Natural History Illustration: Fur, Feathers and Scales


Gellir astudio ‘Natural History Illustration: Fur, Feathers & Scales’  fel cwrs ar ei ben ei hun, ac mae’n gwrs dewisol ar gyfer y Dystysgrif Addysg Uwch mewn Celf a Dylunio ac Astudiaethau Hanes Naturiol ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth. 

Ffeithiau Allweddol 


Iaith: Saesneg 

Hyd: 6 Wythnos

Nifer y Credydau: 5

Tiwtor: Tereska Shepherd

Dull Dysgu: Ar-lein

Lefel: Mae'r modiwl hwn ar Lefel 3 FfCChC

Cod Modiwl: XS04205

Ffi: £70.00 - Cynllun Hepgor Ffioedd

Gellir archebu lle ar y cwrs yma



This practical painting course is suitable for those students who are undertaking field studies as well as students who wish to broaden their skills in Fine Art. The course will cover demonstrations and the specific techniques required to accurately depict fur, feather and scales. Students will be required to submit 3 finished pieces of work covering each topic with emphasis on colour, tone, texture, scale and modeling using watercolour, dip pen and ink.


This inspiring course will cover a range of drawing and painting techniques for depicting the textures, details and colours of a range of feathery, fury and scaly subjects, we will also have special access to a selection of specimens from the IBERS collection during the 3 sessions. The initial focus of the course is on exploration and experimentation, which will be documented in your study book, as the course progresses, we will then work towards creating more resolved whole specimen studies. Demonstrations, handouts and individual advice and assistance will be given throughout the course.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, students should be able to:  

  1. Demonstrate techniques which allow the accurate depiction of fur, feathers and scales from specimens.
  2. Demonstrate problem solving and learnt techniques in a sample sheet.


  1. Visual Diary/digital study book (30%)
  2. Portfolio (70%)

Reading Suggestions

Reading suggestions will be offered throughout the course.

Entry Requirements

This course is for everyone. No previous experience is needed and there are no formal entry requirements.

What Do I Need?

A list of materials, not included in the course fees, will be available prior to the course start date.