
- IP20720 - Climate Change and International Politics in the Anthropocene
- IP25320 - Warfare after Waterloo: Military History 1815-1918
- IP30040 - Dissertation
- HYM6220 - Science, Place and Victorian Culture
- HYM9920 - Working with History
- HA30340 - Traethawd Estynedig
- HA20120 - Llunio Hanes
- FR11020 - Beginners French 2
- FR20130 - French Language
- FR30040 - Dissertation (Single Honours French)
- FM33540 - Experimental Media Production
- FM33740 - Documentary Production
- FM21520 - Film Stardom and Celebrity
- FM10620 - Studying Media
- FM11520 - Making Short Films 1
- EN21220 - Literature and Climate in the Nineteenth Century
- ENM0220 - Queer and Now: 100 years of Queer Writing
- EN10520 - Contemporary Writing
- EN11220 - American Literature 1819-1925
- EDM2720 - Equity and Diversity
- EDM2920 - Leadership and Management of ALN
- EDM3020 - Leading Organisational Change
- ED39420 - Effective Teaching for Effective Learning 2 (Level 6)
- ED29320 - Effective Teaching for Effective Learning 1 Level 5
- ED14620 - Health and Wellbeing in the Early Years
- ED20220 - Literacy in Young Children
- ED20620 - Working with Children
- ED20820 - Making Sense of the Curriculum
- ED13620 - Key Skills for University
- CY35620 - Y Gymraeg yn y Gweithle
- CY36040 - Traethawd Estynedig
- CYM6510 - Ymarfer Cyfieithu a Golygu
- CY11420 - Cymraeg Llyfr a Chymraeg Llafar
- CY20420 - Gweithdai Ysgrifennu Creadigol
- CT34820 - Cyfraith Tir
- CT36120 - Trosedd & Chyfiawnder Ieuenctid
- CT12220 - Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg
- CT20520 - Cyfraith Troseddol
- CT24820 - Cyfraith Tir
- CT30620 - Cyfraith Gyhoeddus
- CT10120 - System Cyfreithiol a Chyfiawnder Troseddol
- AR22520 - Printmaking 3: Screenprinting, lithography & hybrid printing
- AR25320 - Interdisciplinary Practice 3
- AH11420 - Revolutions & Modernities: Art in the Nineteenth Century
- AH21020 - Dissertation Preparation and Professional Practice for Students of Art History
- ADM2720 - Tegwch ac Amrywiaeth
- ADM2920 - Arwain a Rheoli ADY
- AD20320 - Dulliau Ymchwil
- AD24320 - Diogelu ac Ymarfer Proffesiynol
- AD25860 - Lleoliad Ymarferydd Blynyddoedd Cynnar Blwyddyn 2
- AD34720 - Cyfathrebu
- AD34820 - Datblygiad Emosiynol a Chymdeithasol
- AD13620 - Sgiliau Allweddol i Brifysgol
- AD14320 - Datblygiad Iaith yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar
- AD20220 - Llythrennedd Mewn Plant Ifanc
- IQ33420 - Total War, Total Peace
- IQ23420 - Total War, Total Peace
- GW30040 - Dulliau Ymchwil + Traethawd Estynedig
- WL20420 - Reading the Classroom: from the Nursery to the University
- ED30830 - Learning and teaching
- CRM1810 - Designing Criminological Research
- ED30730 - Professional Practice
- EDM3460 - Subject/Phase Specialism
- AH30020 - The Pre-Raphaelites
- AH20320 - Methods and Materials for Art Historians
- AD14420 - Partneriaethau - Egwyddorion ac Ymarfer
- FM31920 - Advertising
- AH20020 - The Pre-Raphaelites
- FM31020 - Screening the Brave New World: television in 20th-century Britain
- EL10410 - Language, Culture and Identity in Europe
- FM20420 - The Story of Television
- WL11920 - Peering into Possibility: Speculative Fiction and the Now
- HY39920 - Southeast Asia at the crossroads (c. 1400 to the present)
- TP20820 - Theatre and Contemporary Society
- AR29820 - Introduction to Design and Illustration 1
- AR29930 - Introduction to Design and Illustration 2
- HY29920 - Southeast Asia at the crossroads (c.1400 to the present)
- HQ33420 - Cathedrals in Medieval England and Wales Part 2
- HY30920 - The Tudors: A European Dynasty?
- HQ33320 - Cathedrals in Medieval England and Wales Part 1
- WH33420 - Crime, Riot and Morality in Wales 1750-1850
- HC33420 - Trosedd, Terfysg a Moesoldeb yng Nghymru 1750-1850
- HY20920 - The Tudors: A European Dynasty?
- HC23420 - Trosedd, Terfysg a Moesoldeb yng Nghymru 1750-1850
- WH23420 - Crime, Riot and Morality in Wales 1750-1850
- HQ39220 - From Burma to Myanmar (Part I): colonial Burma under British rule (1824-1941)
- HQ39320 - From Burma to Myanmar (Part II): Challenges for a young nation state since 1942
- FR36120 - Humour and Literature
- FR21020 - Gender in Modern and Contemporary French Culture
- FR31020 - Gender in Modern and Contemporary French Culture
- FR26120 - Humour and Literature
- AD30830 - Dysgu ac Addysgu
- ADM3460 - Arbenigedd Pwnc/Cyfnod
- AD30730 - Ymarfer Proffesiynol
- AH30120 - Enlightenment and Empire: Museums, Knowledge, and Meaning
- AH20120 - Enlightenment and Empire: Museums, Knowledge, and Meaning
- CY22320 - Cymraeg Ddoe a Heddiw: cyflwyniad i ieithyddiaeth
- CY24520 - Y Gynghanedd: Cwrs Trochi
- HA26820 - Rhyfel Cartref America
- HP33120 - Gwrthryfel Glyndŵr 1: Hynt a Helynt y Gwrthryfel
- HP33220 - Gwrthryfel Glyndŵr 2: Cwestiynau Allweddol
- HY25920 - Magic in the Middle Ages: From Antiquity to the Eve of the Witch Craze
- HY28620 - Science, Religion and Magic
- HY24120 - Memory, Myth and History: Investigating Medieval Chronicles, c. 1000-1250
- HY25720 - The Making of Europe: Christendom and beyond, c. 1000-1300
- HY35720 - The Making of Europe: Christendom and beyond, c. 1000-1300
- HY39720 - The Atlantic World, 1492-1825
- HA28120 - Stori yr Unol Daleithiau ar Ffilm a Theledu, 1865-2008
- HC20120 - Cymru a Brenhinoedd Prydain: Gwrthdaro, Grym a Hunaniaeth yn Ynysoedd Prydain, 1039-1417
- HY35920 - Magic in the Middle Ages: From Antiquity to the Eve of the Witch Craze
- AH24020 - Documentary Photography
- AH30620 - The Image Multiplied: European Printmaking since 1400
- CY23620 - Rhyddiaith y Dadeni
- HA36820 - Rhyfel Cartref America
- HY28320 - African-American History, 1808 to the Present
- HY37520 - Media and Society in Twentieth Century Britain
- HY38620 - Science, Religion and Magic
- AH30320 - Methods and Materials for Art Historians
- CY23420 - Y Chwedl Arthuraidd cyn 1200
- HY29620 - Germany since 1945
- HY39620 - Germany since 1945
- AH34020 - Documentary Photography
- HA38120 - Stori yr Unol Daleithiau ar Ffilm a Theledu, 1865-2008
- HY27520 - Media and Society in Twentieth Century Britain
- AH21620 - The Image Multiplied: European Printmaking since 1400
- CY24220 - Traddodiad benywaidd? Merched a Barddoniaeth yng Nghymru 1400-1800
- HC30120 - Cymru a Brenhinoedd Prydain: Gwrthdaro, Grym a Hunaniaeth yn Ynysoedd Prydain, 1039-1417
- HY38820 - African-American History, 1808 to the Present
- HA24720 - Gwrando ar Hanes: Y mudiad Hawliau Sifil yn America
- HY29720 - The Atlantic World, 1492-1825
- LL21120 - Llydaweg: Cyflwyniad
- LC29220 - Psychopathology
- LC35220 - Human Rights
- LL31120 - Llydaweg: cyflwyniad
- TPM1020 - Space, Time, Material and Form
- LC27720 - Climate Change and Environmental Law
- LC28220 - Drugs and Crime
- LC32420 - Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Law
- TPM1540 - Creative Practice Project
- CT20220 - Trosedd yn y Gymru Gyfoes
- CY35720 - Astudiaethau Trosi ac Addasu
- LC37720 - Climate Change and Environmental Law
- CY33420 - Y Chwedl Arthuraidd cyn 1200
- CY34220 - Traddodiad Benywaidd? Merched a Barddoniaeth 1400-1800
- GE36120 - Die Wende: Representations of Division and Unification in German Film
- IP32220 - Political Theory
- LC21020 - Police, Policing and Society
- LL11120 - Llydaweg: Cyflwyniad
- CT30220 - Trosedd yn y Gymru Gyfoes
- CT31020 - Yr Heddlu, Plismona a'r Gymdeithas
- CY25320 - Rhyddiaith Tri Chwarter Canrif (1900-1979)
- CY32320 - Cymraeg Ddoe a Heddiw: Cyflwyniad i ieithyddiaeth
- CY36120 - Y Golygydd a Diwydiant Cyhoeddi Cymru
- IP22220 - Political Theory
- LC34220 - Contemporary Issues in Criminology
- IP20820 - Militaries and Crisis: Where Strategy Meets Society
- IP30820 - Militaries and Crisis: Where Strategy Meets Society
- WE34220 - Women's Poetry in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1400-1800
- CY26120 - Y Golygydd a Diwydiant Cyhoeddi Cymru
- LC22420 - Technology, Artificial Intelligence and the Law
- LC25220 - Human Rights
- LC30320 - Community Justice
- LC39220 - Psychopathology
- PGM3710 - Designing Criminological Research
- TPM0860 - Practice Research Project
- CY25720 - Astudiaethau Trosi ac Addasu
- CY35320 - Rhyddiaith Tri Chwarter Canrif, 1900-79
- GQ20920 - Y Meddwl Cymreig mewn Syniadaeth Ryngwladol
- GQ33720 - Gwleidyddiaeth mewn Cymdeithasau Amrywiaethol
- LC37220 - Company Law
- LC38220 - Drugs and Crime
- SP37020 - Cuban Cinema of the Revolution: Crisis, National Identity and the Critique of Contemporary Society
- WE24220 - Women's Poetry in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1400-1800
- GQ30920 - Y Meddwl Cymreig Mewn Syniadaeth Ryngwladol
- IP33020 - Science, Technology, and International Relations
- LC20320 - Community Justice
- LC24220 - Contemporary Issues in Criminology
- LC27220 - Company Law
- CY34520 - Y Gynghanedd: Cwrs Trochi
- LC31020 - Police, Policing and Society
- SP27020 - Cuban Cinema of the Revolution: Crisis, National Identity and the Critique of Contemporary Society
- CT21020 - Yr Heddlu, Plismona a'r Gymdeithas
- GE26020 - Die Wende: Representations of Division and Unification in German Film
- CY33620 - Rhyddiaith y Dadeni
- IQ25720 - War Crimes
- IP28720 - Contemporary Latin America
- IP23820 - The European Union: Politics, Policies, Problems
- IP26820 - Questions of International Politics
- IP24520 - Terrorism & Counter Terrorism in the Modern World: Policing, Intelligence & War
- IQ32820 - Capitalism and International Politics
- IP26420 - The Second World War in Europe
- IQ22820 - Capitalism and International Politics
- IQ24920 - Russian intelligence from Lenin to Putin
- GQ23720 - Gwleidyddiaeth mewn Cymdeithasau Amrywiaethol
- IP25020 - Devolution and Wales
- IP36420 - The Second World War in Europe
- IQ20320 - The BRICS in World Politics
- GW25020 - Datganoli a Chymru
- GW35020 - Datganoli a Chymru
- IP28320 - A War on the Mind: Propaganda and Secret Intelligence from the Great War to the 21st Century
- IQ20220 - Intervention and Humanitarianism
- IQ21620 - Trade Wars and the Liberal Order
- IQ23720 - Politics in Diverse Societies
- IQ33720 - Politics in Diverse Societies
- IP33820 - The European Union: Politics, Policies, Problems
- IQ31620 - Trade Wars and the Liberal Order
- IP34520 - Terrorism & Counter Terrorism in the Modern World: Policing, Intelligence & War
- IP38720 - Contemporary Latin America
- IQ34920 - Russian intelligence from Lenin to Putin
- IQ30220 - Intervention and Humanitarianism
- IQ30320 - The BRICS in World Politics
- IQ35720 - War Crimes
- IP23020 - Science, Technology, and International Relations
- IP35020 - Devolution and Wales
- IP38320 - A War on the Mind: Propaganda and Secret Intelligence from the Great War to the 21st Century
- IR33220 - Comparative Celtic Philology
- WE30220 - Language revitalisation in a global context
- IR32520 - Modern Irish (Language and Literature) 3+4
- WE20120 - Language revitalisation in a global context
- IP21420 - Climate Change Politics
- TP19920 - Theatre Technologies 2
- TP11720 - Scenography Site Project
- TC37020 - 'Arwyr': Dogfennu Gyrfaoedd yn y Diwydiannau Creadigol
- CT20320 - Dioddefoleg
- CT30320 - Dioddefoleg
- LC30820 - Victimology
- IP31420 - Climate Change Politics
- LC20820 - Victimology
- IP36820 - Questions of International Politics
- GC33120 - Gaeleg yr Alban: cyflwyniad i'r iaith
- IPM6820 - Security Policy in the European Union
- IPM1720 - Futures for International Relations Theory
- IPM1120 - Critical Security Studies: Contemporary Theories
- IPM0720 - Thoughts of War: Strategic Theory and Thinkers
- IPM2220 - Fear, Cooperation and Trust in World Politics
- IPM1520 - War and Peace in the Middle East
- HYM5920 - Borders and borderlands in modern Asia
- HYM0420 - Collective resistance of peasant communities in twentieth-century Latin America and the Caribbean
- AH23120 - Adaptation: Versions, Revisions and Cultural Renewal
- AH33120 - Adaptation: Versions, Revisions and Cultural Renewal
- IR11920 - Introduction to Old Irish