Enhance sport opportunities

"A HUGE thank you is owed to the Alumni who support the Aber Fund! Without your donations, so many of us wouldn’t have the financial support to access such great experiences and opportunities. Thank you.”
Aber has opened up new sporting opportunities for Alex Newnes and Beth Duthie.
IBERS and Law students respectively, they developed a passion for Archery and became part of the “AberArchers” team.
Their talent and dedication to the sport gave them entry to the European 3D Archery Championships in Gothenburg. The Aber Fund made their trip possible.
“It was a phenomenal experience! To shoot alongside, and in competition with, the best archers in the world is something I never dreamed of doing when I first picked up a bow here in Aberystwyth”, says Alex.
The Championships have made him more confident and ambitious: “I made many friends and met a lot of very talented archers, leaving me very inspired and hungry for next year’s competition!”
Beth’s confidence also developed during the Championships: “I am proud of my perseverance and hope to improve on my place in years to come.”
Both Alex and Beth are extremely grateful for having started a sport that they love so much at Aber, and also having the fortune to benefit from the Aber Fund:
“Had I not come to Aberystwyth University I doubt I would have even started archery, let alone be at the level I am now”, Beth reflects, “without the Aber Fund I don’t think this tournament would have been a possibility for me at all. I will be forever grateful for your support.”
To end our interview, Alex sums up their thanks:
“Simply put, without the help of the Aber Fund we would not be able to afford to be part of the team.
A HUGE thank you is owed to the Alumni who support the Aber Fund! Without your donations, so many of us wouldn’t have the financial support to access such great experiences and opportunities. Thank you.”