Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Cod y Modiwl
Teitl y Modiwl
Traethawd Hir
Blwyddyn Academaidd
Cyd-gysylltydd y Modiwl
Semester 1 (Dysgwyd dros 2 semester)

Manylion y cyrsiau

Math o Ddysgu Manylion / Hyd Dysgu
Gweithdy 20 x Gweithdai 1 Awr

Dulliau Asesu

Math o Assessiad Manylion / Hyd Assessiad Cyfran
Asesiad Semester Traethawd Hir  1 x 12000 word project Prosiect 12,000 o eiriau   100%
Asesiad Ailsefyll Traethawd Hir  All failed elements of the assessments must be re-taken if the student's average mark falls below the required pass mark of 40%. In this case, failed chapters within the work may be resubmitted.   100%

Canlyniadau Dysgu

Wedi cwblhau'r modiwl dylai'r myfyrwyr fedru:

Undertake independent study.

Plan and present an extended investigation: aims; literature review; methods; analysis.

Demonstrate skills which are associated with library-based study: effective use of bibliographic searches; an ability to choose relevant sources; a sound knowledge and understanding of sources; critical interpretation of sources; an ability to synthesise sources; an ability to present coherent argument.

Demonstrate research skills in a small-scale investigation: an appropriate method of data collection; an appropriate method of data analysis; an awareness of ethical and legal issues in data collection; to apply the results of the analysis to the aims of the dissertation.

Disgrifiad cryno

This module provides students with an opportunity to investigate a topic of their own choice, in consultation with members of staff. It involves independent study under the guidance of a member of staff. It necessitates wide reading, leading to an extended essay. It requires library-based study and typically involves small-scale empirical investigation. Prior approval for joint honours students from the Director of Undergraduate Studies is needed before pre-registering and registering on this module.


5x2-hour sessions designed to equip students with the relevant study/research skills for the Dissertation. These lectures will address: library resources, research skills, structure and ethics.
7x1-hour workshops in groups of 10-12 students. These sessions will involve group work activities with the tutor circulating each group to give guidance and advice.
4x0.5 hours individual progress meetings with supervisor (tutorials).

Sgiliau Modiwl

Math o Sgiliau Manylion Sgiliau
Cyfathrebu Written communication throughout written assessments and oral communication with research participants
Datblygu personol a chynllunio gyrfa Research into a sector of childhood /education and international development field. Research involves time management, self-responsibility and self-reflection. Undertaking a dissertation helps to prepare students for postgraduate study.
Datrys Problemau This is an essential element in the process of critical assessment. Furthermore, students will encounter various problems when undertaking a small-scale project that will need to be overcome.
Gwaith Tim Collating data often requires team work. Workshop sessions will involve team activities.
Gwella dysgu a pherfformiad ei hun Feedback from the written assignment and personal reflection during tutorial meetings. Also, through independent planning, managing time and researching.
Rhifedd Statistical reports will be considered and data to support arguments will be analysed.
Sgiliau pwnc penodol Evaluation of theoretical concepts in the field of education and international development.
Sgiliau ymchwil Research is required for the main assessment as students are required to plan, undertake and write up a small-scale investigation
Technoleg Gwybodaeth Written assignments should be word-processed. Use of data-analysis software often used.


Mae'r modiwl hwn yn cydymffurfio a FfCChC Lefel 6