Dr Eryn White
BA (Cymru) PhD (Cymru)
Department of History & Welsh History
Contact Details
- Email: erw@aber.ac.uk
- Office: 3.02
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622843
- Research Portal Profile
Eryn White is a historian of early modern Wales, with special interests in religion, culture and society. She has published extensively on eighteenth-century Wales in particular, but has also worked on print culture in Wales more broadly and on early Welsh Nonconformity. Other interests include the history of crime and of landownership, especially in south-west Wales, and she is editor of Ceredigion, the journal of the Ceredigion Historical Society. She is member of a number of editorial boards, including for 'Studies in Welsh History' for the University of Wales Press.
Module Coordinator
- HC11120 - Concwest, Uno a Hunaniaeth yng Nghymru 1200-1800
- HY30920 - The Tudors: A European Dynasty?
- HY20920 - The Tudors: A European Dynasty?
- HC33420 - Trosedd, Terfysg a Moesoldeb yng Nghymru 1750-1850
- HC23420 - Trosedd, Terfysg a Moesoldeb yng Nghymru 1750-1850
- WH23420 - Crime, Riot and Morality in Wales 1750-1850
- WH33420 - Crime, Riot and Morality in Wales 1750-1850
- HYM0520 - Key Themes in Modern History
- HC11120 - Concwest, Uno a Hunaniaeth yng Nghymru 1200-1800
- HY11420 - Medieval and Early Modern Britain and Europe, 1000-1800
- HY12120 - Introduction to History
- HA11420 - Ewrop a'r Byd, 1000-2000
- HYM1160 - Dissertation
- HY12420 - Europe and the World, 1000-2000
- HA20120 - Llunio Hanes
- WH11720 - People, Power and Identity: Wales 1200-1999
- HYM0120 - Research Methods and Professional Skills in History
- HY30340 - Dissertation
- HY12420 - Europe and the World, 1000-2000
- HA12120 - Cyflwyno Hanes
- HY20120 - Making History
- HA30340 - Traethawd Estynedig
- HC11120 - Concwest, Uno a Hunaniaeth yng Nghymru 1200-1800
- HA20120 - Llunio Hanes
- HY11420 - Medieval and Early Modern Britain and Europe, 1000-1800
- WH11720 - People, Power and Identity: Wales 1200-1999
- HA10420 - Cydio mewn Hanes: Ffynonellau a'u Haneswyr
- HA11420 - Ewrop a'r Byd, 1000-2000
- HC11120 - Concwest, Uno a Hunaniaeth yng Nghymru 1200-1800
- WH33420 - Crime, Riot and Morality in Wales 1750-1850
- HC23420 - Trosedd, Terfysg a Moesoldeb yng Nghymru 1750-1850
- HC33420 - Trosedd, Terfysg a Moesoldeb yng Nghymru 1750-1850
- HY30920 - The Tudors: A European Dynasty?
- WH23420 - Crime, Riot and Morality in Wales 1750-1850
- HY20920 - The Tudors: A European Dynasty?
Aspire Admin
Eryn White's main focus of teaching is early modern Welsh history, but she also contributes to a number of team-taught modules in more general early modern history. She teaches on a range of modules from first year through to MA. PhD supervision:
- Aspects of the history of religion, education and culture in early modern Wales; landownership and society in the long eighteenth century.
Eryn White works on early modern Welsh history in general, with special research interests in religion, literacy, print culture, crime, morality, women and society in eighteenth-century Wales. She has studied various aspects of the Methodist Revival in Wales, including its appeal, the role of women, questions of identity, the relation to the Welsh language and to education and the attitude to consumerism. She has also published on the history of early Dissent in Wales, on aspects of the history of the Welsh language and on the influence of the Welsh Bible on society and culture.
Office Hours (Student Contact Times)
- Tuesday 15.00-16.00
- Friday 11.00-11.50