Media and Education
Blwyddyn Academaidd: 2025/2026Cynllun Anrhydedd Cyfun - iawn o 2019/2020 (Blwyddyn derbyn olaf yw 2023/2024)
Hyd (astudio Llawn Amser): 3 blwyddyn
Rheolau Rhan 1
Blwyddyn 1
Craidd (40 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Blwyddyn 1
Craidd (40 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
ED14520Children's Development and Learning
Semester 2
ED14420Partnerships in Principle and Practice
orAD14420Partneriaethau - Egwyddorion ac Ymarfer
Blwyddyn 1
Choose one of the following
Blwyddyn 1
Choose one module (20 credits)
Semester 1
AD13620Sgiliau Allweddol i Brifysgol
ED14620Health and Wellbeing in the Early Years
Semester 2
AD14320Datblygiad Iaith yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar
ED13720Play Matters: Understanding and Supporting Learning and Play
ED14320Language Development in the Early Years
Rheolau Rhan 2
Blwyddyn 2
Craidd (20 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
ED20120Psychology of Learning and Thinking
Blwyddyn 2
Joint Honours Media and Communication Studies students must take at least 20 credits and, subject to the demands of their scheme, may take up to 80 credits of the following Critical Theory modules in their second year.
Blwyddyn 2
Joint Honours Media and Communication Studies students may take up to 40 credits from the following creative practice modules:
Blwyddyn 2
OPTIONAL MODULES : You must take 20/40-60 credits, ensuring a total of 100-140 credits over the 2nd and final years, from:
Semester 1
AD20220Llythrennedd Mewn Plant Ifanc
AD24320Diogelu ac Ymarfer Proffesiynol
ED20420Education, Diversity and Equality
ED24320Safeguarding and Professional Practice
Semester 2
ED20820Making Sense of the Curriculum
ED22420Discourses Language and Education
Blwyddyn 2
Joint Honours Media and Communication Studies students may choose from these Film and Television Studies modules:
Semester 1
FM23820Work in the Film & Television Industries
Blwyddyn Olaf
Craidd (20 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Blwyddyn Olaf
OPTIONAL MODULES : You must take 20/40-60 credits, ensuring a total of 100-140 credits over the 2nd and final years. You must only take either the AD or the ED module
Semester 2
AD30320Datblygiad Mathemategol yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar
AD34820Datblygiad Emosiynol a Chymdeithasol
ED30320Mathematical Development in the Early Years
ED34820Emotional and Social Development
Blwyddyn Olaf
Joint Honours Media and Communication Studies students must take at least 20 credits and, subject to the demands of their scheme, may take up to 80 credits of the following Critical Theory modules (NB: the Independent Research Project is worth 40 credits, 20 in each semester):
Semester 1
FM36000Independent Research Project
Semester 2
FM36040Independent Research Project
Blwyddyn Olaf
Joint Honours Media and Communication Studies students may take up to 40 credits of the following Creative Practice modules:
Semester 1
FM33500Experimental Media Production
Semester 2
FM33540Experimental Media Production
Blwyddyn Olaf
Joint Honours Media and Communication Studies students may take up to 40 credits of these Film and TV options:
Semester 1
FM31020Screening the Brave New World: television in 20th-century Britain
FM38220Cult Cinema: Texts, Histories and Audiences
Semester 2
FM30020Contemporary Film and the Break-Up of Britain
Gwobrau safonol Prifysgol Aberystwyth
- Ysgoloriaethau Mynediad / Gwobr Teilyngdod
- Bwrsariaeth Chwaraeon
- Bwrsariaeth Cerddoriaeth
- Ysgoloriaeth Rhagoriaeth Ryngwladol
- Bwrsariaethau Llety
- Bwrsariaethau Aberystwyth
- Bwrsariaethau Gadael Gofal