Rhag-Gofrestru 2024/2025

Rheoli Gwybodaeth, Llyfrgelloedd ac Archifau

Os hoffwch gofrestru am fodiwl hefo’r adran, mae’r modiwlau canlynol ar gael yn y sesiwn nesaf:


Semester 1:

IL20220 Information in a Changing World https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/modules/deptfuture/IL20220/

IL20320 Museums in the 21st Century https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/modules/deptfuture/IL20320/

IL30120 Collection Management & Development in Heritage Organisations https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/modules/deptfuture/IL30120/


Semester 2:

IL20420 Records Revolutions: A Cultural History of Record Keeping https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/modules/deptfuture/IL20420/

IL20620 Resource Discovery and Digital Information Management https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/modules/deptfuture/IL20620/

IL33920 Local Studies & Community Heritage https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/modules/deptfuture/IL33920/


Am If you would like advice on studying any of these modules, please contact:

Julie Mathias, Cyfarwyddydd Israddedig, jum@aber.ac.uk   ffôn: 622147


It is your responsibility to ensure that you comply with your scheme requirements (https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/study-schemes/deptfuture/)

On-line pre-registration will be open to students from 9.00 a.m. on Thursday 18 April(Prior to this date you will only be able to view your record, not make any module choices).  Go on-line and complete the pre-registration page, submit your pre-registration choices then await verification (via email) from the relevant department(s).

Students are advised to complete the process online through their student record by Friday 26 April.

Once you have entered your module choices on-line these will be confirmed by staff in DIS.


Any general queries should be addressed to:

Student Administration Enquires
Academic Registry    
Tel:  628515/622273  
Email:  ugfstaff@aber.ac.uk