Prof Sarah Hutton

Emeritus Honorary Appointment
Department of English & Creative Writing
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- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 628480
- Research Portal Profile
Hutton, SC 2013, Religion, Philosophy and Women’s letters: Anne Conway and Damaris Masham. in A Dunan-Page & C Prunier (eds), Debating the Faith Religion and Letter-Writing in Great Britain, 1550-1800 . International Archives of the History of Ideas, vol. 209, Springer Nature, Dordrecht, pp. 159-175.
Hutton, SC 2013, The Cambridge Platonists and Averroes’. in A Akasoy & G Giglioni (eds), Renaissance Averroism and its Aftermath: Arabic Philosophy in Early Modern Europe. International Archives of the History of Ideas, vol. 211, Springer Nature, Dordrecht, pp. 197-211. 10.1007/978-94-007-5240-5_10
Hutton, S 2013, Women, Freedom and Equality. in PR Anstey (ed.), Oxford Handbook of British Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 501-518.
Hutton, SC 2012, Anne Conway and Origen. in A Furst & C Hengestermann (eds), Autonomie und Menschenwürde Origenes in der Philosophie der Neuzeit . Adamantiana, vol. 2, Aschendorff, Muenster, pp. 221-234.
Hutton, SC 2012, Between Newton and Leibniz: Emilie du Châtelet and Samuel Clarke. in R Hagengruber (ed.), Madame Du Châtelet, between Leibniz and Newton. International Archives of the History of Ideas, vol. 209, Springer Nature, Dordrecht, pp. 77-95.
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