Financial Mathematics
Blwyddyn Academaidd: 2025/2026Cynllun Anrhydedd Sengl - iawn o 2019/2020
Hyd (astudio Llawn Amser): 4 blwyddyn
Rheolau Rhan 1
Blwyddyn 1
Craidd (120 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
CS01010Spreadsheets for University Students
MA02610Foundations of Mathematics 1
PH06020Introduction to Mathematical Methods 1
Semester 2
AB01320Economics, Finance and Accounting for Business
MA03610Foundations of Mathematics 2
PH06520Introduction to Mathematical Methods 2
Blwyddyn 2
Craidd (120 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
AB11120Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance
orCB11120Hanfodion Cyfrifeg a Chyllid
MA10110Coordinate and Vector Geometry
orMT10110Geometreg Gyfesurynnol a Fectoraidd
Semester 2
AB11220Accounting and Finance for Specialists
MP11010Further Algebra and Calculus
orMT11010Algebra a Chalcwlws Pellach
Rheolau Rhan 2
Blwyddyn 3
Craidd (100 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
AB21200Intermediate Management Accounting
AB21400Corporate Finance and Financial Markets
MA25200Introduction to Numerical Analysis and its applications
orMT25200Cyflwyniad i Ddadansoddiad Rhifiadol a'i Gymwysiadau
MA26010Distributions and Estimation
Semester 2
AB21220Intermediate Management Accounting
AB21420Corporate Finance and Financial Markets
MA25220Introduction to Numerical Analysis and its applications
orMT25220Cyflwyniad i Ddadansoddiad Rhifiadol a'i Gymwysiadau
Blwyddyn 3
Choose 20 credits
Semester 1
MA20310Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Blwyddyn Olaf
Craidd (40 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
AB31300Investments and Financial Instruments
MA37810Stochastic Models in Finance
Semester 2
AB31320Investments and Financial Instruments
MA37410Probability and Stochastic Processes
Blwyddyn Olaf
Choose 20 credits
Semester 1
MA30210Norms and Differential Equations
MA34110Partial Differential Equations
MT30210Normau a Hafaliadau Differol
Semester 2
MA36010Comparative Statistical Inference
Blwyddyn Olaf
Choose 20 credits
Semester 1
AB31100Advanced Financial Accounting
Semester 2
AB31120Advanced Financial Accounting
AB31620The Role and Practice of Auditing
Blwyddyn Olaf
Dewis agored
Choose 40 credits of level 3 modules subject to Timetable and approval by Degree Scheme Co-ordinator. These may include further MA/MT or AB/CB modules.
Gwobrau safonol Prifysgol Aberystwyth
- Ysgoloriaethau Mynediad / Gwobr Teilyngdod
- Bwrsariaeth Chwaraeon
- Bwrsariaeth Cerddoriaeth
- Ysgoloriaeth Rhagoriaeth Ryngwladol
- Bwrsariaethau Llety
- Bwrsariaethau Aberystwyth
- Bwrsariaethau Gadael Gofal