Natural History Illustration: Lower Plant Ferns


Gellir astudio ‘Natural History Illustration: Lower Plant Fernsfel cwrs ar ei ben ei hun, ac mae’n gwrs dewisol ar gyfer y Dystysgrif Addysg Uwch mewn Celf a Dylunio ac Astudiaethau Hanes Naturiol ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth. 

Ffeithiau Allweddol 


Iaith: Saesneg

Hyd: 6 Wythnos

Nifer y Credydau: 5

Tiwtor: Claire Ward

Dull Dysgu: Ar lein 

Lefel: Mae'r modiwl hwn ar Lefel 3 FfCChC  

Cod y Modiwl: XK11605

Ffi: £70.00 - Cynllun Hepgor Ffioedd

Nid oes modd cadw lle ar y cwrs hwn ar hyn o bryd

Byddwch y cyntaf i gael gwybod pan gyhoeddir dyddiadau newydd trwy ymuno â’n rhestr bostio.



This 5-credit module is suitable for students who are undertaking field studies as well as students who wish to broaden their observational illustration skills. The module will cover drawing in graphite, charcoal and pen, watercolour and mixed media techniques to depict a variety of fern species and forms, with accuracy of colour and detail. Colour mixing and composition will also be discussed. The artwork of historical and contemporary artists will be presented and discussed.


NHI Ferns will look at the drawing media of graphite, pen and charcoal and painting techniques using watercolour and gouache to depict a variety of the fascinating forms of these lower plants, with accuracy of colour and detail. You will need to find specimens to work from, so be on the lookout for interesting subjects on walks in woodlands, on and under trees and on walls, or in gardens.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, students should be able to:  

  1. Create a course log of unit tasks
  2. Demonstrate the techniques of the different medium
  3. Complete a self-directed project

Reading Suggestions

Reading suggestions will be offered throughout the course.

Entry Requirements

This course is for everyone. No previous experience is needed and there are no formal entry requirements.

What Do I Need?

A list of materials, not included in the course fees, will be available prior to the course start date.