Monitoring Student Progress


Monitoring Academic Progress - Flowchart

Monitoring Academic Progress - Timeline

All letters to be sent by email to the student’s Aberystwyth University email address; hard copy letters could still be sent if a student’s email account is locked or if the student has missed a meeting with the member of staff they had been called in to discuss their academic progress. A copy of the Academic Regulation on Academic Progress should be enclosed.

Template Details
Template A Letter requiring student to attend meeting with the Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor or nominee

If the student has previously failed to attend a meeting with the Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor or nominee and has been issued with Template B, the following section should be added to Template A.

You should note that this is your final opportunity to attend this meeting. If you do not attend, a recommendation will be submitted that you should be excluded from the University.

Template B Outcome letter following meeting with Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor or nominee
Template C Record of meeting with Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor or nominee
Template D Warning to students who fail to attend meeting with Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor or nominee
Template E Recommendation for Exclusion
TEMPLATES F and G – to be used during Term 3 This letter should only be issued where the student does not provide acceptable reasons for poor performance, or does not refer to special circumstances.
Template H Recommendation to Exclude or Downgrade (Postgraduate Research Students)