Miss Lowri Jones

Rheolwr y Gofrestrfa Academaidd - Cyfadran y Gwyddorau Daear a Bywyd
Manylion Cyswllt
- Ebost: llj13@aber.ac.uk
- Ffôn: +44 (0) 1970 628489
- Rhagenwau personol: Hi / Ei
Attendance Dept Admin
- NU10960 - Demonstrating Nursing Practice (Part B)
- NU20320 - Complex Field Specific Nursing (Adult)
- NU10220 - Developing Professional Practice
- NU30220 - Innovating Practice
- NU10720 - Developing knowledge of the human body
- NU20220 - Introduction to Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)
- NU20420 - Complex Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)
- NU10120 - Introduction to Professional Practice
- NU20120 - Introduction to Field Specific Nursing - Adult
- NU10020 - Introduction to Nursing Practice
- NU30620 - Compassionate Leadership and Management
- NU10520 - Developing Nursing Practice
- NU33860 - Leading Professional Practice (Part B3)
- NY33860 - Arwain Ymarfer Proffesiynol (Rhan B3)
Blackboard Dept Admin
- NU10520 - Developing Nursing Practice
- NU20320 - Complex Field Specific Nursing (Adult)
- NU10720 - Developing knowledge of the human body
- NU10960 - Demonstrating Nursing Practice (Part B)
- NU20120 - Introduction to Field Specific Nursing - Adult
- NU10120 - Introduction to Professional Practice
- NU10220 - Developing Professional Practice
- NU10020 - Introduction to Nursing Practice
- NU20220 - Introduction to Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)
- NU20420 - Complex Field Specific Nursing (Mental Health)
- NU30220 - Innovating Practice
- NU30620 - Compassionate Leadership and Management
- NU33860 - Leading Professional Practice (Part B3)
- NY33860 - Arwain Ymarfer Proffesiynol (Rhan B3)