Marginalised writers focus for creative writing event

Tŷ Trafod in the Visualisation Centre on Aberystwyth University’s Penglais Campus
27 June 2024
Empowering marginalised writers to make their voices heard will be the focus of an event held by creative writing experts at Aberystwyth University next month.
The University’s Centre for Creativity and Wellbeing is organising a ‘Marginalised Writers TakeOver Day’ on Saturday 13 July, in Tŷ Trafod in the Visualisation Centre on Penglais Campus.
The day is aimed at writers who are marginalised by factors including racism, ableism, low income, homophobia, anti-trans bias, or classism.
The programme includes talks, panel discussions, workshops and an open mic celebration. There will be opportunities to try out work, talk to other writers and listen to those who are driving different approaches to publishing in Wales.
Sairah Ahsan from the Department of English & Creative Writing, is one of the organisers:
“Our event will create a space for dialogue between writers who are marginalised for any reason, and people who are interested in platforming these voices to get a better understanding of the challenges facing them.
“We aim to build their confidence, provide advice that will facilitate future opportunities for publishment and payment, and provide the opportunity for them to make connections through which solutions can be actioned.”
Co-organiser, Jo Lambert added:
“It's frustrating when we live in a world where people are more likely to have a platform if they're middle-class, affluent, white, cis, able-bodied and straight. They're also more likely to be the ones giving feedback on our writing as agents or publishers. This can be especially difficult when they have no idea how to express our lived experience accurately. The aim of the day is to give the conversation back to writers who don’t always get a voice.”
Speakers on the day include writers Durre Shawar, Grace Quantock, Isabel Adonis, Joshua Jones, and Gareth James. Publishers Parthian, Wizard's Tower Press, Gwyllion Magazine, and Broken Sleep Books will be in attendance along with Welsh current affairs magazine The Welsh Agenda and Inclusive Journalism Cymru.
The event is free of charge and both published and unpublished writers are welcome. Refreshments will be provided.
It is also possible to join the event online via Teams. In-person and online places must be booked in advance at:
The Marginalised Writers TakeOver Day is organised by Aberystwyth University’s Centre for Creativity and Wellbeing, and is sponsored by Parthian Books, Literature Wales and Inclusive Journalism Cymru.