BA Llenyddiaeth Saesneg / Addysg [QX33]
- Blwyddyn Academaidd
- 2025/2026
- Campws
- Aberystwyth
- Anrhydedd Cyfun
- iawn o 2000/2001
- Hyd (astudio Llawn Amser)
- 3 blynedd
- Yn gymwys am wobrau
- Ysgoloriaeth Rhagoriaeth
Rheolau Rhan 1
Blwyddyn 1 Craidd (40 Craidd)
Teitl y Modiwl |
Cod y Modiwl |
Gwerth Credyd |
Semester |
Children's Development and Learning |
Module in Welsh |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Partnerships in Principle and Practice |
Module in Welsh |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Blwyddyn 1 Craidd (40 Craidd)
Blwyddyn 1 Opsiynau
Choose one module (20 credits)
Teitl y Modiwl |
Cod y Modiwl |
Gwerth Credyd |
Semester |
Sgiliau Allweddol i Brifysgol |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Key Skills for University |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Health and Wellbeing in the Early Years |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Language Development in the Early Years |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Datblygiad Iaith yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Datblygiad Iaith yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Play Matters: Understanding and Supporting Learning and Play |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Language Development in the Early Years |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Blwyddyn 1 Opsiynau
Choose 20 credits
Teitl y Modiwl |
Cod y Modiwl |
Gwerth Credyd |
Semester |
Academic Writing: Planning, Process and Product |
0 |
Semester 1 |
Literature And The Sea |
20 |
Semester 1 |
American Literature 1819-1925 |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Re-imagining Nineteenth-Century Literature |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Greek and Roman Epic and Drama |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Language Awareness for TESOL |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Introduction to Poetry |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Contemporary Writing |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Academic Writing: Planning, Process and Product |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Peering into Possibility: Speculative Fiction and the Now |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Rheolau Rhan 2
Blwyddyn 2 Craidd (20 Craidd)
Teitl y Modiwl |
Cod y Modiwl |
Gwerth Credyd |
Semester |
Psychology of Learning and Thinking |
Module in Welsh |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Blwyddyn 2 Craidd (20 Craidd)
Teitl y Modiwl |
Cod y Modiwl |
Gwerth Credyd |
Semester |
Literary Theory: Debates and Dialogues |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Blwyddyn 2 Opsiynau
OPTIONAL MODULES : You must take 20/40-60 credits, ensuring a total of 100-140 credits over the 2nd and final years, from:
Teitl y Modiwl |
Cod y Modiwl |
Gwerth Credyd |
Semester |
Gweithio Gyda Phlant |
0 |
Semester 1 |
Safeguarding and Professional Practice |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Working with Children |
0 |
Semester 1 |
Diogelu ac Ymarfer Proffesiynol |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Education, Diversity and Equality |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Llythrennedd Mewn Plant Ifanc |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Literacy in Young Children |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Gweithio Gyda Phlant |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Research Methods |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Discourses Language and Education |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Dulliau Ymchwil |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Working with Children |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Making Sense of the Curriculum |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Blwyddyn 2 Opsiynau
Choose 20 credits
Teitl y Modiwl |
Cod y Modiwl |
Gwerth Credyd |
Semester |
Literary Modernisms |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Effective Academic and Professional Communication 1 |
20 |
Semester 1 |
A Century in Crisis: 1790s to 1890s |
20 |
Semester 1 |
TESOL Approaches, Methods and Teaching Techniques |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Literature and Climate in the Nineteenth Century |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Contemporary Writing and Climate Crisis |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Literary Geographies |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Literature since the '60s |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Effective Academic and Professional Communication 1 |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Blwyddyn 2 Opsiynau
Blwyddyn Olaf Craidd (20 Craidd)
Teitl y Modiwl |
Cod y Modiwl |
Gwerth Credyd |
Semester |
Assessment and Education |
Module in Welsh |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Assessment and Education |
Module in Welsh |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Blwyddyn Olaf Opsiynau
OPTIONAL MODULES : You must take 20/40-60 credits, ensuring a total of 100-140 credits over the 2nd and final years. You must only take either the AD or the ED module
Teitl y Modiwl |
Cod y Modiwl |
Gwerth Credyd |
Semester |
Special Educational Needs |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Major dissertation |
0 |
Semester 1 |
Hawliau Plant |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Traethawd Hir |
0 |
Semester 1 |
Children's Rights |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Traethawd Hir |
40 |
Semester 2 |
Mathematical Development in the Early Years |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Emotional and Social Development |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Cyfathrebu |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Datblygiad Emosiynol a Chymdeithasol |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Communication |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Datblygiad Mathemategol yn y Blynyddoedd Cynnar |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Major dissertation |
40 |
Semester 2 |
Blwyddyn Olaf Opsiynau
Choose 60 credits
Teitl y Modiwl |
Cod y Modiwl |
Gwerth Credyd |
Semester |
Effective Academic and Professional Communication 2 |
20 |
Semester 1 |
The Mark of the Beast: Animals in Literature from the 1780s to the 1920s |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Reading Theory / Reading Text |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Romantic Eroticism |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Remix: Chaucer In The Then and Now |
20 |
Semester 1 |
Undergraduate Dissertation |
0 |
Semester 1 |
Writing in the Margins: Twentieth-Century Welsh Poetry in English |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Ali Smith and 21st Century fiction(s) |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Undergraduate Dissertation |
40 |
Semester 2 |
Victorian Childhoods |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Literatures of Surveillance |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Haunting Texts |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Effective Academic and Professional Communication 2 |
20 |
Semester 2 |
TESOL Materials Development and Application of Technologies |
20 |
Semester 2 |
Cyswllt ar gyfer y dudalen hon:
Addysg, Prifysgol Aberystwyth, P5, Campws Penglais, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3UX
Ffon Yr Adran: +44 01970 621580 Swyddfa Derbyn: +44 (0)1970 622021