Watercolour for Everyone


Gellir astudio ‘Watercolour for Everyone fel cwrs annibynnol a chwrs lefel 0 ar gyfer y Dystysgrif Addysg Uwch mewn Celf a Dylunio ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth. 

Ffeithiau Allweddol 


Iaith : Saesneg

Hyd: 6 Wythnos 

Nifer y Credydau: 10

Tiwtor: Tereska Shepherd  

Dull Dysgu: Wyneb yn Wyneb

Lefell: Mae'r modiwl hwn ar Lefel 4 FfCChC

Cod y Modiwl: XA16410 

Ffi: £130.00 - Cynllun Hepgor Ffioedd 

Nid oes modd cadw lle ar y cwrs hwn ar hyn o bryd

Byddwch y cyntaf i gael gwybod pan gyhoeddir dyddiadau newydd trwy ymuno â’n rhestr bostio.



This is a beginner’s watercolour module introducing you to the basic techniques of watercolour by means of class-based demonstrations and independent study projects, in order to accelerate your  learning and develop self-confidence. The module, largely skills based, allows you to learn the essential techniques and provides you with a preparation for other art courses offered by Lifelong Learning.


Discover the joy of watercolour and have fun experimenting with a variety of techniques and approaches to this versatile media. The module, largely skills based, allows you to learn the essential techniques and provides you with a preparation for other art courses offered by Lifelong Learning therefore the main focus of the course is on exploration and experimentation, which will be documented in your visual diary as the course progresses.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, students should be able to:  

  1. Demonstrate a knowledge of colour mixing, theory, application of paint using watercolour techniques.
  2. Show a sound knowledge of tonal painting and demonstrate the use of contrast in a painting.
  3. Demonstrate and use a visual diary containing self-study projects and elementary research.
  4. Show and Illustrate how colours change as a result of perspective.


  1. To produce a visual diary/sketchbook with evidence of all study, exercises, collated images with research and body of art-work for 20% of marks.
  2. To produce a finished watercolour composition of your chosen subjects using all of the techniques that you've learned throughout the module and other work completed in the portfolio for 80% 

Reading Suggestions

Reading suggestions will be offered throughout the course.

Entry Requirements

This course is for everyone. No previous experience is needed and there are no formal entry requirements.

What Do I Need?

A list of materials, not included in the course fees, will be available prior to the course start date.