Please note: This is version 1.2 of DRAC and is currently under development.

DRAC — User Guide

DRAC has been designed to be straightforward to use and useful to the trapped charge dating community. Dose rate data is input into DRAC using a downloadable template and the output is generated in a .csv file, which can be downloaded and saved by the user. Details of the inputs required by DRAC and the outputs produced are given in the DRAC inputs and DRAC outputs tables below.

Details of the calculation process can be found in the accompanying journal article in Quaternary Geochronology. For those with access to this journal, it can be accessed at Durcan et al., 2015. Alternatively, a copy of the accepted author manuscript is available here.

In order to calculate a Ḋ using DRAC, simply:

  1. Download the DRAC Input & Output template file and input your data and factor selections into the appropriate columns, taking care to use the correct units and referring to the inputs table below to ensure correct data input. Whilst not all data input fields are required for Ḋ calculation, each column should be populated including those not being used.
  2. Copy and paste your data from the template directly into the data input box on the Calculator page. You can calculate Ḋ for up to 100 samples at a time. You should also provide a name for the suite of calculations.
  3. Press calculate.
  4. A DRACoutput.csv file will be produced (see example version, which can be downloaded). This file will contain all of the input data and table outputs listed below.

Please ensure you cite the use of DRAC in your work, published or otherwise. Please cite the website name and version (e.g. DRAC v1.2) and the accompanying journal article: Durcan, J.A., King, G.E., Duller, G.A.T., 2015. DRAC: Dose rate and age calculation for trapped charge dating. Quaternary Geochronology, submitted. [at present a download to the submitted document].


DRAC Inputs

Table Input Name Required Description
TI:1Project IDYInputs can be alphabetic, numeric or selected symbols (/ - () [] _). Spaces are not permitted.
TI:2Sample IDY
TI:3MineralYThe mineral used for dating: quartz, feldspar or polymineral. Input must be “Q”, “F” or “PM”.
TI:4Conversion factorsNThe conversion factors required to calculate dose rates from radionuclide concentrations. Users have the option of datasets from Adamiec and Aitken (1998), Guerin et al. (2011) or Liritzis et al. (2013). Input must be “AdamiecAitken1998”, “Guerinetal2011”, “Liritzisetal2013” or “X” if conversion factors are not required.
TI:5External U (ppm)NRadionuclide concentrations in parts per million for Uranium, Thorium and Rubidium and % for Potassium. Inputs must be 0 or positive and should not be left blank.
TI:6External δU (ppm)N
TI:7External Th (ppm)N
TI:8External δTh (ppm)N
TI:9External K (%)N
TI:10External δK (%)N
TI:11External Rb (ppm)N
TI:12External δRb (ppm)N
TI:13Calculate external Rb from K conc?NOption to calculate a Rubidium concentration from Potassium, using the 270:1 ratio suggested by Mejdahl (1987). Input should be yes “Y” or no “N”.
TI:14Internal U (ppm)NInternal radionuclide concentrations in parts per million for Uranium, Thorium and Rubidium and % for Potassium. Inputs must be 0 or positive and should not be left blank.
TI:15Internal δU (ppm)N
TI:16Internal Th (ppm)N
TI:17Internal δTh (ppm)N
TI:18Internal K (%)N
TI:19Internal δK (%)N
TI:20Internal Rb (ppm)N
TI:21Internal δRb (ppm)N
TI:22Calculate internal Rb from K conc?NOption to calculate an internal Rubidium concentration from Potassium, using the 270:1 ratio suggested by Mejdahl (1987). Input should be yes “Y” or no “N”.
TI:23User external Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)NUsers may input directly measured values for external alpha, beta and gamma dose rates (in Gy.ka-1). Any positive inputs in these fields will override dose rates calculated from radionuclide concentrations. Inputs should be 0 or positive and should not be left blank.
TI:24User external δḊα (Gy.ka-1)N
TI:25User external Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)N
TI:26User external δḊβ (Gy.ka-1)N
TI:27User external Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)N
TI:28User external δḊγ (Gy.ka-1)N
TI:29User internal Ḋr (Gy.ka-1)NUsers may input an internal dose rate (either alpha, beta or the sum of the two; in Gy.ka-1). DRAC will assume that this value has already been corrected for attenuation. Inputs in this field will override dose rates calculated from radionuclide concentrations. Inputs should be 0 or positive and not left blank.
TI:30User internal δḊr (Gy.ka-1)N
TI:31Scale Ḋγ at shallow depths?NUsers may choose to scale gamma dose rates for samples taken within 0.3 m of the ground surface. The scaling factors of Aitken (1985) are used. Input should be yes “Y” or no “N”.
TI:32Grain size min (µm)YThe grain size range analysed. DRAC can be used for the grain size ranges between 1 and 1000 µm. Inputs should range between 1 and 1000 and not be left blank.
TI:33Grain size max (µm)Y
TI:34α-Grain size attenuation factorsYThe grain size attenuation factors for the alpha dose rate. Users have the option of datasets from Bell (1980) and Brennan et al. (1991). Input must be “Bell1980” or “Brennanetal1991”.
TI:35β-Grain size attenuation factorsYThe grain size attenuation factors for the beta dose rate. Users have the option of datasets from Mejdahl (1979), Brennan (2003) and Guerin et al. (2012) for quartz or feldspar. Input must be “Mejdahl1979”, “Brennan2003”, “Guerinetal2012-Q” or “Guerinetal2012-F” .
TI:36Etch depth min (µm)YThe user defined etch depth range (µm). Inputs should range between 0 and 30 and not be left blank.
TI:37Etch depth max (µm)Y
TI:38β-Etch attenuation factorNThe etch depth attenuation factors for the beta dose rate. Users have the option of datasets from Bell (1979) and Brennan (2003). Input must be “Bell1979” or “Brennan2003”. Note: only the dataset of Bell (1980) is provided for attenuation of the alpha dose rate by etching.
TI:39a-valueNAlpha track efficiency value and uncertainty defined by the user. Inputs should be 0 or positive and not left blank.
TI:41Water content (%)YSediment water content (%) over the burial period. Inputs should be 0 or positive and not be left blank.
TI:42δWater content (%)Y
TI:43Depth (m)NDepth and uncertainty from which sample was extracted beneath the ground surface. Inputs should be 0 or positive and not left blank.
TI:44δDepth (m)N
TI:45Overburden density ( of the overlying sediment matrix from which the sample was taken. Inputs should be 0 or positive and not be left blank. The scaling calculation will use the overburden density and uncertainty provided.
TI:46δOverburden density (
TI:47Latitude (decimal degrees)NLatitude and longitude of sample location (in degree decimals). Positive values should be used for northern latitudes and eastern longitudes and negative values for southern latitudes and western longitudes. Inputs should range from – 90 to 90° for latitudes and -180 to 180° for longitude.
TI:48Longitude (decimal degrees)N
TI:49Altitude (m asl)NAltitude of sample location in metres above sea level. Input should be less than 5000 and not left blank.
TI:50User defined Ḋc (Gy.ka-1)NUsers may input a cosmic dose rate (in Gy.ka-1). Inputs in these fields will override the DRAC calculated cosmic dose rate. Inputs should be positive or “X” if not required, and not left blank.
TI:51User defined δḊc (Gy.ka-1)N
TI:52De (Gy)NSample De and uncertainty (in Gy). Inputs should be positive or “X” if not required, and not left blank.
TI:53δDe (Gy)N

DRAC Outputs

Table Output Name Description
TO:AExternal U Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)The calculated external dose rates from the provided radionuclide concentrations and selected conversion factors.
TO:BExternal δU Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:CExternal U Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:DExternal δU Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:EExternal U Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FExternal δU Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:GExternal Th Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:HExternal δTh Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:IExternal Th Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:JExternal δTh Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:KExternal Th Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:LExternal δTh Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:MExternal K Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:NExternal δK Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:OExternal K Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:PExternal δK Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:QExternal Rb Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:RExternal δRb Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:SInternal U Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)The calculated internal dose rates from the provided radionuclide concentrations and selected conversion factors.
TO:TInternal δU Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:UInternal U Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:VInternal δU Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:WInternal Th Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:XInternal δTh Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:YInternal Th Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:ZInternal δTh Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:AAInternal K Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:ABInternal δK Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:ACInternal Rb Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:ADInternal δRb Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:AEU Ḋγ scaling factorThe scaling factors of Aitken (1985) used to correct gamma dose rates of samples taken from within 0.3 m of the ground surface.
TO:AFTh Ḋγ scaling factor
TO:AGK Ḋγ scaling factor
TO:AHAverage Ḋγ scaling factor
TO:AIDepth scaled U Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)The gamma dose rates and uncertainties corrected for shallow depth (<0.3 m).
TO:AJDepth scaled δU Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:AKDepth scaled Th Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:ALDepth scaled δTh Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:AMDepth scaled K Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:ANDepth scaled δK Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:AODepth scaled user external Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:APDepth scaled δuser external Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:AQExternal infinite matrix Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)The infinite matrix external and internal dose rates. Calculated either from the radionuclide concentrations and conversion factors or the user defined dose rates. These values are used as the basis for all subsequent calculations.
TO:ARExternal infinite matrix δḊα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:ASExternal infinite matrix Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:ATExternal infinite matrix δḊβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:AUExternal infinite matrix Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:AVExternal infinite matrix δḊγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:AWInternal infinite matrix Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:AXInternal infinite matrix δḊα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:AYInternal infinite matrix Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:AZInternal infinite matrix δḊβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:BAU Alpha grain size attenuation factorThe alpha grain size attenuation factors and uncertainties calculated from the selected dataset and for the specified grain size range. The value is calculated as the average of the attenuation factors for the two grain size extremes and the uncertainty is 50% of the range. If dose rates are calculated using radionuclide concentrations, they are attenuated individually. If a dose rate is provided by the user, it is attenuated using the combined attenuation factor.
TO:BBδU Alpha grain size attenuation factor
TO:BCTh Alpha grain size attenuation factor
TO:BDδTh Alpha grain size attenuation factor
TO:BECombined alpha grain size attenuation factor
TO:BFδCombined alpha grain size attenuation factor
TO:BGU Alpha grain size absorption factorThe alpha grain size absorption factors and uncertainties calculated from the selected dataset and for the specified grain size range. The value is calculated as the average of the attenuation factors for the two grain size extremes and the uncertainty is 50% of the range.
TO:BHδU Alpha grain size absorption factor
TO:BITh Alpha grain size absorption factor
TO:BJδTh Alpha grain size absorption factor
TO:BKGrain size corrected external U Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)The external and internal alpha dose rates corrected for grain size attenuation and absorption.
TO:BLGrain size corrected external δU Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:BMGrain size corrected external Th Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:BNGrain size corrected external δTh Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:BOGrain size corrected user external Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:BPGrain size corrected user external δḊα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:BQGrain size corrected internal U Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:BRGrain size corrected internal δU Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:BSGrain size corrected internal Th Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:BTGrain size corrected internal δTh Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:BUU-Beta grain size attenuation factorThe beta grain size attenuation factors and uncertainties calculated from the selected dataset and for the specified grain size range. The value is calculated as the average of the attenuation factors for the two grain size extremes and the uncertainty is 50% of the range. If dose rates are calculated using radionuclide concentrations, they are attenuated individually. If a dose rate is provided by the user, it is attenuated using the combined attenuation factor based on the ratio of Mejdahl (1979).
TO:BVU-δBeta grain size attenuation factor
TO:BWTh-Beta grain size attenuation factor
TO:BXTh-δBeta grain size attenuation factor
TO:BYK-Beta grain size attenuation factor
TO:BZK-δBeta grain size attenuation factor
TO:CARb-Beta grain size attenuation factor
TO:CBRb-δBeta grain size attenuation factor
TO:CCCompiled beta grain size attenuation factor
TO:CDδCompiled beta grain size attenuation factor
TO:CEU-Beta grain size absorption factorThe beta grain size absorption factors and uncertainties calculated from the selected dataset and for the specified grain size range. The value is calculated as the average of the attenuation factors for the two grain size extremes and the uncertainty is 50% of the range.
TO:CFU-δBeta grain size absorption factor
TO:CGTh-Beta grain size absorption factor
TO:CHTh-δBeta grain size absorption factor
TO:CIK-Beta grain size absorption factor
TO:CJK-δBeta grain size absorption factor
TO:CKRb-Beta grain size absorption factor
TO:CLRb-δBeta grain size absorption factor
TO:CMGrain size corrected external U Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)The external and internal beta dose rates corrected for grain size attenuation and absorption.
TO:CNGrain size corrected external δU Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:COGrain size corrected external Th Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:CPGrain size corrected external δTh Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:CQGrain size corrected external K Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:CRGrain size corrected external δK Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:CSGrain size corrected external Rb Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:CTGrain size corrected external δRb Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:CUGrain size corrected user external Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:CVGrain size corrected user external δḊβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:CWGrain size corrected internal U Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:CXGrain size corrected internal δU Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:CYGrain size corrected internal Th Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:CZGrain size corrected internal δTh Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:DAGrain size corrected internal K Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:DBGrain size corrected internal δK Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:DCGrain size corrected internal Rb Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:DDGrain size corrected internal δRb Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:DEU-Alpha etch attenuation factorThe alpha etch depth attenuation factors calculated from the Bell (1980) dataset for the specified etch depth. The value is calculated as the average of the attenuation factors for the etch depth extremes and the uncertainty is 50% of the range. If dose rates are calculated using radionuclide concentrations, they are attenuated individually. If a dose rate is provided by the user, it is attenuated using the combined attenuation factor.
TO:DFU-δAlpha Etch attenuation factor
TO:DGTh-Alpha etch attenuation factor
TO:DHTh-δAlpha etch attenuation factor
TO:DICompiled alpha etch attenuation factor
TO:DJδCompiled alpha etch attenuation factor
TO:DKU-Alpha etch absorption factorAlpha etch depth absorption factors calculated from the Bell (1980) dataset for the specified etch depth. The value is calculated as the average of the attenuation factors for the etch depth extremes and the uncertainty is 50% of the range.
TO:DLU-δAlpha Etch absorption factor
TO:DMTh-Alpha etch absorption factor
TO:DNTh-δAlpha etch absorption factor
TO:DOEtch corrected external U Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)The external and internal alpha dose rates corrected for etch depth attenuation and absorption.
TO:DPEtch corrected external δU Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:DQEtch corrected external Th Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:DREtch corrected external δTh Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:DSEtch corrected user external Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:DTEtch corrected user external δḊα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:DUEtch corrected internal U Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:DVEtch corrected internal δU Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:DWEtch corrected internal Th Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:DXEtch corrected internal δTh Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:DYU-Beta etch attenuation factorThe beta etch depth attenuation factors calculated from the selected dataset. The value is calculated as the average of the attenuation factors for the etch depth extremes and the uncertainty is 50% of the range. The uncertainty is ±2%. If dose rates are calculated using radionuclide concentrations, they are attenuated individually. If a dose rate is provided by the user, it is attenuated using the combined attenuation factor.
TO:DZU-δBeta etch attenuation factor
TO:EATh-Beta etch attenuation factor
TO:EBTh-δBeta etch attenuation factor
TO:ECK-Beta etch attenuation factor
TO:EDK-δBeta etch attenuation factor
TO:EECompiled beta etch attenuation factor
TO:EFδCompiled beta etch attenuation factor
TO:EGU-Beta etch absorption factorThe beta etch depth absorption factors calculated from the selected dataset. The value is calculated as the average of the attenuation factors for the etch depth extremes and the uncertainty is 50% of the range.
TO:EHU-δBeta etch absorption factor
TO:EITh-Beta etch absorption factor
TO:EJTh-δBeta etch absorption factor
TO:EKK-Beta etch absorption factor
TO:ELK-δBeta etch absorption factor
TO:EMEtch corrected external U Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)The external and internal beta dose rates corrected for etch depth attenuation and absorption.
TO:ENEtch corrected external δU Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:EOEtch corrected external Th Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:EPEtch corrected external δTh Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:EQEtch corrected external K Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:EREtch corrected external δK Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:ESEtch corrected user external Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:ETEtch corrected user external δḊβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:EUEtch corrected internal U Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:EVEtch corrected internal δU Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:EWEtch corrected internal Th Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:EXEtch corrected internal δTh Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:EYEtch corrected internal K Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:EZEtch corrected internal δK Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FAa-value corrected external U Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)The external and internal alpha dose rates corrected for alpha track efficiency using the provided a-value.
TO:FBa-value corrected external δU Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FCa-value corrected external Th Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FDa-value corrected external δTh Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FEa-value corrected user external Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FFa-value corrected user external δḊα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FGa-value corrected internal U Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FHa-value corrected internal δU Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FIa-value corrected internal Th Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FJa-value corrected internal δTh Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FKExternal Dry Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)The external dose rates corrected for grain size and etch depth attenuation.
TO:FLExternal Dry δḊα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FMExternal Dry Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FNExternal Dry δḊβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FOExternal Dry Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FPExternal Dry δḊγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FQWater corrected ḊαThe water attenuated external alpha, beta and gamma dose rates.
TO:FRWater corrected δḊα
TO:FSWater corrected Ḋβ
TO:FTWater corrected δḊβ
TO:FUWater corrected Ḋγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FVWater corrected δḊγ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FWInternal Dry Ḋα (Gy.ka-1)The attenuated internal alpha and beta dose rates.
TO:FXInternal Dry δḊα (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FYInternal Dry Ḋβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:FZInternal Dry δḊβ (Gy.ka-1)
TO:GAḊ0 (Gy.ka-1)The cosmic dose rate calculated at the sample depth, 55°N and sea level.
TO:GBδḊ0 (Gy.ka-1)
TO:GCGeomagnetic latitudeThe geomagnetic latitude calculated from the sample latitude and longitude and sampling depth.
TO:GDFThe factors required to correct the cosmic dose rate for altitude and geomagnetic latitude (after Prescott and Stefan, 1982).
TO:GGḊc (Gy.ka-1)The calculated or user defined cosmic dose rate used in final environmental dose rate calculation.
TO:GHδḊc (Gy.ka-1)
TO:GIExternal Ḋr (Gy.ka-1)DRAC calculated external and internal dose rates.
TO:GJExternal δḊr (Gy.ka-1)
TO:GKInternal Ḋr (Gy.ka-1)
TO:GLInternal δḊr (Gy.ka-1)
TO:GMEnvironmental Dose Rate (Gy.ka-1)DRAC calculated environmental dose rate.
TO:GNδEnvironmental Dose Rate (Gy.ka-1)
TO:GOAge (ka)Age, if De is provided, calculated using the DRAC determined dose rate.
TO:GPδAge (ka)