Introduction to Film Studies
Gellir astudio ‘Introduction yo Film Studies' fel cwrs annibynnol ac fel cwrs dewisol ar gyfer y Dystysgrif Addysg Uwch mewn Astudiaethau Ysgrifennu Creadigol ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth.
Ffeithiau Allweddol
Iaith: Saesneg
Hyd: 10 Wythnos
Nifer y Credydau: 10
Tiwtor: Lewis Bullen
Dull Dysgu: Ar-lein
Lefel: This module is at CQFW Level 4
Cod y Modiwl: XM17710
Ffi: £130.00 - Cynllun Hepgor Ffioedd
Gellir archebu lle ar y cwrs yma.
This module will provide an introduction to the reading of film, the history of the medium and the central theories of film criticism. Learners will achieve this by analysing film clips in session through the applications of different lenses taught in each session. Learners will then be expected to take what they have learned in the sessions and apply it to watching films.
The Module will consist of eight 2-hour sessions and 4 hours of pre-recorded material.
Session 1: The Language of Film. This session will introduce the basic concepts of film language, from shot composition to common editing techniques. Learners should leave knowing how filmmakers construct meaning.
Session 2: History of Film Part One: Novelty to Golden Age. This session will introduce learners to the history of Film. In particular, it will begin with the early experimental and novelty films of the early 1900s and progress through to the Hollywood golden age of the 1930s and 40s. Learners will develop an understanding of how the modern film industry was created and how that affected the Films of the era.
Session 3: History of Film Part Two: From the New Wave to the Blockbuster. This session continues the history of film from the experimental New Wave of the 1950s and 1960s through to the blockbusters of the late 20th century. Learners will further their understanding of Film history and analyse how our current Film industry is a consequence of the past.
Session 4: Genre in film. This session will introduce the concept of genre. It will explore how we classify genres, the most common types of genres and how genre films have existed within the wider film industry. Leaners should leave this session with a greater understanding of Genre as a concept and how it can help us read individual films.
Session 5: The Director and Auteur Theory. This session will introduce the concept of the auteur and its importance to film criticism. Learners will explore how auteur theory developed before being exposed to the work of famous auteurs. They will then discuss the criticisms of the theory. Leaners should leave this session with a deeper appreciation for the auteur’s importance in film theory and how the theory may be challenged as well as accepted.
Session 6: Marxist Theory. This session will introduce Marxism and how it has influenced film scholarship. Learners will describe the main ideas of Marxist theory and apply them to the reading of the film.
Session 7: Gender Theory. This session will introduce the gendered reading of film. Learners will understand key women in the history of film and apply the key ideas of feminist theory to the reading of film.
Session 8: The Role of the Critic. This final session will explore the role of a film critic and consolidate the ideas of the previous sessions. Learners will describe the role of the critic and analyse film clips with the tools learned in the previous sessions.
Learning Outcomes
- Critically evaluate a range of film theories
- Apply these theories to the interpretation of film
- Analyse the role of genre, the star, ideology and the adaptation process in creating a film’s meaning
- Demonstrate a critical awareness of the relationship between film and the audience
- Essay - 1200 Words (60%)
- Reflective Diary - 800 Words (40%)
Reading Suggestions
Reading suggestions will be offered throughout the course.
Entry Requirements
This course is for everyone. No previous experience is needed and there are no formal entry requirements.
What do I Need
As this is an online course, you would need the following:
- Internet access.
- Access to a laptop or computer with a web camera and microphone; the use of headphones might also be of benefit.
- Use of the Chrome web-browser where possible.