Comparison with other EU HE Qualifications
Country | Qualification | UK 2ii Honours standard | Good 2ii Honours | UK 2i Honours standard | UK 1st Class Honours standard |
Austria | Bachelor Diplomstudium/Magister |
3.20 |
2.20 | 1.60 |
Belgium | Bachelor Licentiaat / Licencié |
60% 12.00 |
66.5% 14.60 |
Cum laude or a cum fructu with good references or avec distinction or overal average of 70% 16.00
Magna Cum laude, minimum 80% 18.00 |
Bulgaria | Bachelor (from 2001) Diploma za Zavarsheno Visshe Obrazovanie |
4.0 (from 2001) |
4.7 (from 2001) |
5.0 (from 2001) | 6.0 (from 2001) |
Croatia | Baccalaureus | 3.00 | 3.52 | 3.80 | 4.50 |
Cyprus | Ptychion Bachelor |
6.5 |
7.15 |
7.50 | 8.50 |
Czech Republic | Bakalár Magistr (formerly Absolvent Vysoké Skoly |
2.70 |
2.38 |
2.20 | 1.20 |
Denmark | Bachelor Candidatus Philosophiae Diplomingeniør Professionbachelor / Eksanmensbevis |
7.50 (on 13-pt scale) 4.20 (on 12-pt scale) |
8.15 (on13-pt scale) 5.85 (on 12-pt scale) |
8.50 (on 13 -pt scale) 6.75 (on 12-pt scale) |
11.0 (on13-pt scale) 9.50 on (on 12-pt scale) |
Estonia |
'D' Grade with 2.00 out of 6.00 or 3.00 out of 5.00 | 'D' Grade with 2.65 out of 6.00 or 3.33 out of 5.00 |
'C' Grade bordering on a 'B' Grade / 3.00 out of 6.00 or 3.50 out of 5.00 |
'A' Grade /4 out of 6 / 4 out of 5 |
Finland | Kandidaatti / kandidat (lower academic degree, min. 120 credits new system) (2005 -) Oikeusnotaari (lower academic law degree) Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto, AMK / yrkeshögskoleexamen, YHS (polytechnic degree, min. 120 credits) - new system since 1996 Maisteri / magister (higher academic degree, min. 160 credits/5 years) as of 1996 Proviisori / provisor (higher academic degree in Pharmacy, min. 200 credits) |
Min. 120 credits (new system from 2005) 2/3 or 3/5 |
Min. 120 credits (new system from 2005) 2/3 or 3/5 |
Min. 120 credits (new system from 2005) 2/3 or 4/5 |
Min. 120 credits (new system from 2005) 3/3 or 5/5
France |
Licence (before 2009) Licence (from 2009) Diplôme from an Ecole Superieure de Commerce / Gestion / Politique Diplôme d'Ingénieur Maîtrise |
Licence (before 2009) 12.2 Licence from 2009 (and other listed qualifications) 10.8 |
Licence (before 2009) 13.37 Licence (from 2009 and other listed qualifications) 11.71 |
Licence (before 2009) 14.0 Licence (from 2009 and other listed qualifications) 12.2 |
Licence (before 2009) 16.0 Licence (from 2009 and other listed qualifications) 14.0 |
Germany | Bachelor Fachhochschuldiplom (Diplom (FH)) Magister Artium / Diplom / Erstes Staatsexamen (First State Examination) |
3.20 |
2.55 |
2.20 | 1.60 |
Greece |
Diploma from AEN; Diploma/Degree from TEI |
awarded by an AEN: 6.00 awarded by a TEI: 6.50 |
awarded by an AEN: 6.68 awarded by a TEI: 7.15 |
awarded by an AEN: 7.00 awarded by a TEI: 7.50 |
awarded by an AEN: 8.50 awarded by a TEI: 9.00 |
Hungary | Egyetemi Oklevel Foiskola Oklevel Alapképzés/Bachelor degree |
Egyetemi Oklevel or Alapkepses/Bachelors degree: 2.50 Foiskola Oklevel 3.50 |
Egyetemi Oklevel or Alapkepses/Bachelors degree: 3.15 Foiskola Oklevel 4.15 |
Egyetemi Oklevel or Foiskola Oklevel 4.50 |
Egyetemi Oklevel or Alapképzés/Bachelor degree: 5.00 |
Italy | Diploma di Laurea Licenza di Accademia di Belle Arti Corsi di Master Universitario di primo livello Corsi di Specializzazione di primo livello |
94 |
100 |
104 |
109 |
Rep. of Ireland | Bachelors | H2.2 |
56.5% |
H2.1 | H1 |
Latvia | Bakalaurs (courses from 2000) Professional Bachelor Degree Magistrs (pre-2000) |
6.00 |
6.98 |
7.50 | 9.00 |
Lithuania | Bakalauras (Bachelor degree) (courses from 2000) Magistras (Master's degree)(pre-2000) |
6.00 |
7.30 |
8.00 | 10.00 |
Luxembourg | Bachelor Diplôme d'Ingénieur Industriel |
bien 14.0/20.0 |
bien 15.3/20.0 |
très bien 16.0/20.0 |
excellent 18.00 |
Malta | Bachelors Honours | Lower Second Class Honours | 64% at Bachelors Honours | Upper Second Class Honours | First Class Honours |
Netherlands | Bachelor degree (courses from 2002) / Doctoraal / Getuigschrift Hoger Beroepsonderwijs (HBO) |
Overal average of 6.0 to 6.9 |
Overal average of 6.65 |
Overall average of 7.0 to 7.9 | Overall average of 8.0 to 10.0 |
Poland |
Magister (with subject title)(before 2001) Licencjat / Inżynier (Bachelor degree (post 2002) |
3.50 |
3.96 |
4.20 |
5.00 |
Portugal | Licenciado / Diploma de Estudos Superiores Especializados | Overall average of 14.0 to 15.9 |
Overall average 15.3 |
Overall average of 16.0 to 17.9 (muito bom com distinção) | Overall average of at least 18.0 = muito bom com distinção e louvor |
Romania |
Diploma de Licenta (from 2003) /Diploma de Inginer (from 2003) |
Overall average 6.50 |
Overall average 7.15 |
Overall average 7.50 | Overall average 8.50 |
Slovakia | Bakalár (from 2005) Magister / Inzinier (formerly Absolvent Vysokej školy) Overall grading dobrý / C |
2.5 |
2.1 |
2 | 1.5 |
Slovenia |
Diplomant, Professionally Oriented First Degree |
At least 7.00 |
At least 7.68 |
At least 8.00 |
At least 9.00 |
Spain |
Licenciado / Título de Ingeniero / Título de Arquitecto |
6.00 UCM grade system: 1.50 |
6.65 UCM grade system: 1.83 |
7.00 UCM grade system: 2.00 |
9.00 UCM grade system: 3.00 |
Sweden | Kandidatexamen (min 120 credits) | (Min 120 credits) - At least 100 credits at G (Godkand) with good supporting references | (Min. 120 credits) - At least 70 credits at VG (Val Godkand) | (Min 120 credits)- At least 90 credits at VG (Väl Godkänd) | (Min 120 credits) - At least 110 credits at VG (Väl Godkänd) with excellent supporting references |
Country | UK Masters standard |
Austria | Master's degree |
Belgium | Master's degree (courses from 2004) |
Bulgaria | Master's degree (courses from 2001) |
Cyprus | |
Czech Republic | Magistr (courses from 2001) |
Denmark |
Magisterkonfereus (Magister Artium) Candidatus - second level (long cycle) university degree (usually post 1995) |
Eire | Master's degree |
Estonia | Magistrikraad |
Finland |
Proviisori / provisor (higher academic degree in Pharmacy, min. 200 credits) |
France | Master's degree (courses from 2002) Mastère Specialisé Magistère (introduced in 1985) Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures Specialisées Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies |
Germany | Master Lizentiat / Aufbaustudium / Zweites Staatsexamen |
Greece | Metaptychiakon Spoudon Diploma |
Hungary | Egyetemi Doktor (1983-1996) |
Italy | Corsi di Master Universitario di secondo livello Corsi di Specializzione di secondo livello |
Latvia | Magistrs (courses from 2000) |
Lithuania | Magistras (Master's degree) (courses from 2000) |
Luxembourg | Master |
Malta | Master's degree |
Netherlands | Master's degree (courses from 2002) |
Poland | Magister degree (post 2000) |
Portugal | Master's degree Mestrado / Mestra |
Romania | Diploma de Master |
Slovakia | Magister / Inzinier, Master's Degree / Engineer (awarded from 2003) Doktor Filozofie (abbr. PhDr.) |
Slovenia |
Magister |
Spain | Magister |
Sweden | Magisterexamen (min 160 credits) Licentiatexamen (Licentiate) Master's degree / International Master's degree (in English |