Research resources for postgraduate students

For the historian, Aberystwyth is one of the UK's outstanding research locations, as well as being the paramount centre for the study of all aspects of the history of Wales in its British, European and international contexts.
Research Resources
Book, journal and archive resources extend across several libraries, including the massive holdings of the National Library of Wales, Wales's only copyright library and one of only five copyright libraries across the UK. Besides offering immediate access to all copyright publications issued in the UK, the National Library houses many collections relating to the British Isles in general, and has been since its inception the world's leading repository for archives relating to the history of Wales, many of which await intensive investigation. The University's own Hugh Owen Library houses in addition more than 600,000 volumes and over 3000 periodical series, besides a number of unique research collections. There are in addition several specialist libraries catering for users in such fields as agricultural history, archive and information science, architectural and archaeological studies. Aberystwyth is also the home of a number of research-led institutions useful to historians of many periods and interests. These include besides the National Library; the Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies; the Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments in Wales; and the Ceredigion Record Office.
A brief illustration of the resources available to support a wide variety of research projects might include for the medieval period the National Library's priceless manuscript collection, which includes secular and ecclesiastical court records as well as literary, family and estate papers. The Department's own holdings in this field include the Dyffryn Clwyd Court Rolls Data Base (which includes a major microfilm collection); this ESRC-funded project is a major tool for the study of late medieval Wales.