Digwiddiad Tân

Camau Gweithredu Cyffredinol

Os gallwch weld, clywed neu deimlo tân:

  1. Weithredu'r larwm tân agosaf.
  2. Rhowch wybod i'r Gwasanaethau Brys o ffôn / ffôn symudol mewn lleoliad diogel.
  3. Gadewch yr adeilad drwy'r allanfa agosaf sydd ar gael, cau'r drws eich ystafell ar y ffordd allan.
  4. Ewch ymlaen at eich man ymgynnull lleol.
  5. Peidiwch ag ymladd y tân oni bai eu hyfforddi ac mae'n ddiogel i wneud hynny.
  6. Ufuddhewch cyfarwyddiadau'r Marsialiaid Tân.
  7. Peidiwch â defnyddio lifftiau. (oni bai eu bod wedi eu dynodi ar gyfer gwacau tân)
  8. Peidiwch â dychwelyd i'r adeilad hyd nes awdurdodir i wneud hynny.

Os byddwch yn clywed y larymau mewn adeilad, adael yn brydlon, cau'r drysau tu ôl i chi.

Peidiwch â ffonio'r gwasanaethau brys oni bai eich bod yn gallu gweld, clywed neu deimlo tân.

Yn Lleol

Dilyn gweithdrefnau tân lleol.

Gweler Gweithdrefnau Diogelwch Tân ar gyfer yr adeilad.

Amharu ar Symudedd neu Synhwyraidd

Staff a Myfyrwyr

Mae'r cynhyrchiad Cynlluniau Personol Gadael mewn Argyfwng (CPGMA) i staff a myfyrwyr yn cael ei gydlynu gan y Swyddfa Iechyd, Diogelwch a'r Amgylchedd.

Os ydych yn meddwl eich bod angen CPGMA cysylltwch â'r Swyddfa ID & A a byddwn yn trefnu i gwrdd â chi.


Generic arrangements are in place within the buildings open to the general public (Arts Centre, Sports Centre, HO Library, Hospitality venues). Further information can be obtained from the Reception areas of these buildings.

AU staff who are planning to host a visitor with a relevant mobility or sensory impairment are responsible to ensure that suitable arrangements are made prior to the visit (in general this will simply be to make sure that the visitor is hosted in locations where access and egress are equal, noting that lifts should not be used if the fire alarms are activated). Please contact the HS&E Office if you need advice on these matters when you are planning to host a visit.

Organisers of conferences and other meetings at the University can seek advice from the AU Conference Office.

Fire Alarms - Evacuation from Teaching Rooms

All teaching staff are reminded that should the fire alarms activate during a teaching session then you are responsible for promptly evacuating your class to the appropriate assembly point via the shortest safe route.

Therefore, you should be familiar with the arrangements in each relevant building (Fire Action information is posted in corridors. Escape routes are indicated by white arrows on a green background accompanied by a running man symbol).

If a student in your class has special needs that may affect evacuation then please discuss with the HS&E Office.

Note: Llandinam and Hugh Owen Arts operate a zoned fire alarm system due to their large size. If the alarm sounds 'intermittently' then prepare to evacuate; if the alarm sound should change to 'continuous' then evacuate immediately. (In the HO Libraries please follow the instructions of the Fire Marshals)

Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol:

Tân (Llawlyfrau Diogelwch Tân Adeiladau PA )

System Rhybudd Byddar

Sut i ddefnyddio Diffoddwr Tân