Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Module Identifier
Module Title
Precision Livestock
Academic Year
Distance Learning
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Interactive Task  (Minimum 1,200 words)  20%
Semester Assessment Learning Modules with Case Study Report  (2 hours formative MCQs leading to a report of 1000 words)  35%
Semester Assessment Storyboard, marketing pitch  in the form of a digital story and info graphic on agreed precision technology. (Portfolio consisting of a 500 word storyboard, 2 min video and 300 word infographic).  45%
Supplementary Assessment A student may retake elements of assessment equivalent to those that led to module failure.  100%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

​1. Explain the current and future challenges to be solved by precision livestock technologies.

2. Explain what precision technologies are and how they can and have helped improve livestock production systems.

3. Identify where research on precision livestock technologies can be best used by particular production systems.

4. Compare the use of precision livestock data in different supply systems.

5. Evaluate different methods for ensuring uptake and continued use of these technologies by particular sectors.

Brief description

This module is part of the Bioinnovation Wales courses. The module will teach students about the latest research into precision technologies for livestock production and their respective supply chains. Through a mixture of case studies and critical review, research students will evaluate how precision technologies have developed some of the current ideas transforming the industry; as well as emerging ideas to help improve sustainability of production and overall supply. The module will provide the student with an understanding of how technology can help improve the sustainability of a system.

In particular, the module will look at how precision technologies can help producers identify and improve areas of their business and meet the demand for their markets. The module will also look at how precision technologies can help improve food security, supply chain logistics and traceability.


  • ​A brief overview of precision technologies – past and present
  • ​The challenges that precision livestock technologies can solve – strengths and limitations of precision technologies for producers
  • ​Research on current technologies – novel uses for current technologies, a look at current research into the benefits of certain technologies
  • ​Future technologies – concepts and ideas
  • ​Identifying relevant technologies – Look at the research, validation, design and development of new technologies
  • ​Transferring technologies between sectors – adaptation of existing technologies to broaden their use within the industry
  • ​The use of precision technology outputs – Identify how different sectors with supply system can use outputs from precision technologies
  • ​Ensuring uptake and continuance of new technologies – from early adopters to jumping the gap to mainstream
  • ​Case Studies – using case studies to identify how precision technology can be used

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number Learning module will require them to look at and analyse data to present in the report.
Communication Students will be expected to communicate complex research outputs to their peers in the online forums, written assignments and the digital story.
Improving own Learning and Performance ​Detailed feedback will be given for each forum assignment. Feedback will provide general guidance towards the student’s next forum. The storyboarding for the digital story will be submitted before the digital story and the student is expected to take onboard the feedback.
Information Technology Students will be required to source information from a variety of scientific publication data bases and to use Blackboard for all aspects of the module. Creation of their digital story and info graphic requires the use of technology.
Personal Development and Career planning This module will look at some of the latest research into precision technologies, The module will also teach students how to find limitations to research and to identify how new technology might be adopted by an industry through the Report and Marketing assignments but will not look specifically at person development and career planning.
Problem solving Problem based learning challenges alongside online forum posts will be used throughout the module to help develop and improve student’s problem-solving skills.
Research skills Students will be required to undergo directed self-study, so will develop their literature research skills.
Subject Specific Skills Evaluation of new precision technologies for livestock and current research in these technologies. Also the ability to identify possible uses for new technologies and how to get an industry to adopt them.
Team work Online assessments will require students to debate among themselves to develop a consensus of opinion.


This module is at CQFW Level 7