Museum and Gallery Education and Interpretation


Gellir astudio 'Museum and Gallery Education and Interpretation' fel cwrs annibynnol ac mae'n gwrs opsiynol ar gyfer y Dystysgrif Addysg Uwch mewn Astudiaethau Hanes Naturiol ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth.

Ffeithiau Allweddol 


Iaith: Saesneg

Hyd: 20 Wythnos

Nifer y Credydau: 20

Tiwtor: Alison Pierse

Dull Dysgu: Wyneb yn Wyneb

Lefel: Mae’r modiwl hwn ar Lefel 5 FfCCH

Cod Modiwl: XA13620

Ffi: £250.00 - Cynllun Hepgor Ffioedd

Gellir archebu lle ar y cwrs yma



This module will be taught over two semesters and will provide a practical grounding in art gallery education and interpretation skills. Students are introduced to the various forms of education delivered by practicing artists in art galleries, museums, visitor attractions, schools and are encouraged to get involved with community projects to put their learning in to practice.

The aim is to help prepare students for a career as a professional practicing artist by delivering a practical and interactive educational programme. Creative Practice students take the ideas which are explored in their own work into the area of gallery education and are encouraged to communicate both their own work, and that of other artists, to an audience of varied ages, background and ability.

Progression routes from this module lead to employment at public tourist attractions, a PGCE or Artist in Residence programmes. This is not a PGCE.


The course is aimed at developing your communication skills and designing learning activities to help others understand artworks in galleries and at public tourist sites. You will be encouraged to be investigative, creative and many classes will be interactive. Come ready to experiment and discuss your views on how people learn! You may be doing a little drawing at the first session so bring along a sketchbook and some pens. This will form the start your reflective journal, documenting your experiences and will form part of your assessment.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, students should be able to:  

  1. Develop their communication and design skills.
  2. Utilise and combine creative, practical skills, art appreciation and history.
  3. Present a reflective journal of the teaching experience and thought processes.
  4. Present a teaching pack or workshop to complement an exhibition or collection.

Reading Suggestions

Reading suggestions will be offered throughout the course.

Entry Requirements

This course is for everyone. No previous experience is needed and there are no formal entry requirements.

What Do I Need?

A list of materials, not included in the course fees, will be available prior to the course start date.