Prof Helen Roberts

PhD (University of Liverpool)

Prof Helen Roberts


Adran Daearyddiaeth a Gwyddorau Daear

Director of Research Excellence & Impact

Ymchwil, Busnes ac Arloesi

Manylion Cyswllt

Noder: Mae gwybodaeth ychwanegol neu manylach ar y fersiwn Saesneg o'r proffil hwn.


Colarossi, D, Duller, GAT & Roberts, HM 2024, 'Assessing whether a thermoluminescence peak at ∼100 °C in calcitic opercula can be used to monitor thermal reproducibility', Radiation Measurements. 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107115
Duller, GAT & Roberts, HM 2024, 'Chasing snails: Automating the processing of EMCCD images of luminescence from opercula', Radiation Measurements, vol. 172, 107084. 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107084
Trauth, MH, Asrat, A, Fischer, ML, Foerster, V, Kaboth-Bahr, S, Lamb, HF, Marwan, N, Roberts, HM & Schaebitz, F 2024, 'Combining orbital tuning and direct dating approaches to age-depth model development for Chew Bahir, Ethiopia', Quaternary Science Advances , vol. 15, 100208. 10.1016/j.qsa.2024.100208
Deep Drilling in the Turkana Basin Project Team, Beck, CC, Berke, M, Feibel, CS, Foerster, V, Olaka, L, Roberts, HM, Scholz, CA, Cantner, K, Noren, A, Kiptoo, GM, Muirhead, J, Amimo, MO, Apondi, OE, Campisano, C, Gathogo, P, Greenlee, J, Harmand, S, Junginger, A, Keenan, B, Keyombe, JL, Kinyanjui, R, Kübler, S, Lupien, R, Malala, J, Manthi, FK, Marchegiano, M, Meyer, I, Muiruri, V, Njagi, D, Ogondo, J, Omondi, S, Omar, AH, Omuombo, C, Pierdominici, S, Raynolds, R, Rosca, C, Rowan, C, Shedroff, S, Steen, A, van der Lubbe, J, Wiersberg, T, Winget, M & Zeeden, C 2024, 'ICDP workshop on the Deep Drilling in the Turkana Basin project: Exploring the link between environmental factors and hominin evolution over the past 4 Myr', Scientific Drilling, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 93-108. 10.5194/sd-33-93-2024
The MEME Team, Giaccio, B, Wagner, B, Zanchetta, G, Bertini, A, Cavinato, GP, De Franco, R, Florindo, F, Hodell, DA, Neubauer, TA, Nomade, S, Pereira, A, Sadori, L, Satolli, S, Tzedakis, PC, Albert, P, Boncio, P, De Jonge, C, Francke, A, Heim, C, Masi, A, Marchegiano, M, Roberts, HM, Noren, A, Azevedo, V, Clarke, L, Cheli, G, Chiarini, E, Cipriani, A, Conticelli, S, Cukur, D, Fedorov, G, Improta, L, Leicher, N, Danisik, M, Massaferro, J, Niespolo, E, Ortiz Menendez, JE, Paine, A, Pechlivanidou, S, Razum, I, Regattieri, E, Thomas, C, Vinnepand, M & White, D 2024, 'International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) workshop on the Fucino paleolake project: The longest continuous terrestrial archive in the MEditerranean recording the last 5 Million years of Earth system history (MEME)', Scientific Drilling, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 249-266. 10.5194/sd-33-249-2024
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