Dr Jamie Harris

Lecturer in Literature and Place
Department of English & Creative Writing
Contact Details
- Email: jah95@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0000-0003-0595-9846
- Office: D15, Hugh Owen Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 623111 (x4730)
- Research Portal Profile
Lecturer in Literature and Place, and teaches American Literature and Literary Theory. His main research interests are Literary Geographies, Welsh Writing in English, and Utopianism. He is Membership Secretary for the Association for Welsh Writing in English, and his work has appeared in the International Journal of Welsh Writing in English, New Welsh Review, and Planet magazine. Currently working on a monograph on Iain Sinclair.
Module Coordinator
- ENM1220 - Postwar American Fiction
- EN19920 - Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change
- EN21020 - Literary Geographies
- EN11220 - American Literature 1819-1925
Attendance Dept Admin
- WR21720 - Shaping Plots
- WRM6140 - Writer as Practitioner 1
- WRM6420 - Modes in Contemporary Poetry
- WR20620 - Writing Selves
- ENM3020 - Research and Project Planning
- EN30520 - Romantic Eroticism
- EN11320 - Critical Practice
- WRM6620 - Writer as Professional
- WR11120 - Beginning Creative Writing Part 2
- WR21120 - Telling True Stories: ways of Writing Creative Non-Fiction
- WR31820 - Crisis Writing
- WR31920 - Writing Horror
- EN22920 - Literature since the '60s
- EN33620 - Ali Smith and 21st Century fiction(s)
- ENM0560 - Master's Dissertation
- EN20120 - Literary Theory: Debates and Dialogues
- EN20920 - Literary Modernisms
- WR32620 - Writing Music
- WR30040 - The Writing Project
- EN30820 - Haunting Texts
- EN22120 - Place and Self
- WR32720 - Big Ideas: Writing Popular Science
- WR11020 - Beginning Creative Writing Part 1
- EN28720 - Writing Women for the Public Stage, 1670-1780
- EN30120 - Reading Theory / Reading Text
- ENM1220 - Postwar American Fiction
- ENM1620 - Women, Fiction and Female Community, 1660-1792
- ENM1720 - Sensational Sales: Victorian Popular Literature 1848-1894
- EN21120 - Contemporary Writing and Climate Crisis
- WR22120 - Adventures with Poetry
- ENM3120 - Reading Ulysses
- EN30040 - Undergraduate Dissertation
- EN30320 - Victorian Childhoods
- WL20320 - Short stories: Grit and Candour
- WL20720 - A Century in Crisis: 1790s to 1890s
- EN30420 - Writing in the Margins: Twentieth-Century Welsh Poetry in English
- EN31320 - The Mark of the Beast: Animals in Literature from the 1780s to the 1920s
- EN19920 - Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change
- EN21020 - Literary Geographies
- WRM6320 - Writer as Scholar
- WR20220 - Beginning the Novel
- WR31220 - Poetry for today
- WR32120 - Writing and Place
- WR32420 - Writing Crime Fiction
- WR32820 - Humour and Conflict in Contemporary Writing
- ENM0020 - Late Modernist Poetry
- ENM0220 - Queer and Now: 100 years of Queer Writing
- EN10220 - Ancestral Voices
- EN11220 - American Literature 1819-1925
- EN23120 - In the Olde Dayes: Medieval Texts and Their World
- WRM6060 - Writer as Practitioner 2
- EN21220 - Literature and Climate in the Nineteenth Century
- ENM1520 - Romantic Radical Cultures
- EN10520 - Contemporary Writing
- CL10120 - Greek and Roman Epic and Drama
- WL20420 - Reading the Classroom: from the Nursery to the University
- CL20320 - Classical Drama and Myth
Blackboard Dept Admin
- WRM6060 - Writer as Practitioner 2
- WR11120 - Beginning Creative Writing Part 2
- ENM3020 - Research and Project Planning
- EN33620 - Ali Smith and 21st Century fiction(s)
- ENM0560 - Master's Dissertation
- ENM1520 - Romantic Radical Cultures
- WR11020 - Beginning Creative Writing Part 1
- WR20620 - Writing Selves
- WR21120 - Telling True Stories: ways of Writing Creative Non-Fiction
- WR22120 - Adventures with Poetry
- WR31820 - Crisis Writing
- WL20720 - A Century in Crisis: 1790s to 1890s
- EN22920 - Literature since the '60s
- EN31320 - The Mark of the Beast: Animals in Literature from the 1780s to the 1920s
- EN21020 - Literary Geographies
- WRM6140 - Writer as Practitioner 1
- WL20320 - Short stories: Grit and Candour
- EN11320 - Critical Practice
- EN30040 - Undergraduate Dissertation
- WR31920 - Writing Horror
- WR32720 - Big Ideas: Writing Popular Science
- WR30040 - The Writing Project
- EN21220 - Literature and Climate in the Nineteenth Century
- WR32120 - Writing and Place
- WR32820 - Humour and Conflict in Contemporary Writing
- WRM6620 - Writer as Professional
- ENM3120 - Reading Ulysses
- EN30420 - Writing in the Margins: Twentieth-Century Welsh Poetry in English
- EN20120 - Literary Theory: Debates and Dialogues
- EN21120 - Contemporary Writing and Climate Crisis
- EN28720 - Writing Women for the Public Stage, 1670-1780
- WR21720 - Shaping Plots
- WR32420 - Writing Crime Fiction
- WR32620 - Writing Music
- EN23120 - In the Olde Dayes: Medieval Texts and Their World
- EN30820 - Haunting Texts
- ENM0220 - Queer and Now: 100 years of Queer Writing
- ENM1620 - Women, Fiction and Female Community, 1660-1792
- ENM1720 - Sensational Sales: Victorian Popular Literature 1848-1894
- EN22120 - Place and Self
- WRM6320 - Writer as Scholar
- WR31220 - Poetry for today
- EN30120 - Reading Theory / Reading Text
- ENM1220 - Postwar American Fiction
- EN10520 - Contemporary Writing
- EN11220 - American Literature 1819-1925
- EN19920 - Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change
- EN20920 - Literary Modernisms
- WRM6420 - Modes in Contemporary Poetry
- WR20220 - Beginning the Novel
- EN30320 - Victorian Childhoods
- EN30520 - Romantic Eroticism
- ENM0020 - Late Modernist Poetry
- EN10220 - Ancestral Voices
- CL10120 - Greek and Roman Epic and Drama
- CL20320 - Classical Drama and Myth
- WL20420 - Reading the Classroom: from the Nursery to the University
- EN10520 - Contemporary Writing
- EN20120 - Literary Theory: Debates and Dialogues
- WRM6060 - Writer as Practitioner 2
- EN30040 - Undergraduate Dissertation
- ENM0560 - Master's Dissertation
- EN22920 - Literature since the '60s
- ENM1220 - Postwar American Fiction
- EN11220 - American Literature 1819-1925
- EN19920 - Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change
- EN21020 - Literary Geographies
- WL10120 - Re-imagining Nineteenth-Century Literature
- WL30620 - Remix: Chaucer In The Then and Now
- WL20720 - A Century in Crisis: 1790s to 1890s
- WL20320 - Short stories: Grit and Candour
- WL35320 - Literatures of Surveillance
- WL11420 - Literature And The Sea
- WL10420 - Introduction to Poetry
- WL20420 - Reading the Classroom: from the Nursery to the University
- WL11920 - Peering into Possibility: Speculative Fiction and the Now
Harris, J 2024, Utopian Geographies. in N Alexander & D Cooper (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Literary Geographies. Taylor & Francis.
Harris, J 2024, Utopias. in N Alexander & D Cooper (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Literary Geographies. Taylor & Francis, pp. 292-302. 10.4324/9781003097761-32
Alexander, N & Harris, J 2022, 'After Chernobyl: Welsh Poetry and Nuclear Power', Literature & History, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 70-88. 10.1177/03061973221091873
Harris, J 2022, Iain Sinclair. in A Hadfield (ed.), British and Irish Literature. Oxford Bibliographies. 10.1093/OBO/9780199846719-0183
Harris, J 2022, 'Landscape and Subjectivity in the Work of Patrick Keiller, W. G. Sebald, and Iain Sinclair.', Modern Language Review, vol. 117, no. 4, pp. 714-715. 10.1353/mlr.2022.0138
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