Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Module Identifier
Module Title
Photography 5 - Photo Directed Practice
Academic Year
Semester 1
Exclusive (Any Acad Year)
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Portfolio  Notebooks and related research material  100%
Supplementary Assessment Portfolio  Portfolio Submission including: Portfolio of lens-based work   100%

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, students should be able to.
a) Produce a portfolio of prints that clearly demonstrates experimentation and proficiency in processes of photography as appropriate to personal research
b) Produce a body of research that includes notebooks, drawings, written and visual material that clearly demonstrates a line of enquiry that gives expression to personal concerns and ideas
c) Sustain working and resolution of photographic processes
d) Employ techniques and materials in a selective and critical manner with regard to process and subject matter
e) Identify their art practice within the context of contemporary and historical traditions of photography
f) Develop proficient patterns of working within the darkroom/digital suite with regard to issues of health and safety

Brief description

This module which runs concurrently with AR32240 Photography 6 aims to promote self-directed study and emphasises the need for sustained and focussed workshop-based activity. Tutorial support is given on a one-to-one basis and a number of demonstrations in advanced photography techniques are offered ? as required. A professional approach to photography is expected and considerable commitment outside of timetabled sessions is required if a full programme of research is to be engaged upon. For the module students are expected to research and develop a strong conceptual or thematic basis for their work using subject matter that is meaningful and important to them. Development of subject matter may derive from work carried out at Level 2 or may initiate from newly formed ideas and aspirations. Definition of appropriate subject matter is determined by discussion with the student'r tutor and a programme of research and development is then suggested and agreed. For Single honours Students, this programme of research is closely allied to work that is completed for AR30620 Research and Process in Practice and it is important to realise that one module will inform the other.Students are expected to produce a portfolio of photographic prints and associated notebook of process experiments, image plans, drawings, written and visual material, demonstrating both thematic and technical research and experimentation in technique, format and media. Completed photographic prints should be executed with high regard to presentation and photographic convention and wherever appropriate ? work should be fully editioned and presented in a professional manner.


This module promotes self-directed study and focuses upon the conceptual and practical aspects of art practice, the ideas and subject matter, processes, systems, frameworks and precedents governing the processes of making art. Specifically in this module, students concentrate upon developing an experimental approach to the production of photography, researching, testing out ideas, formats and methods and refining their practice in preparation for work on the final exhibition


Research and Photo-Directed Practice Group Seminar: Researching Lines of Enquiry in Theme and Technique Importance of notebooks of experiments, research into appropriate modes of working
Photographs from the University Collection and UWA Student Archive and National Library of Wales
Mid Term Review and Critique of Student Work
Portfolio Submission and Examination Guidelines
Studio Demonstrations (as required) The emphasis of the module is upon experimentation in a variety of photographic processes and techniques - many of which will have been experienced during Modules studied at Level 2 - and which will enable students to develop a personalised mode of working. Opportunity to learn new or more advanced skills can be arranged as required and from the following:
Adobe Photoshop: Digital Photography
Adobe Photoshop: Digital applications in alternative processes
Large format cameras
Cyanotype process
Van Dyke Brownprint
Salt Prints
Gum Bichromate

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Communication development and encouragement of communication skills occurs during workshop-based activity and during tutorials and group seminars
Improving own Learning and Performance development of a self-critical approach to creative working and professional conduct in the production of a portfolio of images
Information Technology development of graphic IT skills through use of digital imaging programmes such as Adobe Photoshop
Problem solving development of practical photographic skills and problem solving in aspects of light-sensitive media and through research
Research skills development of a programme of research and self directed work that provides evidence of experimental approach to light-sensitive media and gives expression to the development of a personal statement
Subject Specific Skills developing skills of alternative process portfolio production self-management, time management and use of studio facilities for completion of self-directed project work
Team work development and encouragement of team work and student interaction occurs during workshop-based activity and during tutorials and group seminars


This module is at CQFW Level 6