Urddo ffisegydd atmosfferig blaenllaw
Yr Athro John Harries
15 Gorffennaf 2014
Urddwyd Yr Athro John Harries, sy’n adnabyddus am ei waith ar ffiseg atmosfferig, yn Gymrawd Prifysgol Aberystwyth.
Yr Athro Harries oedd y Prif Ymgynghorydd Gwyddonol cyntaf i Gymru (2010-2013), ac arweiniodd y tîm a ddaeth o hyd i'r dystiolaeth arsylwol gyntaf bod effaith tŷ gwydr y Ddaear wedi cynyddu rhwng 1970 a 1997.
Mae'n gyn-Lywydd ar y Gymdeithas Feterolegol Frenhinol, ac ar y Pwyllgor Ymbelydredd Rhyngwladol ac yn gyn-aelod o fwrdd y Cyngor Ymchwil i'r Amgylchedd Naturiol.
Ac yntau'n Athro Emeritws a Chymrawd Ymchwil yng Ngholeg Imperial, mae hefyd yn Gymrawd y Sefydliad Ffiseg, y Gymdeithas Feterolegol Frenhinol, Undeb Geoffisegol America ac aelod o Gymdeithas Feterolegol America.
Cyflwynwyd yr Athro John Harries gan yr Athro Andrew Evans, Pennaeth yr Adran Fathemateg a Ffiseg, ar Ddydd Llun 14 Gorffennaf.
Cyflwyniad i’r Athro John Harries fel Cymrawd Prifysgol Aberystwyth gan yr Athro Andrew Evans, Pennaeth Adran Mathemateg a Ffiseg.
Professor John Harries is one of the world’s most eminent atmospheric physicists and a proud Welshman.
He studied in Birmingham and London and grew his international reputation as a researcher and as a leader at the National Physical Laboratory, the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, the British National Space Centre and at Imperial College, London.
His research specialism lies in the physics of the Earth’s atmosphere, an area of great global importance. Among his many achievements is the first measurement of the atmosphere in the very far infra-red part of the light spectrum, and he has consistently been at the forefront, providing and interpreting the highest quality, reliable information using the latest technology. This resonates strongly with our research ethos here at Aberystwyth in developing the best instruments for materials and space applications.
He has led many large projects, for example bringing together 200 researchers in atmospheric science and space technology at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and building a world-leading research group at Imperial College at the core of international projects such as the Meteosat satellite launched in 2002. Among his many other roles, he has served as President of the Royal Meterological Society and Chair of the European Space Agency’s Earth Observation Programme Board. In 2011 he was awarded NASA’s Distinguished Public Service Medal and in 2014, the Mason Gold Medal of the Royal Meteorological Society.
In 2010, he was appointed as the first Chief Scientific Advisor for Wales, advising the First Minister and the Welsh Government on Science and Technology. He provided us with our first national Science Strategy, Science for Wales and initiated major programmes to bring the world’s best scientists to Wales through Ser Cymru and to bring the top researchers in Wales together in three National Research Networks, are focused on addressing global challenges such as climate change.
In addition to physics, I share with Professor Harries two of his other main passions – family and Welsh Rugby, albeit with slightly different South Walian tribal loyalties for the latter… Professor Harries has family ties with Aberystwyth, we are delighted to see them here today. This has given him the opportunity to contribute to the lively discussions many of us on this stage today regularly have outside the school gates at Ysgol Gymraeg Aberystwyth, some of which have led to adventures such as last month launching a space capsule from the school playing fields.
Madam Is-lywydd, mae’n fraint ac yn bleser gennyf gyflwyno i chi Yr Athro John Harries yn Gymrawd Prifysgol Aberystwyth.
Mae’r Athro Harries yn un o un ar ddeg o Gymrodyr sy’n cael eu hurddo yn ystod seremonïau graddio eleni, ac sydd yn cael eu cynnal yng Nghanolfan y Celfyddydau’r Brifysgol o ddydd Llun 14 tan ddydd Gwener 18 Gorffennaf.
Cyflwynir y teitl Cymrawd er mwyn anrhydeddu pobl adnabyddus sydd â chysylltiad agos â Phrifysgol Aberystwyth neu sydd wedi gwneud cyfraniad mawr i fywyd proffesiynol neu gyhoeddus yng Nghymru.
Y Cymrodyr eraill sydd yn cael eu hurddo eleni yw:
- D Geraint Lewis, awdur, cyn Llyfrgellydd Addysg a Phlant Dyfed a chyn Gyfarwyddwr Addysg Cynorthwyol gyda Chyngor Sir Ceredigion.
- Jeremy Bowen, Golygydd Dwyrain Canol y BBC.
- Syr Michael Moritz, cyfalafwr menter a dyngarwr sy’n wreiddiol o Gaerdydd
- Rhodri Meilir, cyn fyfyriwr ac actor sydd newydd ymddangos yng nghynhyrchiad Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru, Mametz, a dderbyniodd gryn ganmoliaeth.
- Ed Thomas, dramodydd, cyfarwyddwr, cynhyrchydd; un o sylfaenwyr a chyfarwyddwr creadigol ar y cwmni cynhyrchu Fiction Factory.
- Rhod Gilbert, comedïwr a chyflwynydd rhaglenni radio a theledu.
- Yr Athro Bonnie Buntain, Athro Ddeon Cynorthwyol Iechyd Cyhoeddus ym Mhrifysgol Calgary yng Nghanada a chyn Brif Filfeddyg Iechyd Cyhoeddus yng Ngwasanaeth Diogelwch Bwyd ac Archwilio i Adran Amaeth yr Unol Daleithiau.
- Dr John Sheehy, Pennaeth Emeritws ar y Labordy Ffotosynthesis Cymhwysol a Modelu Systemau yn y Sefydliad Ymchwil Reis Rhyngwladol, a chyn-fyfyriwr o Brifysgol Aberystwyth.
- Brian Jones, ffermwr, entrepreneur, a sefydlydd a Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr cwmni Bwydydd Castell Howell Cyf.
- Y Farwnes Kay Andrews, Dirprwy Lefarydd Tŷ’r Arglwyddi, cyn Gadeirydd English Heritage, a chyn fyfyrwraig o Brifysgol Aberystwyth.