Develop life skills

"We are thankful to the Aber Fund for supporting the project which provides students with a volunteering opportunity."
In the last academic year, the Aber Fund supported a new Students’ Union project, Money Mentors.
The scheme is in conjunction with Student Support Services, where student volunteers – “Money Buddies” - provide guidance to other students who find it difficult to take control of their finances.
”Money is definitely an important part of student life” explains Pippa, Money Buddy and BA History student. “Maintenance loans don't always go far enough, and part time work is only so good until the hours and university deadlines start to stress you out."
"Money Buddies are here to help with that. If we can help then it's one less thing to stress about during time at University, giving more time to focus on studies.”
Having the Money Mentor scheme gives students the chance to open up to their peers, and also show that there is no need to struggle alone.
“We are thankful to the Aber Fund and alumni for supporting the project which provides students with a volunteering opportunity”, says SU Wellbeing Officer, “the project develops employability skills all the while helping other students to build confidence in budgeting and financial literacy. This peer-led approach is valued and we look forward to the future of the project.”