Cynlluniau Astudio

Marketing / French

1 : Awarding Institution / Body
Aberystwyth University

2a : Teaching Institution / University
Aberystwyth University

2b : Work-based learning (where appropriate)

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School


3a : Programme accredited by
Aberystwyth University

3b : Programme approved by
Aberystwyth University

4 : Final Award
Bachelor of Science

5 : Programme title
Marketing / French

6 : UCAS code

7 : QAA Subject Benchmark

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School

QAA Subject Benchmark Statement: Business and Management

8 : Date of publication

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School

September 2023

9 : Educational aims of the programme

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School
  • To provide an analytical, integrated, multi-disciplinary study of marketing and of its contemporary and potential role within business organizations, in the external business environment and in society, with particular emphasis on the role of digital media in marketing communications.

  • Develop subject knowledge and understanding relating to: markets; customers; contemporary marketing best-practice; marketing processes in relation to other functional business processes; application of marketing for strategic and operational purposes at corporate, trans­ corporate and sub-corporate levels.

  • To develop cognitive skills of critical thinking, analysis and synthesis, building the capacity to identify, formulate and solve marketing-based business problems, using appropriate conceptual models, empirical evidence, and quantitative and qualitative skills.

  • To enhance communication skills, orally and in writing, using a range of media, including communications and information technology.

  • To develop interpersonal skills of listening, responding negotiating, presenting and persuading, so as to be able to lead or work effectively within self­managing teams, and to identify and flexibly adapt roles within such teams.

10 : Intended learning outcomes

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School

The knowledge, understanding and skills below correspond to the relevant (i.e. Marketing related) parts of the benchmarking statement for Business and Management (the QAA has not issued a separate benchmarking statement for the functional area of Marketing). The skills identified in the benchmarking statement include general transferable skills which, while highly appropriate to a graduate career in Marketing, are not restricted to this.

10.1 : Knowledge and understanding

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School
  • A1 Markets - the development and operation of markets for resources, goods and services

  • A2 Customers - customer expectations, service and orientation

  • A3 Information systems - the development, management and exploitation of information systems and their impact upon organisations

  • A4 Communication and information technology- the comprehension and use of relevant communication and information technologies for application in Marketing based business

  • A5 Market-based business policy and strategy - the development of appropriate policies

  • A6 Pervasive issues - sustainability, globalisation, corporate social responsibility, diversity, business innovation, creativity, enterprise development. knowledge management and risk management.

Learning and Teaching

Formal teaching in lectures. Seminars facilitate listening and dialogue with other students, regularly in a context of engagement with marketing problems or cases that stimulate critical thinking, synthesis and creativity. Guided learning is provided in module outlines which specify detailed and appropriate information sources and reading for the separate topics in the module syllabus. Several modules use small group learning in contexts such as Marketing Management, Marketing Communications, Branding, Consumer Behaviour (including a 'live' case) and projects. Research skills are developed mainly in coursework, but also through formalized pedagogical module interventions.

Assessment Strategies and Methods

Unseen examinations are used for part of the assessment for more than 50% of the modules. Modules show varied coursework assessment processes that include: individual essays, reports, critiques, case analysis, website development, branding campaigns, video creation, and presentations; group reports and oral presentations; participation and contribution to seminar discussion.

10.2 : Skills and other attributes

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School

Graduates should be able to demonstrate a range of cognitive and intellectual skills together with techniques specific to marketing-based business and management.

Graduates should also be able to demonstrate relevant personal and interpersonal skills appropriate the demands and requirements of contemporary professional business practice. ·

10.2.1 Intellectual Skills

  • B1 Cognitive skills of critical thinking, analysis and synthesis. This includes the capability to identify assumptions, evaluate statements in terms of evidence, to detect false logic or reasoning, to identify implicit values, to define terms adequately and to generalise appropriately.

  • B2 Effective problem solving and decision making using appropriate quantitative and qualitative skills including identifying, formulating and solving Marketing-based business problems. The ability to create, evaluate and assess a range of options together with the capacity to apply ideas and knowledge to a range of situations.

  • B3 Numeracy and quantitative skills including data analysis, interpretation and extrapolation. The use of models of Marketing-based business problems and phenomena.

  • B4 Click here to enter text.

  • B5 Click here to enter text.

Learning and Teaching

Formal teaching in lectures. Seminars facilitate listening and dialogue with other students, regularly in a context of engagement with marketing problems or cases that stimulate critical thinking, synthesis and creativity. Guided learning is provided in module outlines which specify detailed and appropriate information sources and reading for the separate topics in the module syllabus. Several modules use small group learning in contexts such as Marketing Management, Marketing Communications, Branding, Consumer Behaviour (including a 'live' case) and projects. Research skills are developed mainly in coursework, but also through formalized pedagogical module interventions.

Assessment Strategies and Methods

Unseen examinations are used for part of the assessment for more than 50% of the modules. Modules show varied coursework assessment processes that include: individual essays, reports, critiques, case analysis, website development, branding campaigns, video creation, and presentations; group reports and oral presentations; participation and contribution to seminar discussion.

10.2.2 Professional practical skills / Discipline Specific Skills

By the end of their programme, all students are expected to be able to demonstrate:

  • C1 Interpersonal skills of effective listening, negotiating. persuasion and presentation.

  • C2 Effective performance, within a team environment, including leadership, team building, influencing and project management skills.

  • C3 Ability to conduct research into Marketing issues. Either individually or as part of a team for projects/dissertations/presentations. This requires familiarity with and an evaluative approach to a range of Marketing data, sources of information and appropriate methodologies, and for such to inform the overall learning process.

  • C4 People management skills.

  • C5 Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise.

  • C6 Networking and Interpersonal skills.

Learning and Teaching

Formal teaching in lectures. Seminars facilitate listening and dialogue with other students, regularly in a context of engagement with marketing problems or cases that stimulate critical thinking, synthesis and creativity. Guided learning is provided in module outlines which specify detailed and appropriate information sources and reading for the separate topics in the module syllabus. Several modules use small group learning in contexts such as Marketing Management, Marketing Communications, Branding, Consumer Behaviour (including a 'live' case) and projects. Research skills are developed mainly in coursework, but also through formalized pedagogical module interventions.

Assessment Strategies and Methods

Unseen examinations are used for part of the assessment for more than 50% of the modules. Modules show varied coursework assessment processes that include: individual essays, reports, critiques, case analysis, website development, branding campaigns, video creation, and presentations; group reports and oral presentations; participation and contribution to seminar discussion.

10.3 : Transferable/Key skills

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School

By the end of their programme, all students are expected to be able to demonstrate:

  • D1 Problem solving skills

  • D2 Research skills

  • D3 Communication skills

  • D4 Improving own learning and performance

  • D5 Team work skills

  • D6 Information technology skills

  • D7 Quantitative skills

  • D8 Personal development and career planning

Learning and Teaching

Formal teaching in lectures. Seminars facilitate listening and dialogue with other students, regularly in a context of engagement with marketing problems or cases that stimulate critical thinking, synthesis and creativity. Guided learning is provided in module outlines which specify detailed and appropriate information sources and reading for the separate topics in the module syllabus. Several modules use small group learning in contexts such as Marketing Management, Marketing Communications, Branding, Consumer Behaviour (including a 'live' case) and projects. Research skills are developed mainly in coursework, but also through formalized pedagogical module interventions.

Assessment Strategies and Methods

Unseen examinations are used for part of the assessment for more than 50% of the modules. Modules show varied coursework assessment processes that include: individual essays, reports, critiques, case analysis, website development, branding campaigns, video creation, and presentations; group reports and oral presentations; participation and contribution to seminar discussion.

11 : Program Structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awards

BSC Marketing / French [NR59]

Blwyddyn Academaidd: 2023/2024Cynllun Anrhydedd Cyfun - ar gael ers 2020/2021

Hyd (astudio Llawn Amser): 4 blwyddyn
Blwyddyn Ddiwethaf: 2023/2024

Rheolau Rhan 1

Blwyddyn 1 Craidd (40 Credyd)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Fundamentals of Management and Business

Semester 2

Marketing Principles and Contemporary Practice

Blwyddyn 1 Craidd TT/Opsiynau

FRENCH ADVANCED: you must take:

Semester 1

French Language Advanced

Semester 2

Images of France: The French Family


French Language Advanced

Blwyddyn 1 Craidd TT/Opsiynau

FRENCH BEGINNERS: you must take:

Semester 1

Beginners French 1

Semester 2

Beginners French 2

Blwyddyn 1 Opsiynau

Choose 20 credits from the following options.

Semester 1

Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance


Understanding the Economy


Hanfodion Cyfrifeg a Chyllid

Semester 2

Data Analytics

Blwyddyn 1 Opsiynau

FRENCH ADVANCED: you must choose an additional 20 credits of the following or other Level 1 content modules:

Semester 1

Introduction to European Film


Language, Culture, and Identity in Europe


Introduction to French Studies

Semester 2

Introduction to European Film


Language, Culture, and Identity in Europe


Introduction to French Studies

Blwyddyn 1 Opsiynau

FRENCH BEGINNERS: you must choose 20 credits of the following or other Level 1 content modules:

Semester 1

Introduction to European Film


Language, Culture, and Identity in Europe


Introduction to French Studies

Semester 2

Introduction to European Film


Language, Culture, and Identity in Europe


Introduction to French Studies

Rheolau Rhan 2

Blwyddyn 2 Craidd (30 Credyd)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

French Language

Semester 2

French Language

Blwyddyn 2 Craidd (40 Credyd)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Marketing Management

Semester 2

Consumer and Buyer Behaviour

Blwyddyn 2 Opsiynau

Choose 30 credits of the following FR or EL modules:

Semester 1

Extended Essay Module


Self-Writing, 18th-21st Centuries


Narrating and Visualising French Colonialism


"...ISMES" Cultural and Artistic Movements in 20th c. France

Semester 2

Extended Essay Module


Language of Business 1


L'Art Du Récit (19e - 20e Siècles)


History, Film and Memory: Representing World Wars in French cinema

Blwyddyn 2 Opsiynau

(20 credits) Choose one of these modules

Semester 1

Applied Brand Management

Semester 2

Marketing: Relationships and Customer Experience

Blwyddyn 3 Craidd (60 Credyd)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Abroad Year Credits

Semester 2

Abroad Year Credits

Blwyddyn 3 Craidd (60 Credyd)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Year Abroad Assessment

Semester 2

Year Abroad Assessment

Blwyddyn Olaf Craidd (40 Credyd)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Digital Marketing

Semester 2

Marketing and Digital Marketing Communication

Blwyddyn Olaf Craidd (30 Credyd)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

French Language

Semester 2

French Language

Blwyddyn Olaf Opsiynau

(20 credits) Choose one of these modules.

Semester 1

Strategic Leadership


Arweinyddiaeth Strategol

Semester 2

Tourism Marketing

Blwyddyn Olaf Opsiynau

Choose 30 credits of the following FR or EL modules:

Semester 1



Extended Essay Module


The Language of Business and Current Affairs


Self-writing, 18th-21st Centuries


Narrating and Visualising French Colonialism


"...ISMES" Cultural and Artistic Movements in 20th c. France

Semester 2



Extended Essay Module


L'Art Du Rêcit (19e - 20e Siècles)


History, Film and Memory: Representing World Wars in French cinema

12 : Support for students and their learning
Every student is allocated a Personal Tutor. Personal Tutors have an important role within the overall framework for supporting students and their personal development at the University. The role is crucial in helping students to identify where they might find support, how and where to seek advice and how to approach support to maximise their student experience. Further support for students and their learning is provided by Information Services and Student Support and Careers Services.

13 : Entry Requirements
Details of entry requirements for the scheme can be found at

14 : Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of teaching and learning
All taught study schemes are subject to annual monitoring and periodic review, which provide the University with assurance that schemes are meeting their aims, and also identify areas of good practice and disseminate this information in order to enhance the provision.

15 : Regulation of Assessment
Academic Regulations are published as Appendix 2 of the Academic Quality Handbook:

15.1 : External Examiners
External Examiners fulfill an essential part of the University’s Quality Assurance. Annual reports by External Examiners are considered by Faculties and Academic Board at university level.

16 : Indicators of quality and standards
The Department Quality Audit questionnaire serves as a checklist about the current requirements of the University’s Academic Quality Handbook. The periodic Department Reviews provide an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of quality assurance processes and for the University to assure itself that management of quality and standards which are the responsibility of the University as a whole are being delivered successfully.