

Gellir astudio ‘Nocturnes’ fel cwrs annibynnol, ac mae'n gwrs dewisol ar gyfer y Dystysgrif Addysg Uwch mewn Celf a Dylunio ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth. 

Ffeithiau Allweddol


Iaith: Saesneg 

Hyd:10 Wythnos 

Nifer y Credydau: 10 

Tiwtor: Alison Pierse   

Dull Dysgu: Ar lein 

Lefel: Mae'r modiwl hwn ar Lefel 4 FfCChC 

Cod y Modiwl: XA18210 

Ffi: £130.00 - Cynllun Hepgor Ffioedd

Nid oes modd cadw lle ar y cwrs hwn ar hyn o bryd

Byddwch y cyntaf i gael gwybod pan gyhoeddir dyddiadau newydd trwy ymuno â’n rhestr bostio.



This module is designed to give the student further experience of drawing and painting on location but with a twist. You will learn how to create atmospheric paintings of dusk and evening interiors as well as practical composition skills, colour mixing and celebrate what the dark winter nights present to us. The materials we will use are watercolour, pastels, ink and charcoal.

You will work out of doors in half-light sourcing information to produce a series of images using the medium watercolour.  We will look at reflected light, shadows, narratives, chiaroscuro and the units will be supported mini narrated PowerPoints to give a context to the learning. Each unit will have tasks and recorded practical demonstrations. This course is aimed for students who have some experience of painting in watercolour.


  • Unit one - Before we begin.
  • Unit two - Whistler- Blacks that aren’t black!
  • Unit three - Contextual learning.
  • Unit four - Promenade at dusk- the afterglow.
  • Unit five - Interiors and creating chiaroscuro.
  • Optional Unit - William Devogue de Nuncques – Learn from the Masters.
  • Unit six A - Painters of the Night
  • Unit six B - Street lights and shadows.
  • Optional Unit - Samuel Palmer- working with ink and mark making Learn form the Masters.
  • Unit seven - Imagining the Moon.
  • Optional Unit - Cat in the moon.


  1. Complete 4 paintings (70%)
  2. Submit a series of tests (30)

Reading Suggestions

Reading suggestions will be offered throughout the course.

Entry Requirements

This course is for everyone. No previous experience is needed and there are no formal entry requirements.

What Do I Need?

A list of materials, not included in the course fees, will be available prior to the course start date.