About us

Established in 1892, the School of Education at Aberystwyth University is one of the oldest Education departments in the UK.

Our mission is to combine the best of our traditions for academic excellence with the most up-to-date methods in teaching, student engagement and research.

Whether you decide to study with us on a full or part-time basis, you can be confident that you will gain a solid foundation of knowledge and understanding along with transferable skills that are highly valued by employers.

We offer a wide range of courses, from degrees in Childhood studies and Education, to continuous professional development courses for teachers at masters' level, and research degrees in Education.

In our teaching and research, we are committed to serving the educational, cultural, linguistic and social needs of Wales and we attach great importance to contributing to the community in which we are based. In doing so, we greatly value collaboration with independent providers in the community, schools, unitary authorities and other local and national educational institutions, as well as with other partners and organisations in the UK, Europe and the wider world. Through these partnerships we are undertaking active research in the areas of health and wellbeing, international development, policies in education, Welsh-medium education and education for families in the armed forces.

These pages will give you a taste of what we can offer you, but we encourage you to visit us to find out more. Book yourself onto one of our Open Days, and come and meet our vibrant community of students and staff. You will receive a warm welcome.

Our community

Aberystwyth is a vibrant, cosmopolitan bilingual university town, nestled  between the rolling Cambrian mountains and the stunning coastline of Cardigan Bay.

You will be part of a campus university with its own sports centre and a busy Arts Centre, and you will be next door to the National Library of Wales - one of only five copyright libraries in the UK. 

The University is very much part of the town, and you will find that the students and staff in the university as well as the people in the local community are friendly and welcoming.

Our students are the heart of the School of Education, and they tell us that they love the friendly and supportive atmosphere that we have created here. The Times and Sunday Times' Good University Guide 2024 ranked the School of Education Top in the UK for Student Experience, and 2nd in the UK for Teaching Quality for the subject of Education. In the 2024 National Student Survey, 96% of our Department of Education students were positive about the ‘Teaching on their course’, and 94% were positive about the 'Academic Support' they received. There is no doubt that your time here with us at Aberystwyth University will be a memorable and fantastic experience.

Our courses

Here in the School of Education, we offer a wide range of degrees at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. We offer degrees in Childhood Studies and Education, as well as a large number of Joint Honours and Major/Minor degree combinations. This means that you can study Education alongside another academic subject. 

For students looking to continue their studies, we offer a Professional Doctorate (DProf). This is for people who have a relevant degree or equivalent professional experience. Find out more about the DProf.

Our exciting degree schemes are relevant to the workplace and they are highly regarded by both students and employers. According to the latest HESA, 92% of our graduates were in work or further study 15 months after graduating (Aberystwyth University Graduate Outcomes Survey, June 2023, HESA). This demonstrates that our innovative teaching provides a smooth transition from campus to career.

Here is further information about our Single Honours degree schemes.

BA Education (3 years)
This degree seeks to develop your knowledge and understanding of the role of education in different contexts and a wide variety of schools, educational settings and post-16 providers. Education is a rewarding, interdisciplinary subject that will help you to learn about how people of all ages learn and the factors that make their experience a positive or negative one.
This degree will provide relevant subject knowledge and professional skills, coupled with a range of educational experiences, which will give you the opportunity to experience employment in a range of professional roles related to education. The BA Education degree has an emphasis on learner support, special educational needs, and classroom practices, with a range of specialist modules in these areas.
If a teaching career and the opportunity to shape future generations appeals to you, you can be assured that this degree is also a pathway to entry onto PGCE Primary teacher training programmes.

BA Education (4 years)
Education is a rewarding, interdisciplinary subject that will help you to learn about how people of all ages learn and the factors that make their experience a positive or negative one.
The integrated foundation year - designed for prospective students who do not have a sufficient or relevant academic background - is the perfect option to access this degree. In the Foundation Year, you will develop a solid academic base to enable you to go on to study the full BA Education course.
This degree will provide relevant subject knowledge and professional skills, coupled with a range of educational experiences, which will give you the opportunity to experience employment in a range of professional roles related to education. The BA Education degree has an emphasis on learner support, special educational needs, and classroom practices, with a range of specialist modules in these areas.
If a teaching career and the opportunity to shape future generations appeals to you, you can be assured that this degree is also a pathway to entry onto PGCE Primary teacher training programmes. 

BA Childhood Studies (3 years)
This degree will allow you to explore a diverse range of areas that are pivotal to children’s lives and that will equip you with the skills and expertise necessary to work in a range of child-related professions. Whatever career you choose, this degree will give you a solid foundation of the knowledge and understanding, along with the critical and evaluative skills that employers are looking for. Also, as long as you meet the entry requirements, you will be guaranteed an interview for Primary PGCE at Aberystwyth.

BA Early Childhood Studies with Early Years Practitioner Status (3 years)
Are you interested in exploring how children in the early years phase develop, and studying the theories and research that influence the methods we use today? If you are, come and join us on our BA Early Childhood Studies with Early Years Practitioner Status degree course.
Drawing on aspects of psychology, sociology, childhood and educational studies, this degree will combine theory and practice to allow you to develop a clear understanding of this time in children’s lives. Working at a stage when development seems to happen in the blink of an eye, you will learn about how practitioners keep track of this development, to allow them to plan appropriately for each child’s next steps.
With over 700 hours working in settings with young children, you will develop the professional and academic skills that are needed to progress in a career in early childhood.

For more information on all our courses, visit our Study with us section and browse the courses that we offer. If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us - see the 'Contact us' section in the main menu.