How to Deal with Stress

Stress is something common to us all.
Whether through education, the workplace, social activities or personal events - we have all experienced it.
The extent to which it has an impact, is managed or dealt with will differ from individual to individual.
Despite this, it can become a heavy burden to carry.
Being a student at university is no different and there will be stresses and strains from: workloads, deadlines, presentations, exams, finances, accommodation, housemates, “fitting in”, career choices and many more.
Below are few pointers on how to manage the external pressures that you will face and to become more emotionally resilient to deal with them:
- Keep active: from a short walk to get some air in your lungs, to a heavy session at the gym – exercise can help clear your thoughts, reduce the feeling of stress and give a hardiness to deal with external pressures.
- Calming techniques: you can download relaxation apps on to your smartphone, perform breathing exercises, practice mindfulness and other relaxation techniques to help recognise and alleviate stress.
- Support network: sometimes it’s good to have some “me time” but balance this out with a social group you are comfortable in. It’s good to talk and get other perspectives/solutions to the challenges you face. Catching up with friends can also help you switch off and enjoy a laugh too – a great cure for stress!
- Work smarter: setting objectives, devising a plan, allocating time appropriately, prioritising workloads and completing important tasks first – will all help you navigate a project/situation more effectively and combat the negative effects of stress.
- Eat well: although it is tempting, try and avoid alcohol, smoking, caffeine and “comfort” food in times of stress. Over the long term they can promote additional problems. A healthy, balanced and wholesome diet can help prepare and sustain your body through a stressful situation.
- Keep positive: this can be tricky but try and keep positive. Learn an inspiring quote. Focus on the good things in your life and the stuff that you can be grateful for. Also, accepting that some things in life can’t change, is hard but good to grasp, and will help you focus your efforts on the things that you can.
These are just a few suggestions to help you deal with stress. You can find out more our Student Support Services and other useful links.