Graduate School

Our Graduate School supports all aspects of your time at Aberystwyth to enhance your postgraduate experience and help you excel in all academic areas of your studies.
Careers enhancement programme
Strongly supported by the University’s Careers Service, this programme covers a range of public engagement, commercial, and volunteer opportunities that will provide you with the support to link your studies with outside non-academic bodies.
Teaching support programme
To support our postgraduate students who contribute to
the teaching aspects of the University, our bespoke scheme offers training in a range of teaching skills, from tutorials to lectures and assessments. In addition, through the Teaching for Postgraduates at Aberystwyth University (TPAU) programme, you could also develop your teaching skills further and become an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA).
Researcher development programme
Through our series of generic and subject-specific modules you can develop your research skills further. This programme aims to address various aspects of the Vitae Researcher Development Framework ( We are also committed to running parts of this scheme through the medium of Welsh.
Full studentships can be provided through our involvement in a number of UK Research and Innovation funded doctoral training collaborations, and through the AberDoc Scholarships.
AberDoc Scholarships
These prestigious scholarships are awarded to successful full-time PhD candidates in any discipline through a competitive process and cover tuition fees for their 3-year period of registration.
AberGrad Scholarship
If you’re already an Aberystwyth student and considering staying at Aberystwyth to undertake a postgraduate taught degree you may be eligible to receive a £1,000 tuition fee discount.